A farm has a site 30 meters long and 20 meters wide. We need to build a square fish pond on this site, so that its area is half of the site area. Can it be built? If it can be built, what is the side length of the fish pond? (accurate to 0.1M)

A farm has a site 30 meters long and 20 meters wide. We need to build a square fish pond on this site, so that its area is half of the site area. Can it be built? If it can be built, what is the side length of the fish pond? (accurate to 0.1M)

If the side length of the fish pond is x m, then x 2 = 12 × 30 × 20, x 2 = 300, X ≈ 17.3 M. therefore, the side length of the fish pond is 17.3 M

The format of square root problem

Is it to find the specific value of root 5?
The method is as follows:
First number: nearest integer square: 2x2 = 4
The second number: then 5-4 = 1, add two zeros after 1, and multiply the resulting 2 by 20 = 40,
Then write the ten digit number 4 in the formula, and find the number of the second number, because 42x2 = 84, which is closest to 100,
So the second number is two,
and so on.
I hope it can help you

7 times 5 minus 2x = 1 and 1 / 2, how to solve the equation


What is the general composition of an electronic calculator?

Power supply, switch, display
Keyboard and internal circuit, etc

If the radii of two circles passing through point C (3,4) and tangent to both x-axis and y-axis are R1 and R2 respectively, then r1r2=______ .

Let the coordinates of the center of the circle be (a, a), then the radius r = a, and the equation of the circle is (x-a) 2 + (Y-A) 2 = A2, and C (3, 4) on this circle, substitute the coordinates of C into (3-A) 2 + (4-A) 2 = A2, and sort out: a2-14a + 25 = 0, ∵ R1, R2 are two solutions of a2-14a + 25 = 0, ∵ r1r2 = 25 The case is: 25

The problem of maximum coefficient and maximum term in binomial expansion
I know how to find the maximum binomial coefficient in binomial expansion, but I don't know why the coefficient larger than the former two coefficients is the maximum coefficient?
I don't quite understand how to find the largest term in the expansion!
I asked about the "coefficient" in the expansion, not the "binomial coefficient"! The largest term is the largest term that includes the whole term!
Want to know the algorithm and why
The teacher said that the maximum coefficient and the maximum term can be calculated by the algorithm formula which is bigger than the front and back terms. Why? What if there are multiple extremums?

The maximum binomial coefficient is to find c0n, c1n If n is an odd number, the largest one is the middle one. If n is an even number, the largest one is the middle two expansions. The largest term is the binomial coefficient and is multiplied by the binomial coefficient

If A-B = - 5, ab = - 3, find (A-1) times (B + 1)

(A-1) * (B + 1) = AB + (a-b) - 1 into A-B = - 5, ab = - 3 get the original formula = - 9

The constant term of the square of the quadratic equation x-a (3x-2a + b) - B = 0 is?

The square of x-a (3x-2a + b) - B = 0
Constant term 2A ^ 2-AB + B ^ 2

Let us know that x = 3 is the solution of the equation AX + 4 = 3x-4a, then a = what

Just substitute x = 3 into the equation
That is 3A + 4 = 9-4a, 7a = 5
So a = 5 / 7

Let A1, A2, A3 and B be n-dimensional non-zero column vectors. A1, A2 and A3 are linearly independent, and B is orthogonal to A1, A2 and A3 respectively. It is proved that A1, A2 and A3. B are linearly independent

Let KB + k1a1 + k2a2 + k3a3 = 0
Let B be the inner product on both sides, and K [b, b] + K1 [b, A1] + K2 [b, A2] + K3 [b, A3] = 0
Because B and A1, A2, A3 are orthogonal, so [b, A1] = [b, A2] = [b, A3] = 0
So K [b, b] = 0, B ≠ 0, so k = 0
So k1a1 + k2a2 + k3a3 = 0
And A1, A2, A3 are linearly independent, so K1 = K2 = K3 = 0
So A1, A2, A3. B are linearly independent