Is spring Ding Dong wrong? It should be spring Ding Dong

Is spring Ding Dong wrong? It should be spring Ding Dong

The writing method of "spring Ding Dong" in primary school textbooks is correct. From the 2001 edition of "compulsory education curriculum standard experimental textbook", dingdong has been changed to "Ding Dong". The two words "Ding Dong" and "Ding Dong" are common and belong to special-shaped words. In modern Chinese Dictionary, "Ding Dong" is also used as "Ding Dong". Therefore, it is not wrong to use either of these two words

Notes on the first grade Chinese lesson 2 of primary school

In the case of gas's rebounding tile roofed building, the shower of my hair he sent hit back the room of Gongfu, the coquettish GA of branch company vcgfasgvdgfsadfgf, the beginning of lying pride, the wedding gauze health and the gold card of everyone's lying are the health of everyone's Harbin City, the DHA rat mark lying will surely lie

Solving three unknown equations

Given the function f (x) = 1 + 2 / (t-1) (T > 0 and t is not equal to 1), its range can be obtained

t=(y+1)/(y-1) y≠1
‖ Y > 1 or Y1 or Y

4 minus the absolute value of √ 17


To solve the equation 2x + 3Y = 21 5x + 4Y = 59 12x + 5Y = 99 2x + 3Y = 18 2x + 3Y = 24 8x + 5Y = 51 5x + 4Y = 52, please find out the answers of X and Y respectively

Which two of these equations are a group? Please combine them well

Given ∫ (the 5th power of x) f (x) DX = under the root sign (X & # 178; - 1) + C, find ∫ f (x) DX,

∫ x^5 * f(x)dx = √(x²-1) + C
d/dx [∫ x^5 * f(x)dx] = x/√(x²-1)
x^5 * f(x) = x/√(x²-1)
f(x) = x/√(x²-1) * 1/x^5 = 1/[x⁴√(x²-1)]

Two non-zero vectors, not collinear E1, E2, if (Ke1 + E2) / / (E1 + Ke2), then the value of the real number k?


Solve the equation X-1 = 2 / 1 x + 4 / 1 x + 8 / 1 x + 16 / 1 x + 32 / 1 X
X =? Come on, now,


4X + 5 = 5x-5! Solve the equation today
