The following numbers are classified: 28 45 3.6 - 30 9 / 11 987 2 / 3 - 3 / 7 8.25, positive numbers are: (), negative numbers; (), natural numbers: () Integer: () decimal: () fraction: ()

The following numbers are classified: 28 45 3.6 - 30 9 / 11 987 2 / 3 - 3 / 7 8.25, positive numbers are: (), negative numbers; (), natural numbers: () Integer: () decimal: () fraction: ()

The positive number is 28 45 987 3.6 9 / 11 2 / 3 8.25
Negative number - 3 - 3 / 7
Natural number 28 45 987 0
Integer 28 45 987 0 - 3
Decimal 3.6 8.25
Score 9 / 11 2 / 3 - 3 / 7

In the ten numbers of 7, - 2.5,3,0, + 8, - 0.5, + 2.3, four ninths, one-third and 3.5, [] is a positive number, [] is a negative number, [] is a natural number
Is an odd number is an even number is a prime number is a composite number

7,5,3, + 8,5, + 2,3, four ninths are positive numbers - 2, and one third are negative numbers
0,7,5,3,0, + 8, - 0, + 2,3 are natural numbers
A positive number is a number greater than zero, whether it is an integer or a fraction, a decimal, a negative number is less than zero, and a natural number is 1,2,3,4 This is a positive integer, and it should be noted that 0 is also a natural number.)

In the numbers of 0.5, - 3, + 5,0, - 0.2, - 3 / 8, + 6, the natural numbers are (), the positive numbers are (), the negative numbers are ()

Among the numbers 0.5, - 3, + 5,0, - 0.2, - 3 / 8, + 6, the natural numbers are (+ 5,0, + 6), the positive numbers are (0.5, + 5, + 6), and the negative numbers are (- 3, - 0.2, - 3 / 8)

Rounding - 1.2345 is correct_____

Rounding - 1.2345 is - 1

It takes 26 seconds for the train to pass through a 256 meter long tunnel (i.e. from the front entrance to the rear exit). At this time, it takes 16 seconds for the train to pass through a 96 meter long tunnel. Find the length of the train

Suppose the length of the train is x meters, from the meaning of the question: 256 + X 26 = 96 + x 16, the solution is: x = 160, answer: the length of the train is 160 meters

The area of triangle ABC is 4 square centimeters, and AE = 3AB, BD = 2BC, so what is the area of triangle BDE?
Imagine for yourself,

Triangle ABC is similar to triangle EBD (AB: be = 1:2, BC: BD = 1; 2-angle ABC = angle EBD)
therefore Sabc:Sebd=1 :4
So sbde = 16 square centimeters

The speed of light in vacuum is every 300000 kilometers. How many thousands of kilometers is a light year

It's about 9.46 * 10 ^ 15 meters
94.6 million km

According to the regulations of the telecommunication department, 2.4 yuan will be charged for a long-distance call within 3 minutes of opening, and 1 yuan will be charged for each minute after 3 minutes. Try to write down the call fee y (yuan) and the call time t
How much is the call charge for two minutes and five minutes? (here t is an integer)

Where is so expensive? Are you a math problem?

As shown in the figure, fold the square ABCD with a side length of 8cm, so that point d falls at the midpoint e of BC side, point a falls at F, and the crease is Mn, then the length of segment cn is ()
A. 3cmB. 4cmC. 5cmD. 6cm

Let CN = xcm, then DN = (8-x) cm. According to the properties of folding, en = DN = (8-x) cm, and EC = 12bc = 4cm. In RT △ ECN, according to Pythagorean theorem, en2 = EC2 + cn2, that is, (8-x) 2 = 16 + X2, we can get 16x = 48, so x = 3

The mass of a carbon-12 atom is known to be 1.993 times 10 to the - 26th kilogram
What is the relative atomic mass of an atom with a mass of 2.325 times 10 and a weight of - 26 kg?

If you use it to remove carbon, you will get 1.16658304064224, which should be hydrogen