How to get polynomial coefficients in MATLAB For example, Num = 4S ^ 4 + 3.2s ^ 3 + S ^ 2 + S + 1 How to get the coefficient (4,3.2,1,1,1) in descending order of S

How to get polynomial coefficients in MATLAB For example, Num = 4S ^ 4 + 3.2s ^ 3 + S ^ 2 + S + 1 How to get the coefficient (4,3.2,1,1,1) in descending order of S

>> syms s
>> num=4*s^4+3.2*s^3+s^2+s+1
num =
>> sym2poly(num)
ans =
4.0000 3.2000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

Know the chord length and arch height of radius

Know the chord length L and arch height h and find the radius r?

1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+1/32+…… N times to 1 / 2

(1) The general formula of equal ratio sequence is: an = A1 * q ^ (n-1)
If the general term formula is transformed to an = A1 / Q * q ^ n (n ∈ n *), then an can be regarded as a function of the independent variable n when Q > 0, and the points (n, an) are a group of isolated points on the curve y = A1 / Q * q ^ X
(2) Sum formula: SN = Na1 (q = 1)
=A1 / (1-Q) - A1 / (1-Q) * q ^ n (i.e. a-aq ^ n)
(premise: q is not equal to 1)
The first term of this sequence is 1 / 2, and the common ratio is 1 / 2
Original formula = 1 / 2 * (1 - (1 / 2) ^ n) / (1-1 / 2) = 1 - (1 / 2) ^ n

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A simple formula of 7 × 8 / 9 + 2 × 8 / 9 + 5 × 8 / 9?

7 / 9 × 8 / 1 + 7 / 9 × 8 / 2 + 7 / 9 × 8 / 5
=7 / 9 × (1 / 8 + 2 / 8 + 5 / 8)
=7 / 9 × 1
=7 out of 9
Do not understand can ask, help please adopt, thank you!

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I only know that the final answer is 8

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