The original price of Andersen's fairy tales is 24 yuan, but the current price is 1 / 6 lower than the original price. How much cheaper is the current price? There is a formula

The original price of Andersen's fairy tales is 24 yuan, but the current price is 1 / 6 lower than the original price. How much cheaper is the current price? There is a formula

It's 4 yuan cheaper

The current price of Andersen's fairy tales is 1 / 6 lower than the original price. The original price is 4 yuan higher than the current price. How much is the original price?

Analysis: low 1 / 6 is low 4 yuan
4 ÷ (1 / 6) = 24 (yuan)
A: the original price is 24 yuan

There is a road between a and B, 80 km from a to B to station a, 40 km from B to a to station B, 1 / 3 from ab. how many roads are there
How long is the road

Because AB is 1 / 3, then 80 + 40 = 120 (km) is the corresponding quantity of 2 / 3. My teacher told me that the corresponding quantity / corresponding rate = Unit 1, so the formula is (80 + 40) / (1-1 / 3) = 180 (km)

1 × 2 / 1 + 2 × 3 / 1 +... + 2002 × 2003 / 1


Vehicles a and B start from place a and drive along the same Expressway to place B 400km away from place A. L1 and L2 represent the relationship between distance y (km) and time x (H) of vehicles a and B respectively, as shown in the figure
(1) How long does it take for car B to arrive at place B before driving?
(car B: departure time: 3 / 4 h; car a: departure time: 0 h. total distance: 400 km)
The intersection of the two vehicles' primary function image is: distance: 300km, time: 3.5H)
I made up the title myself, so there may be errors. Sorry
It's L1, L2
It was originally a picture. I can't copy it
Synchronous practice and evaluation of mathematics volume 1
P115 last question, some please help

When y = 400, x = 1 / 4
So the car arrived at B 1 / 4 hour earlier than the other car

Calculation: "7 / 2x ^ 2 + 6x" - "11-2x ^ 2 / 9-x ^ 2" + 2


25. The distance between a and B is 540km. The passenger cars and freight cars leave from a and B at the same time. After meeting for three hours, it is known that the passenger cars travel 95km per hour. How many kilometers per hour do the freight cars travel?
26. A cone-shaped pile of wheat covers an area of 12.56m2, 2m. If every cubic meter of wheat weighs about 735kg, how many kg does this pile of wheat weigh?
27. There is a batch of goods in the warehouse. 210 tons are transported out on the first day, and one sixth of the total goods are transported out on the second day. At this time, the ratio of the remaining goods to the transported goods is 1:3. How many tons are there in this batch of goods?


What is the number on the 99th decimal point after 5 divided by 13? 199

99 / 6 = 16... 3 the number on the 99th bit is 4
199 / 6 = 38... 1 the number in 199 is 3

Car a and car B leave each other from 1200 kilometers away. Car a travels 55 kilometers per hour, car B travels 45 kilometers per hour, and the two cars are 200 kilometers apart in a few hours

1200-200 = 1000 km when the distance is 200
Two cars travel 55 + 45 = 100 km per hour
It takes 1000 / 100 = 10 hours

In triangle ABC, the opposite sides of angle ABC are ABC. If C equals 2B, then C of B is?

A square + b square = C square
B square + 2B square = C square
C = under root sign (5xb Square)