If the abscissa of the three vertices of △ ABC in the rectangular coordinate system remains unchanged and the ordinate decreases by two unit lengths, it means that △ ABC is moved to the right direction_______ Translation_______ A unit length

If the abscissa of the three vertices of △ ABC in the rectangular coordinate system remains unchanged and the ordinate decreases by two unit lengths, it means that △ ABC is moved to the right direction_______ Translation_______ A unit length

Translation down 2 unit lengths

If 2x = 3Y, then (x's Square plus y's sum of squares, XY) minus (x's Square minus Y's difference, Y's Square)
What's the equivalent?

Let x = 3, y = 2
It's 4 / 65

Zhang Hong has an electric water heater in his home. Its rated voltage is 220 v. he turns off all other electrical appliances in his home and connects the electric water heater to the circuit. After 12 minutes, he finds that the indication of the electric energy meter has increased by 0.1 degree. Please help him to calculate: (1) what is the power of the electric water heater? (2) How much current does the electric water heater work normally? (3) What is the resistance of this electric water heater when it works normally?

(1) The consumption of electric energy w = 0.1 degree = 0.1 × 3.6 × 106j = 3.6 × 105J; the power of electric water heater P = wt = 3.6 × 105j12 × 60s = 500W; answer: the power of this electric water heater is 500W. (2) the current I = Pu = 500w220v ≈ 2.27a when the water heater works normally. Answer: the current of this electric water heater is 2.27a. (3) the resistance R = u2p = (220V) 2500W = 96.8 Ω when the water heater works normally; A: the resistance of the electric water heater is 96.8 Ω when it works normally

x+y=6 5x-22+6y=33.8
The solution and process of the equations

First, the second equation is transformed, and 22 is moved to the right of the equation
5x+6y=55.8 (1)
Then multiply both sides of the first equation by 5 at the same time, and it is:
5x+5y=30 (2)
(1) - (2) the results are as follows:
Taking y = 25.8 into the formula x + y = 6, the solution is as follows:

There is a festival lantern with 20 small bulbs in series. If the current at the power plug is 200mA, the current passing through the small bulb is 200mA______  mA=______  A=______ μA.

Because the small bulbs are connected in series, the current is equal everywhere in the circuit, that is, the current passing through each small bulb is equal to the current at the power plug, which is 200mA = 0.2A = 2 × 105 μ A. therefore, the answer is: 200; 0.2; 2 × 105

If four numbers a, B, C and D satisfy a + 1 = B-2 = C + 3 = D-4, then the largest number of a, B, C and D is ()
A. aB. bC. cD. d

Let a + 1 = B-2 = C + 3 = D-4 = 10, we can get a = 9, B = 12, C = 7, d = 14, so D is the largest

The open circuit voltage and short circuit current of a solar panel are 800mv and 40mA respectively. If the solar panel is connected with a 20 ohm resistor to form a closed circuit, its terminal voltage is ()
A. 100mVB. 200mVC. 300mVD. 400mV

When the power supply is not connected to the external circuit, the terminal voltage is equal to the electromotive force, then the electromotive force E = 800mv & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; I short = Er, then the internal resistance R = EI short = 800

It is known that the approximation equation of hyperbola is 2x ± 3Y = 0. If the hyperbola passes through the point P (root 6.2), the hyperbolic equation is solved, and then 50 is added

Let 2x ± 3Y = 0 be changed into 2x = ± 3Y, and the square of both sides is equal to the square of 3Y. Then shift the term, let the square of 2x minus the square of 3Y equal to Z, and substitute P (radical 6.2) to solve Z. finally, the square of Y divided by four-thirds minus the square of X divided by 3 equals 1
This problem is very basic. It sounds good in class

Today, I tested my electricity meter. I used a 200 Watt light bulb that has been used for several years to turn off all household appliances. Then I recorded the meter degree, turned on the light bulb, and turned off the light again when I was five hours to check the meter degree. The result shows that 1 degree of electricity is about 0.08 faster, which means 100 degrees are 8 degrees faster. Do you think this method is accurate? Is my electricity meter accurate? I'm not sure whether I want to check the meter now, There seems to be a charge for our school meter
First of all, the bulb is not very accurate as a measuring tool. Moreover, the voltage at that time is not the standard voltage of 220 V, which is generally about 230 v. the current multiplied by the voltage at that time multiplied by the time (hour) is the power consumption (degree)
How to calculate? Take my 200 watt bulb as an example. Besides finding the power supply company, is there any good way?

It should not be allowed, because the meter itself has to be damaged, and there are wires and so on. The length of time has something to do with the loss

-Two thirds X & # 178; + one half x + 1 = 0 to solve the equation

2x-3 / 4 = (+ / -) radical 105 / 4
X1 = (3 + radical 105) / 8
X2 = (3-radical 105) / 8