What are the big and small letters in two strokes? What are the big and small letters in three strokes?

What are the big and small letters in two strokes? What are the big and small letters in three strokes?

Two: b.d.g.j.p.q.r.t.x
Three strokes: a.e.f.h.i.k.n.y
It's hard to say. I have different writing habits

Natural number set, integer set, rational number set, real number set, are they finite or infinite?


1. 7. Negative 4, 60, 3, 5, 0.09, five out of seven integer 〔 natural number 〕 negative number 〔 fraction 〕 decimal 〕

Integer (1,7, - 4,60,3,5,) natural number (1,7,60,3,5) negative number (- 4,) fraction (0.09, 5 / 7) decimal (0.09)

As shown in the figure, the two self angle sides of a 45 ° triangle HBE coincide with the two sides of the square ABCD, and make the angle bisector of EF ⊥ AE intersection ∠ DCE at point F through point E. try to explore the quantitative relationship between AE and EF, and explain the reason

I guess without a picture If you see something wrong, you'd better send it to the picture. Because ABCD is a square, so ad | BC, ad | CE, | had = 90 °, DCE = 90 ° EF ⊥ AE, so | AEF = 90 ° = | had AE cuts AD and CE, so | DAE = | AEC, | DAE + | had = | AEC + ⊥ AEF, that is | hae =

Simplification ratio: 0.3:1:3 ratio: 3:0.25 45:1.5 hours

Solution 0.3:1 / 3
3 / 7: 0.25
45 minutes: 1.5 hours
=45: 90

It's a very simple quadratic radical. It's really simple,
(Note: the symbol "√" is the root sign and "^" is the power. For example: x ^ 2, the power of X is 2)
√(36/a^2 + 36/ b^2)=?
Let's go over the words
Under the root sign (36 / 2 of a plus 36 / 2 of B) is equal to?

√(36/a^2 + 36/ b^2)=√[36(1/a^2+1/b^2)]=6√(1/a^2+1/b^2)

As shown in the figure, in ladder ABCD, ad ∥ BC, e and F are the middle points of diagonal BD and AC respectively. It is proved by vector method that EF is parallel to BC

AC = AD + DC DB = AB ad EF = EA + AD + DF = 1 / 2ca + AD + 1 / 2dB = - 1 / 2 (AD + DC) + AD + 1 / 2 (AB AD) = 1 / 2 (AB DC) AB DC is parallel to BC, that is ef is parallel to BC

"Sum of squares" equation pagoda x + (x + 1) & #178; +... + (x + k) & #178; = (x + K + 1) & #178; +... + (x + K + k) & #178; finding positive integer roots
It is known that 3 & # 178; + 4 & # 178; = 5 & # 178; [i.e. 2 & # 178; + (2 + 1) & # 178; = (2 + 2) & # 178;]
There are also 10 & # 178; + 11 & # 178; + 12 & # 178; = 13 & # 178; + 14 & # 178; [that is, 10 & # 178; + (10 + 1) & # 178; + (10 + 2) & # 178; = (10 + 3) & # 178; + (10 + 4) & # 178;]
Then, given a positive integer k, the univariate quadratic equation x + (x + 1) & # 178; +... + (x + k) & # 178; = (x + K + 1) & # 178; +... + (x + K + k) & # 178;
Is there a positive integer root? If so, use K to express the positive integer root of the equation
I find that the quadratic equation of one variable is X & # 178; - 4kx-4k & # 178; - 2K = 0, then △ = 32K & # 178; + 8K, and no further down
If yes, please complete the answer; if not, please give the correct solution. Thank you

It seems that your solution is not quite right. The equation itself should be x ^ 2 + (x + 1) ^ 2 +... + (x + k) ^ 2 = (x + K + 1) ^ 2 +... + (x + K + k) ^ 2. There are K + 1 square terms on the left and K terms on the right. Move the last K terms on the left to the right. There are x ^ 2 = [(x + K + 1) ^ 2 - (x + 1) ^ 2] +... + [(x + K + k) ^ 2 - (x + k) ^ 2 - (x + k) ^ 2

Fill in the blanks for the sixth grade of primary school
The two right sides of a right triangle ABC, AC = 4cm, BC = 3cm, rotate one circle around the axis of AC side, the geometry is (), its bottom radius is (), and its height is ()

Cone 3 5

The circumference of a rectangle is 30cm and the area is 54cm. What is the length and width of the rectangle?

9he 6 A + B = 15 AB = 27 question: is there a simpler algorithm