Calculate the solution of (- 3 AB 3 power C) square × (- a square B) 3 power

Calculate the solution of (- 3 AB 3 power C) square × (- a square B) 3 power

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The solution of X Cubic - 2 * x square - 16 = 0
It is the solution of x ^ 3-2x ^ 2-16 = 0


There is a road between a and B. Li Ming starts from a and walks to B, while Zhang Ping starts from B and rides a motorcycle to A. After 80 minutes, the two meet on the way. Zhang Ping turns back to B immediately after arriving at a, and after 20 minutes after the first meeting, Zhang Ping catches up with Li Ming on the way. Zhang Ping turns back to a immediately after arriving at B, and so on How many times did Zhang Ping catch up with Li Ming when he reached the second place?

The line diagram is as follows: suppose Li Ming walked x kilometers from the first meeting to the first time Zhang Ping caught up with Li Ming, then Zhang Ping walked x (80 / 20) × 2 + x = 9x (kilometers) in the same time, that is, Zhang Ping's speed was 9x / x = 9 (Times) of Li Ming's speed in the same time. That is to say, when Li Ming walked from the first place to the second place, Zhang Ping rode a motorcycle for 9 whole journey Among them, there are 5 whole journey from land B to land a, and 4 whole journey from land a to land B. every whole journey from land a to land B, Zhang Ping must catch up with Li Ming once. Therefore, Zhang Ping has caught up with Li Ming four times. A: Zhang Ping has caught up with Li Ming four times

Calculation: 20032003 × 2003-20032002 × 2002-20032002=______ .

20032003 × 2003-20032002 × 2002-20032002 = 20032003 × 2003-20032002 × (2002 + 1) = 20032003 × 2003-20032002 × 2003 = 2003 × (20032003-20032002) = 2003 × 1 = 2003

A. The road between city B is 450 km long. Car a and car B start from city a at the same time and drive along the road to city B. car a returns along the original road one hour after arriving at city B. the picture shows the distance y (km) and driving time from city A; (1) find the analytic expression of the function between Y and X in the process of car a's return, and write out the definition field of the function; (2) when car B runs for 6 hours and meets the car a, find the speed of car B

(1) Let y = KX + B, ∵ 5 K + B & nbsp; = 45010 K + B = 0, the analytic expression of the function between Y and X in the return process of car a be y = KX + B, ∵ 5 K + B & nbsp; = 45010 K + B = 0, the solution is k = - 90B = 900, ∵ y = - 90x + 900. The definition domain of the function is 5 ≤ x ≤ 10; (2) when x = 6, y = - 90 × 6 + 900 = 360

2 / 2x-1-3 / 2x + 5 = 6 / 6x-7-1
2 / 2 x minus 1, 2 / 3 x plus 5 = 6x-7, 1 / 6

2 / 2x-1-3 / 2x + 5 = 6 / 6x-7-1
Multiply 6 to get 3 (2x-1) - 2 (2x + 5) = 6x-7-6

Two cars leave from two places at the same time. Car a travels 120 kilometers per hour. Car B travels 1.2 times faster than car a. the two cars meet in 4.5 hours
How many kilometers

=1188 km

What is the number on the 1006th digit to the right of the decimal point

3 △ 7 = 0.428571428571 cycle
1006÷6=167…… four
A: the 1006th digit to the right of the decimal point is 5
I wish you progress in your study!
Hope to adopt!

Car a and car B start at 8:30 a.m. and car B start at 8:30 a.m., and car a starts at 8:30 a.m
30 kilometers per hour, 35 kilometers per second. When and when did the two cars meet

It's a pursuit problem. Because the direction is in the same direction
The pursuit time is (340 + 30 * 0.5) / (35-30) = 71 hours
71 / 24 = 2, 23,
8:30 + 23 hours = 7:30 the next day
The two cars met at 7:30

In the triangle ABC, the opposite sides of angles a, B and C are a, B and C respectively, and f (a) = √ 3 / 2 - √ 3sin & # 178; a-sinacosa 1. Find the maximum and minimum value of function f (a) in the interval [Pie / 4,2 Pie / 3]. 2. If a is an acute angle, when f (a) = 0, C = 7 Pie / 12, a = √ 6, find the value of B

F (a) = √ 3 / 2 - √ 3sin & # 178; a-sinacosa = √ 3 / 2 - √ 3 / 2 (1-cos2a) - 1 / 2sin2a = √ 3 / 2cos2a-1 / 2sin2a = cos (2a + π / 6) a in [π / 4,2 π / 3] 2A + π / 6 in [5 π / 6,3 π / 2] minimum = - 1, maximum = 02) f (a) = cos (2a + π / 6) = 02A + π / 6 = π / 2 or 2A + π / 6 = 3