The last three digits of the product of a natural number multiplied by 17 are 123. What is the smallest integer?

The last three digits of the product of a natural number multiplied by 17 are 123. What is the smallest integer?

Let abc9 be 7 * 9 = 63, in order to make G + 9 be 2, then G is 3, and only 6 + 7 = 13, so the product of 7 and C must be 7, then C = 1,1 + 1 = 2 × 17 -- in order to make the sum of 7 and 2 after adding 1 to the product of 7 and f be 1, only 8 + 1 + 2 = 11, so f can only be 4

The least common multiple of two natural numbers within 50 is 123, and the difference between the two numbers is ()

Decomposition quality factor
123 = 3 × 41
Because 3 and 41 are prime numbers and less than 50, the required numbers are 3 and 41,
The difference is 41-3 = 38

All natural numbers are integers______ (judge right or wrong)

From the analysis, we can see that natural numbers are all integers

focus on the dot in the centre and move you head backwards and forwards.weird Translation

(eyes) focus on the central point and move your head back and forth
No context, I can only translate like this, maybe it's a strange animation!

Solve the following equation about X: (1) 4x + B = AX-8; (2) K (kx-1) = 3 (kx-1)
The discussion on the possible value of letter coefficient in each equation is a little doubtful,

Next, both sides need to divide by A-4 at the same time, so we need to discuss two cases: a = 4 and a ≠ 4
When a ≠ 4, x = (B + 8) / (A-4)
When a = 4, the left side = 0, we need to discuss the right side
1) When B = - 8, the right side = 0, at this time, no matter what the value of X, the equation holds, so the solution of X is all real numbers
2) When B ≠ - 8, the right side ≠ 0, then no matter what the value of X is, the equation does not hold and there is no solution
The second question is the same as above

System of linear inequalities with one variable
It is known that a two digit ten digit number is one less than a single digit number. If the two digit number is greater than 22 and lower than 37, find the two digit number

23 or 34

In a series of 50 data, the average is 42. If two numbers 120 and 60 are rounded off, what is the average of the remaining numbers

Method 1 (42 * 50-120-60) / 48 = 40
Method 2 42 - (120 + 60-42 * 2) / 48 = 42-2 = 40

Simple calculation: 7.8 times 3.04 + 5.96 times 7.8 + 7.8, 0.9999 times 0.9 + 0.1111 times 1.9
86.4 divided by 6.4-0.4 5.6 multiplied by 1.25 13.7 multiplied by 0.25-3.7 divided by 4

7.8×3.04+5.96×7.8+7.8 =7.8×(3.04+5.96+1)=7.8×10=780.9999×0.9+0.1111×1.9=0.1111×8.1+0.1111×1.9=0.1111×(8.1+1.9)=0.1111×10=1.11186.4÷6.4-0.4 =86.4÷1.6÷4-0.4=54÷4-0.4=13.5-0.4=13.15.6×...

Science and technology books account for 40% of the total books in the school library, and story books account for 30% of the total books. There are 1200 more science and technology books than story books?

A: there are 12000 books in the school library

6, 7, 8, 16, 1 according to this rule, calculate the numbers 55, 65, 75, 155 ()

6 ,7 ,8,16 ,1
55 ,65 ,75 ,155 ( 5)