If (3x + 1) ^ 5 = ax ^ 5 + BX ^ 4 + CX ^ 3 + DX ^ 2 + ex + F, find the value of F

If (3x + 1) ^ 5 = ax ^ 5 + BX ^ 4 + CX ^ 3 + DX ^ 2 + ex + F, find the value of F

It holds for any real number X
Let x = 0, then

Let a = {2x & # 178; + ax + 2 = 0}, B = {X & # 178; + 3x + 2A = 0}, a ∪ B = {& # 189;, - 5,2}, find a ∩ B

For the function f (x) defined on, if the real number XO satisfies
For function f (x) defined on, if real number x0 satisfies f (x0) = x0, then x0 is said to be a fixed point of function f (x). If function f (x) = x square + ax + 1 has no fixed point, the value range of real number a is?

The equation x & sup2; + ax + 1 = x has no real root,
That is: the discriminant of the equation △ 0
That is: (A-1) & sup2; - 4 < 0
The solution is: 1 < a < 3, that is, the range of A

The method used as image to solve the equations x + y = 7,2x-y = 8
50 points faster

Make straight lines y = - x + 7 and y = 2x-8
The coordinates of the intersection point are: (5,2)
So: the solution of this system of equations is: x = 5; y = 2

What is the general formula of 1,12123123412345?

10 ^ (n + 1) is the (n + 1) power of 10

Let f (x) be continuous on [0,1] and f (0) = f (1). It is proved that there must be XO ∈ [0,1 / 2] such that f (XO) = f (XO + 1 / 2)

Consider the function f (x) = f (x) - f (x + 1 / 2) x ∈ [0,1 / 2] f (0) = f (0) - f (1 / 2) f (1 / 2) = f (1 / 2) - f (1) = f (1 / 2) - f (0) 1. If f (0) = f (1 / 2), there exists XO = 0 ∈ [0,1 / 2], such that f (XO) = f (XO + 1 / 2) 2. If f (0) ≠ f (1 / 2), f (0) * f (1 / 2) = - [f (0) - f (1 / 2)] & # 178

How to use water, beaker, balance to measure the density of milk, write the experimental steps and calculation formula
Xiao Ming wants to measure the density of the milk he usually mixed with. Now he has only a balance, beaker and some water to use. Please help him find a way to measure the density of the milk and write down the experimental steps and calculation expressions

How to measure volume with beaker?
Should be:
Measure the mass of beaker with balance, and then fill the beaker with water to measure the total mass
Water mass = total mass - beaker mass
The water is full,
Beaker volume = water volume = water mass / water density
Then use the methods you used upstairs
Record the volume of beaker as v
Fill the beaker with milk, V
Measuring total mass with balance
Milk mass (m) = total mass beaker mass
Milk density = m / V

Advantages and disadvantages of writing e-mail in English and network
The quality of composition

Advantages and disadvantages of e-mail: E-mail advantagesand disadvantages
Network advantages and disadvantages
Do you want this or an English composition

Why is the higher order infinitesimal of x plus the higher order infinitesimal of x square equal to the higher order infinitesimal of X, please explain (^ 3 ^)

What is the quotient of the difference between 2.8 and one and a fifth divided by the product of 7 and a ninth
Find the number

Quotient = (2.8-1-1 / 5) / (7 × (1 / 9))
Let this number be x, then we have:
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