How to calculate this mathematical reasoning? 2, 8, 32128,

How to calculate this mathematical reasoning? 2, 8, 32128,

128*4 = 512

How to calculate this mathematical reasoning: 0.5,2,9 / 2,8,)
A、12.5 B、27/2 C、29/2 D、16

There are two below and one, three, five, seven, nine above
5 is 1 / 2, 2 is 4 / 2, then 9 / 2, 8 is 16 / 2, the last one should be 16 + 9 = 25
Divided by 2 is 12.5
Choose a

222222 (23 19:44:24)
1. It is known that when the machine is working, the oil consumption is 9kg per hour. At present, the oil in the oil tank is more than 38kg but less than 45kg. Ask the oil in the oil tank for the working time t of the machine (&# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160;)
2. Given that 5x-2y = 6, when 6 ≤ 7x-1 < 12, the value range of Y is ()
3. It is known that the solutions of the equations x + 3Y = 1 + 3M and 3x + y = 1-m about X and y do not satisfy the inequality x + Y > 2 molecule 3, then the value range of M is (& # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160;)
4. Given that inequality 5-2x ≥ - 1 and x-a is greater than 0, there is no solution, then the value orientation of a is (& # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160;)
5. Let 2x-m be greater than 2 and 3x-2m be less than - 1, and there is no solution
I can't do it. Question 5 needs a process! Why can't it come out

If 1.38/9 < t < 45 / 9, then 38 / 9 < t < 52.6 ≤ 7x-1 < 12 is divided into 6 ≤ 7x-1, then x ≥ 17x-1 < 12, then x < 13 / 73. If x + 3Y = 1 + 3M, then 3x + y = 1-m, then Formula 1 * 3 is 3x + 9y = 3 + 9m, and formula 3-2 is y = m + 1 / 4. If x + y > 3 / 2, then M = 04

What kind of image can't find the zero point of function by dichotomy

Functions that are not strictly monotone

It is known that the abscissa of the two intersections of the parabola y = ax & # 178; + BX + C and X axis is (- 1,3), and its maximum value is - 3 / 2. (1) determine the analytical formula of the parabola. (2) determine the opening direction, symmetry axis and vertex coordinates of the parabola

The two intersections of the parabola y = ax & # 178; + BX + C and X axis are (- 1,0) (3,0). From the symmetry of the parabola, we know that its symmetry axis is a straight line x = 1, so the vertex of the parabola is (1, - 3 / 2) (1) let y = ax & # 178; + BX + C = a (x + 1) (x - 3). When x = 1, y = - 3 / 2 is substituted into a =

It is known that the shape of the parabola y = - 1 / 3x & # 178; + 3x-2 is the same as that of y = ax & # 178;, and the direction of the two openings is opposite


Solve the following equations: (1) 3-2 (X-5) = x + 1; (2) 5 (X-2) = 4 - (2-x); (3) 3x - [1 - (2 + 3x)] = 7 (4) half x-3 (4-x) = - 12
The solution of equation 3x-1 = x is ()
The solution of equation 5 (X-5) + 2x = - 4 is ()
If 2 (x + 3) and 3 (1-x) are opposite numbers, then x equals ()
Solve the following equation and write the test process:

Given that x2-xy = 21, xy-y2 = - 12, the values of x2-y2 and x2-2xy + Y2 are obtained respectively


Solution equation (x + 10) (500-10x) = 8000


If the solutions of the equations {5x-4y = m, - 4x + 5Y = 2m-1 for X and y satisfy x + y = 8, try to find the value of M

5x-4y=m (1)
-4x+5y=2m-1 (2)
x+y=8 (3)
(1) (2), x + y = 3m-1 (4)
(4) Substituting (3), we get
The value of M is 3