Apple is 3 yuan per kilogram, grape is 4 yuan per kilogram, strawberry is 5 yuan per kilogram. According to these conditions, what mathematical problems can you ask

Apple is 3 yuan per kilogram, grape is 4 yuan per kilogram, strawberry is 5 yuan per kilogram. According to these conditions, what mathematical problems can you ask

1. How many jin of strawberries can I buy for 5 jin of apples?
2. How much is strawberry more expensive than grape per kilogram?
3. Buy 2 jin strawberry 3 Jin grape to share how many yuan?

Do you have a summary?
thank you.

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Put a pile of apples into some boxes. If each box contains 8 apples, there are 12 apples left. If each box contains 9 apples, there are still 3 apples left to fill the last box. The total number of apples is 3______ An apple, yes______ It's a box

(12 + 3) △ 9-8, = 15 △ 1, = 15 (pieces), 15 × 8 + 12, = 120 + 12, = 132 (pieces); answer: there are 132 apples and 15 boxes

20000 square decimeters equals () square decimeters

20000 square decimeters
=2 square meters

A cuboid glass container, measuring 2 mm in length and width, is poured into the container with 5.5 L water, and then an apple is put into the water. At this time, the water depth in the container is 15 cm. What is the volume of the apple?

First calculate the height of 5.5L water poured into the container, then use 15 to reduce the height of water is the height of water discharged from the volume of the apple, and then calculate the volume of the apple
Or: after putting in the apple, the height of the volume of water and apple is 15, count the volume of water and apple, then subtract the volume of water
When you encounter problems, you have to think for yourself. It's easy to understand to draw pictures

Practical problems (formula)
1. The perimeter of a square is 9.48 meters. What is its side length?
2. The car can travel 12.8 km in 8 minutes, and the bus can travel 14.4 km in 12 minutes. How fast is it?
3. Xiaohong, xiaobiao, Xiaolan, Xiaoming and Xiaomei went to the happy paradise together. The car cost was 9.5 yuan, and the ticket cost was 32.5 yuan. How many yuan per person?
4. A PLA unit has traveled 18.18 kilometers in 3 hours, how many meters per hour on average?
5. It takes Mr. Wang 0.25 hours to get to school by car, with an average of 20 kilometers per hour. How far is the home school? If he walks 5 kilometers per hour instead, can he get there in 0.8 hours?
6. On weekends, my father took Xiao Yong to climb the mountain. It was 7.2 kilometers from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain. It took them 3 hours to go up the mountain and 2 hours to go down the mountain. What's the speed of going up and down the mountain? What math questions can you ask,
7. The car needs 0.8kg gasoline for every 5km. If the car has 50kg gasoline now, do you still need to refuel to drive 325km?
688 divided by 56
2.7 divided by 75
15.6 divided by 6
25.6 divided by 32
51.3 divided by 27

1. The perimeter of a square is 9.48 meters. What's its side length? Side length = perimeter △ 4 = 9.48 △ 4 = 2.37 meters. A: its side length is 2.37 meters. 2. A car can travel 12.8 kilometers in 8 minutes, and a bus can travel 14.4 kilometers in 12 minutes

12m3, 80m3 = () cubic decimeter = () liter, 3250ml = () cubic decimeter () cubic centimeter
If you double the length, width and height of a cuboid, the surface area will be () and the volume will be (). If the edge length of a cube is reduced to 1 / 3 of the original, the surface area will be (), and the volume will be ().

12 cubic meters 80 cubic decimeters = (12080) cubic decimeters = (12080) liters,
3250 ml = (3) cubic decimeter (250) cubic centimeter

Addition and subtraction of integral
1. Students do a problem, (2x & sup2; - 3x & sup2; - 2XY & sup2;) - (X & sup3; - 2XY & sup2; + Y & sup3;) + (- X & sup3; + 3x & sup2; Y-Y & sup3;), where x = & frac12; (half) y = - 1, Xiao Ming copied x as - & frac12; (negative half), but the result is the same, why?
2. A represents a two digit number, B represents a three digit number, AB is arranged into a five digit number, M1, Ba is arranged into a five digit number, M2?
3. Given | a + B-2 | + (AB + 3 & sup2;) = 0, find the value of 2 [AB + (- 3a)] - 3 (2Ab AB)
Who knows the solution and the result?
Correct question 3 to read:
Given | a + B-2 | + (AB + 3) & sup2; = 0, find the value of 2 [AB + (- 3a)] - 3 (2Ab AB)
We didn't answer completely. We'll have it tomorrow morning. (October 23)

Question 1: I feel that the first polynomial has a problem, X2 repeat;
Second question:
Let a = 10 * n + m (n > 0, M > = 0)
b=100*p+10*q+r (p>0,q>=0,r>=0)
Where N, m, P, Q and R are integers from 0 to 9;
The subtraction of the two formulas is as follows:
Since the formula in brackets must be an integer, m1-m2 is a multiple of 9. Am I clear?
Third question:
The left side of the equation should be | a + B-2 | + (AB + 3) ^ 2 = 0
The absolute value and the square number are not negative, the sum is zero, so they are all zero
A + B = 2 ab = - 3 the rest of the work is up to you

-The general formula of 3. - 6. - 9. - 12

-The general term formula of 3. - 6. - 9. - 12 is an = - 3N (n is a positive integer) and the sign is negative. 3 = 3 × 16 = 3 × 29 = 3 × 312 = 3 × 4. Therefore, the general term formula of an = 3N1, - 3.5. - 7 is an = (- 1) & #; - & #; × (2n-1) (n is a positive integer) and the sign is one positive and one negative. Then (- 1) & #; - & #; can be used to express 1 =

What is the operation symbol of five four equals one
