1. A cylindrical milk barrel, bottom inside diameter is 40 cm, height is 50 cm (1) What's its volume in liters? (2) It is known that 1.04 kg of milk is contained in 1 liter of milk. How many kg of milk can be contained in this milk barrel? (the number is rounded) (3) If this bucket of milk is packed in a bottle with a bottom diameter of 8 cm and a height of 11 cm, how many such bottles are needed? 2. A box of cylindrical drinks, 4 bottles in each row, a total of 6 rows. Its bottom diameter is 6.5 cm, and its height is 12 cm. What is the volume of this carton at least? Urgent! The answer must be given tonight

1. A cylindrical milk barrel, bottom inside diameter is 40 cm, height is 50 cm (1) What's its volume in liters? (2) It is known that 1.04 kg of milk is contained in 1 liter of milk. How many kg of milk can be contained in this milk barrel? (the number is rounded) (3) If this bucket of milk is packed in a bottle with a bottom diameter of 8 cm and a height of 11 cm, how many such bottles are needed? 2. A box of cylindrical drinks, 4 bottles in each row, a total of 6 rows. Its bottom diameter is 6.5 cm, and its height is 12 cm. What is the volume of this carton at least? Urgent! The answer must be given tonight

(1) What's its volume in liters?
20 × 20 × 3.14 × 50 = 62800 (CC) = 62.8 L
A: its volume is 62.8 liters
(2) It is known that 1.04 kg of milk is contained in 1 liter of milk. How many kg of milk can be contained in this milk barrel? (the number is rounded)
62.8 × 1.04 ≈ 65 (kg)
A: this can hold 65 kg of milk
3) If this bucket of milk is packed in a bottle with a bottom diameter of 8 cm and a height of 11 cm, how many such bottles are needed?
(8 △ 2) × (8 △ 2) × 3.14 × 11 = 552.64 (cm3)
62800 △ 552.64 ≈ 114 (pieces)
A: we need 114 such bottles
2. A box of cylindrical drinks, 4 bottles in each row, a total of 6 rows. Its bottom diameter is 6.5 cm, and its height is 12 cm. What is the volume of this carton at least?
4 × 6 × 6.5 × 12 = 1872 (cubic centimeter) = 1.872 (cubic decimeter)
The volume of this carton is at least 1.872 cubic decimeters

A batch of fruit is sold in primary school mathematics problems. According to the price, every kilogram of fruit is sold at a profit of 0.4 yuan. After that, it is sold at a reduced price. The daily sales volume is 2 times more than the original, and the daily profit is 50% more
How much is it per kilogram?

Set a daily sale of Y kg fruit, price x yuan / kg
The original profit is 0.4y yuan per day, but after the price reduction, the profit is (0.4-x) 2Y per day
So, 0.4y * 150% = (0.4-x) 2Y, eliminating y, we get x = 0.1
So the price reduction is 0.1 yuan per kilogram

For a square paper with an area of 1 square meter, cut off half of it for the first time and the remaining half for the second time. 1. How much is left after the fifth time
What is the area of the paper cut in the first 100 times

Square paper with an area of 1 square meter, cut half the first time, cut the remaining half the second time, and so on
1. How much is left after the fifth time
1 / 2 to the fifth power = 1 / 32
2. What is the area of the paper cut in the first 100 times
1 / 2 to the 100th power

Given points (- 1, Y &;), (- 2, Y &;), (3, Y &;) compare the size of Y &;, Y &;, y on the image of function y = 3-m / X

Function y = 3-m / X
When m > 0, the function y = 3-m / X is monotonically increasing
Again - 2

The number of male workers in the knitting factory accounts for 40% of the total number. There are 120 male workers. How many are there in the whole factory
The number of male workers in the knitting factory accounts for 40% of the total number. There are 180 female workers. How many are there in the whole factory
The number of male workers in the knitting factory accounts for 40% of the total number. The number of male workers is 60 less than that of female workers. How many are there in the whole factory
The number of male workers in knitting factory accounts for 40% of the total number. Female workers are divided into three workshops, with an average of 60 people in each workshop. How many people are there in the whole factory

1. Number of people in the whole plant
=120 △ 40% = 300 people
Number of people in the whole plant
=300 people
Number of people in the whole plant
=300 people
Number of people in the whole plant
=300 people

If - x ^ 2Y = 2, the value of - XY (x ^ 5Y ^ 2-x ^ 3Y + 2x) is


Which year is the 29th Olympic Games? In which country? In which city? Three more points

2008, Beijing, China

Given x + y = 4, xy = 3, find 3x2 + 3y2; (X-Y) 2
Does x and y have to be integers? Who stipulates that

∵ x+y=4 ,xy=3
∴ x+y=xy+1
∴ x=xy-y+1 ,y=xy-x+1
∴ 3x2+3y2

There are 48 athletes in the school sports meeting, of which the number of male athletes is 12 times less than that of female athletes. How many are male and female students

Equation solution:
Set X for female athletes and 2x-12 for male athletes
Girls are 20, boys are 40-20 = 28
It is a solution
Boys are twice as many as girls, less than 12. If we add the difference of 12 to the total, we assume that there are 60 boys, twice as many as girls, then the number of boys is equivalent to the number of two girls
For girls, 60 ÷ (2 + 1) = 20, for boys, 48-20 = 28
Is that clear enough

Xiaoying answers 15 math problems, and gets 8 points for doing one right, and 4 points for not doing or doing wrong. Xiaoying gets a total of 72 points. How many problems did she do right?

Suppose he does it all right
Wrong questions: (8 × 15-72) / (8 + 4) = 4 (questions)
Right question: 15-4 = 11
A: he did 11 questions right
It's not fair to give it to me or not