The simplest fraction, whose numerator is divided by 2 and denominator multiplied by 3, is reduced to 329. The simplest fraction is______ .

The simplest fraction, whose numerator is divided by 2 and denominator multiplied by 3, is reduced to 329. The simplest fraction is______ .

329 × 2 × 3 = 1829

Can uncountable nouns be modified with some? Why?

Some people, some money, some people, some people, some money, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some money, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some people, some certain.Some Some students are waiting for you

If (a + 2) / 3 = (c + 5) / 6 = B / 4 and 2a-b + 3C = 21, try to find the values of a, B and C


Judge the prepositional phrase in this sentence
The rain fell in torrents.
Apart from the way of looking at the predicate verb, how can we judge that in torrents is not predicative?

In should be changed to into!
Falling is a process, and this process is not carried out in the torrent, but falls into the torrent, so it cannot be used in

In the triangle ABC, the angles BAC = 90 °, ab = AC, BD ⊥ Mn, CE ⊥ Mn, and the perpendicular feet are D and e respectively. If BD = 2cm, CE = 3cm, the length of De is calculated

Because BD ⊥ Mn, CE ⊥ Mn, so quadrilateral bfed is rectangular, then de = BF, EF = BD = 2cmcf = ce-ef = 1cm, because the angle BAC = 90 °, ab = AC, so triangle ABC is isosceles right triangle, so BC = radical 2 * AB, so BF = radical (BC ^ 2-bc ^ 2) de in right triangle BCF

Dish plural


Drawing with ruler and gauge: (do not write the method of drawing, but keep the trace of drawing, and mark with letters) known: ∠ 1 and ∠ 2 (as shown in the figure), calculate: ∠ AOB, so that ∠ AOB = 1 + 2

As shown in the figure: ∠ AOB is the required angle. (2 points will be deducted if no letter is marked)

I like fruit. And I don ` t like grapes

I like fruit.And I don`t like grapes
Because of logic, grapes belong to fruits

If the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is 2 larger than that of the right triangle, and the other right triangle is 6, then the height of the hypotenuse is______ .

Let a right edge be a, then the hypotenuse is a + 2, ∵ the length of the other right edge is 6, ∵ (a + 2) 2 = A2 + 62, the solution is a = 8, ∵ a + 2 = 8 + 2 = 10, the height of the hypotenuse is 8 × 6 △ 2 × 2 △ 10 = 24 × 2 △ 10 = 4.8

Write other forms of the following words: below --- really --- different --- sun--
There are four words

Below (antonym) -- above
Really (adjective) -- real
Different (antonym) -- same
Sun (synonym) -- (I only know sun's homonym is son)