3. 0, 1.7, 5%, -- 7, 9, which are positive numbers, which are natural numbers, which are negative numbers, which are integers

3. 0, 1.7, 5%, -- 7, 9, which are positive numbers, which are natural numbers, which are negative numbers, which are integers

Positive numbers: 3,9
Natural number: 0,3,9
Negative number: - 7
Integers: 3, 0, -- 7, 9
Decimal: 1.7
Percentage: 5%

What are positive and negative numbers, and what are integers and natural numbers?

A positive number is greater than zero, a negative number is less than zero, an integer is a number without a decimal point, and a natural number is greater than or equal to zero

Are negative numbers natural numbers

Arrange the positive integers according to the rule shown in the figure. If the ordinal number pair (n, m) is used to represent the m-th number from left to right in the m-th row, for example, (4,3) is used to represent the integer 9,
Arrange the positive integers according to the rule shown in the figure. If the ordinal number pair (n, m) is used to represent the m-th number from left to right in the m-th row, such as (4,3) to represent the integer 9, then the integer represented by (11,3) is

Is that it? 1, 2, 3

The smallest negative integer with absolute value is an integer with absolute value less than 4-----
The negative integer with the smallest absolute value is------
Integers with absolute values less than 4 have-----
The absolute value is equal to his own thing------

Nonnegative number

Seeking the template of universal lesson presentation in primary school mathematics

Refer to this

The ratio of the number of pieces in the two boxes is 1:4. If you take 14 pieces from Box B to a, the ratio of the number of pieces in the two boxes is 3:5
How many pieces are there in each box?

If there are x in a, then there are 4x in B
(x+14):( 4x-14)=3:5
The solution is x = 16,
There were 16 in a and 64 in B
A: there were 16 for a and 64 for B

Use 325 floor tiles as shown in the right picture to pave a room with an area of 120 square meters. The length is 0.3 meters and the width is 1.2 meters

The area of each piece is 0.3 × 1.2 = 0.36 m2, so the total area is 0.36 × 325 = 117 m2, so it is not enough

Box a and Box B weigh 44 kg in total. After taking out 1 / 4 of each box, there are 12 kg left in box a and how many kg left in Box B?

Take out one quarter of a and there is 12kg left, which means that three quarters of a is 12kg. Divide 12 by three quarters to get that a is 16KG, then B is 44-16 = 28KG, so B has 28 * 3 / 4 = 21kg left

A primary school proportion problem, requires a formula (preferably with proportion solution)
In the first half of the year, the automobile factory produced 26400 cars, accounting for 60% of the annual plan?

It can be set x months in advance