4X = 24.4 solve the equation

4X = 24.4 solve the equation


Solve the equation 4x-24 = 68


How much is 1 in 12 minus 3 in 10 minus 1 in 15?

17 out of 60

If there is friction, there must be elasticity?
Explain why
The language should be concise

Friction condition
1. Contact and squeeze each other ((elastic condition)
2. Rough contact surface
3. Relative movement tendency or relative movement

3x times (2x plus 1) equals 4x plus 2

The distance between the two cities is 342km. A bus and a truck leave the two cities at the same time. After 4 hours, they meet
It is known that passenger cars travel 5.5 kilometers more per hour than freight cars. How many kilometers did passenger cars and freight cars travel when they met

Suppose the speed of freight car is x km / h, then the speed of passenger car is x + 5.5 km / h
Bus travel distance: L1 = (40 + 5.5) * 4 = 182 km
Distance: L2 = 40 * 4 = 160 km

2 / 3 - (4 / 5-1 / 2)
Two thirds minus four fifths minus one half. It's simple and convenient

=20 out of 30 - (24 out of 30-15 out of 30)
=20-9 out of 30
=11 out of 30

Factorization: the square of a B-9B


There are 5 boxes of fruit in the store. After taking 6 kg from each box, the rest of the fruit is just the weight of the original 3 boxes of fruit, which is the weight of each box of fruit______ Kilogram

5 × 6 △ (5-3) = 30 △ 2, = 15 (kg), that is, the original weight of each box of fruit is 15 kg

When a is greater than 0 and B is less than 0, | 6-5b | - | 3a-2b | - | 6b-1 | (simplification)
Please write down the reason when calculating

When B0, 6b-1 = 2B, that is, a > = 2B / 3, the original formula = 6-5b - (3a-2b) + (6b-1) = 3b-3a + 5