According to the required operation sequence, fill in the corresponding brackets for the formula. Formula: 4.8 + 7 / 8-3 / 4 + 0.5-1 / 5 1. Add add subtract subtract: 2. Minus plus minus: 3. Minus minus plus plus: 4. Minus plus minus plus: 5. Add subtract subtract add:

According to the required operation sequence, fill in the corresponding brackets for the formula. Formula: 4.8 + 7 / 8-3 / 4 + 0.5-1 / 5 1. Add add subtract subtract: 2. Minus plus minus: 3. Minus minus plus plus: 4. Minus plus minus plus: 5. Add subtract subtract add:

4.8+{(7/8-3/4)+(0.5-1/5 )}
4.8+(7/8-3/4)+(0.5-1/5 )

0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5 = 1, plus operation symbols and parentheses make the formula hold


Add brackets to make the formula operate in the order of / * - 8.4-8.4 * 1.5/3.3
And 3500 hectares = () square kilometers?


If you add a percentage sign to a number, the number will be reduced by 29.7______ .

29.7 ÷ (1-1%), = 29.7 ÷ 0.99, = 30; answer: the number is originally 30; so the answer is: 30

There is a mathematical operation symbol "*", which makes the following formula true: 1 * 4 = 6, 5 * 3 = 13, 3 * 5 = 11,
6 * 8 = 20, 4 * 3 = 3 * 4=

4 * 3=4X2+3=11
3 * 4 =3X2+4=10

Ninety nine times twenty-seven equals (one hundred minus one) and twenty-seven equals one hundred times twenty-seven minus twenty-seven?

This is convenient for oral calculation. The use of the multiplier distribution rate

Given & nbsp; x2 + xy = 12, XY + y2 = 15, find the value of algebraic formula (x + y) 2-2y (x + y)

The original formula = x2 + 2XY + y2-2xy-2y2 = x2-y2, ∵ x2 + xy = 12 ①, XY + y2 = 15 ②, ∵ ① - ②, we get x2-y2 = - 3, ∵ original formula = - 3

Uncle Wang Feng wants to buy 12 cases of mineral water for his company
Supermarket a: there are 24 bottles in each box. The price is 24 yuan. If you buy five boxes, you will get half a box free. Supermarket a: there are 24 bottles in each box. The original price is 24 yuan, and the current price is 95% off. Which is the best price for uncle wang to buy? Yes, 50 points will be offered

Supermarket a 24 * 11 = 264 yuan
Supermarket 24 * 12 * 95% = 273.6 yuan
It's a good deal for Uncle Wang to go to a supermarket

We know that x is a positive integer, y = x ^ 2_ What is the minimum value of X + 1 / x?

When x is equal to 1, there is a minimum value of 1. When x > = 2, the original formula is x ^ 2-x + 1 / x > x ^ 2-x = x (x-1) > = x > 1, so the minimum value is 1

How to spell hamburger
