What is the sum of the largest negative integer and the smallest natural number(

What is the sum of the largest negative integer and the smallest natural number(

Remember: the International Mathematical Association stipulates that 0 is a natural number

How to judge whether a fraction is an integer, a positive number, a negative number, or a natural number

Step 1: first, consider the sign, change the fraction into the simplest fraction (the numerator denominator is reduced to the greatest common factor at the same time), and then see whether the denominator is 1. If the denominator is 1, then the fraction is actually an integer. If the denominator is not 1, then the fraction is a fraction (decimal);
The second step: on the basis of the first step, judge the sign of the whole number (formula) according to the sign rule that the same sign gets positive and the different sign gets negative

In - 9,8,102,0, - 5,5, [] is an integer, [] is a positive number, [] is a negative number, [] is a natural number?

102,8,5 are integers, 102,5 are positive numbers, - 9, - 5 are negative numbers, 8102,0,5 are natural numbers

If A.B.C is used to represent rational numbers a, B, C and 0 respectively as the origin, a < C < 0, b > is known. C + | a + 2B | + | C-B |, and | C | - | - a | - B |

There are fewer conditions
It should be b > | a | or b > | a | / 2
In that case
The first formula is C +. 2B + A. + B-C = 3B + a
The second formula = - C + a-b

Given that (LGC / a) ^ 2 = 4lga / b.lgb/c, then 〡, B, C are equal ratio sequence a, equal difference sequence C, constant sequence D and above

(LGC / a) ^ 2 = 4lga / b.lgb/c, we can know that a, B, C are not 0 (LGA / C) &# 178; = 4LG (A / b). LG (B / C) [LG (A / b) + LG (B / C)] &# 178; = 4LG (A / b). LG (B / C)  [LG (A / b) - LG (B / C)] &# 178; = 0  LG (A / b) = LG (B / C)  A / b = B / C  a, B, C are equal ratio series

Given that the function f (x) = x (x-C) &# 178 has a maximum at x = 2, find the value of C
Find the value of C,

Because f (x) = x (x-C) ²
So f '(x) = (x-C) &# 178; + 2x (x-C) = 3x & # 178; - 4cx + C & # 178;
Because f (x) has a maximum at x = 2, we can get that f '(x) must have a factor (X-2), and f' (x)

In order to find the solution of the original equation, we hope that we can use two methods (substitution elimination method and addition and subtraction elimination method)

Let {x + y-2z = 5}
2x-y-z=4 ②
3x+y-3z=10 ③
From ① + ②, x-z = 3, ④
From ② + ③, 5x-4z = 14, ⑤
So we can get x = 2 and z = - 1 from 5 - 4 * 4
Y = 1 can be obtained by substituting 2
Substitution elimination method:
From formula 2, z = 2x-y-4 can be obtained by substituting Formula 1 and formula 3
{ y-x=-1 ④
4y-3x=-2 ⑤
The solution is x = 2, y = 1
Substitute z = 2x-y-4 to get

Give the number of a column in order, - 1,2, - 4,8, - 16,32, - 64.. what is the number of this column in 2009

It is observed that the law is: the nth power of (- 1) × the nth power of (2)
Therefore, the number of 2009 is the power of 2009 of (- 1) and the power of 2008 of (2)
Calculate the exact number yourself

-Is the coefficient of the cubic power of x greater than that of Y or that of - 1

-The third power of X and the coefficient of Y are - 1
The coefficient of "- 1" is 1
-The coefficient of 1 is large

What is the basis of denominator elimination in solving linear equation of one variable____________

Dear landlord
The left and right sides of the equation multiply or divide by a nonzero number, and the equation still holds
I wish you every success