The results showed that: 1 / 2:5 / 40.8:1.73 5 / 9:0.2 ratio; 3 5:42 1 / 2:5 / 40.8:1.73 5 / 9:0.2 ratio; 3 5:42 1 / 2:5 / 4 0.8:1.73 5 / 9:0.2 ratio; Reduction ratio What is ratio? Simplify ratio!

The results showed that: 1 / 2:5 / 40.8:1.73 5 / 9:0.2 ratio; 3 5:42 1 / 2:5 / 40.8:1.73 5 / 9:0.2 ratio; 3 5:42 1 / 2:5 / 4 0.8:1.73 5 / 9:0.2 ratio; Reduction ratio What is ratio? Simplify ratio!


The simplest quadratic radical (a very simple problem)
What is the simplest quadratic radical
There is no need to answer "the definition of the simplest quadratic radical"
A quadratic radical satisfying the following conditions is called the simplest quadratic radical:
(1) The factor of the square root is an integer, and the factor is an integer;
(2) There is no factor or factor in the number to be square“
I don't understand the above definition at all
Direct a few data to explain it, not that kind of big problem
For example, what is the simplest quadratic radical of √ 32 and √ 40~

You see 32, it can extract 16, and 16 can square out 4. The result is quadruple root 2, and 2 can't be square out any more. So quadruple root 2 is the simplest root form. I don't know how to write the root sign. Don't mind. Besides, I think asking the teacher is better than saying hello here

Find the circumference of the parallelogram ABCD, EF ⊥ AB, AE = ad, CF = CB, EF = 8, BF = 10


It is known that M > = 2, n > = 2, and m and N are positive integers. If we decompose the nth power of m in the following way, then the following three parts describe
① The largest number in the quintic decomposition of 2 is 11
② The smallest number in the cubic decomposition of 4 is 13
③ In the cubic decomposition of M, the smallest number is 23, then M =, where the correct one is
Decomposition method 2 & # 178; {1 ② 3 3 & # 178; {1 ② 3 ③ 5
2 {1 3 2 5 3} 3 {1 7 2 9 3 11
The fourth power of 2 {1 7}, the fourth power of 9 3 {1 25}, 27}, 29

Incoherent words, no solution

Mathematics cylinder and cone (I ask you)
1: Fill in the form below
Figure: cylinder, 5cm high
Bottom radius 6cm, bottom diameter (), bottom perimeter (),
Side area (), surface area ()
Base radius (), base diameter (), base perimeter (),
Side area (), surface area ()
2: Find the surface area of the cylinder below
1: 9 cm in height and 5 cm in diameter
2: The height is 14cm and the diameter is 10cm
3. Height 15cm, diameter 80cm,
4: The height is 10 cm and the radius is 4 cm
3: To make two metal buckets without cover, the bottom diameter and height are 4 decimeters, at least how many square decimeters of metal are needed?
4: A cylindrical oil barrel, expand its side, get a side length of 6.28 decimeters of square, do this oil barrel need to use
How many square decimeters of iron sheet?
5: If the height of a cylinder is reduced by 3 cm, the surface area will be reduced by 18 or 84 square cm. What is the area of the bottom of the cylinder
6: As shown in the figure below, the existing one is composed of three cylinders with a height of 1m and a bottom radius of 0.5m, 1m and 1.5m respectively
What is the surface area of the object?

1: height 9cm, diameter 5cm = 141.3 + 39.25 = 180.552: height 14cm, diameter 10cm = 439.6 + 157 = 596.63, height 15cm, diameter 80cm, = 3768 + 10048

A square is divided into five equal rectangles, each with a circumference of 60 cm and a square with a circumference of () cm
A. 300B. 200C. 100

Side length of square: 60 × 5 △ 12 = 300 △ 12 = 25 (CM) perimeter of square: 25 × 4 = 100 (CM) answer: perimeter of square is 100 cm

A seven digit number is 3 in one digit number and 8 in ten digit number. Moreover, the sum of any three adjacent digits of the number is 12, so the seven digit number is many

The sum of any three adjacent digits is 12,
You can know that the number on the hundred is: 1
In turn, the number on the thousand: 12 - (1 + 8) = 12-9 = 3
The number of ten thousand digits: 12 - (3 + 1) = 12-4 = 8
In this way, we can see a rule, no matter what, it is 3, 8 and 1
three million one hundred and eighty-three thousand one hundred and eighty-three

It takes 233 seconds for a train to pass through a 342 meter tunnel and 20 seconds for it to pass through a 288 meter tunnel. This train and another 128 meter long train with a speed of 22 m / s miss each other and pass by. Question: how many seconds does it take?

233 seconds? It should be 23 seconds. If it's 23 seconds
The speed of the train is (342-288) / (23-20) = 18 m / s
The vehicle length is 23 × 18-342 = 72m
The time of passing is (72 + 128) / (22 + 18) = 5 seconds

Known: as shown in the figure, O is the intersection of diagonal lines of rectangular ABCD, AE bisects angle bad, angle AOD = 120 ° and calculates the degree of angle AEO

Because AE bisects the angle bad, the angle Bae is 45 degrees, so the triangle Abe is an isosceles right triangle, AE = AB twice the root sign. Because the angle AOD is 120 degrees, the angle AOB is 60 degrees, and the triangle ABO is an equilateral triangle. So there is Ao = ab. so there is AO * AC = 2Ac * AC = AE * AE, that is, AO / AE = AE / AC. in addition, the angle EAC is common, there is a triangle AEO similar to the triangle ace, and the angle AEO = angle ace = 30 degrees

In order to realize China's lunar exploration program, it takes 2.56 seconds for the laser to reach the moon and return to the earth. What is the distance between the earth and the moon?

3*10^8 m/s*1.28s=3.84*10^8m=3.84*10^5km