Who knows the contents of pages 489 to 498 in the first volume of seventh grade Chinese self reading textbook Just tell me the name of the subject. The book belongs to pep

Who knows the contents of pages 489 to 498 in the first volume of seventh grade Chinese self reading textbook Just tell me the name of the subject. The book belongs to pep

Brothers and others I don't know if it's true. I don't know if it's true

A good sentence excerpt from any article in the Chinese self - Reading Textbook of Grade 8
The title of the book is "stars in the day"

"The stars in the day are even brighter and more beautiful than those in the night, but they can never be seen. They are covered by the sun. The stars in the day can only be seen in the deep and calm wells: these stars are hanging high above our heads, and we can never see them. They shine in the dark well water deep in the earth, and emit sharp cold light around us It's true that the teacher didn't mention the appearance of starlight, but I immediately wanted to see it, because starlight must be like this

Reflections on the Chinese self reading textbook "over the mountain" in Volume 1 of Grade 7
Reward 15

Thoughts on "two roads over the mountain"
The dream of a young man wakes him up. If he continues to walk into the dark abyss, it will not be a dream any more. In this world, countless people get happiness, but at the same time, countless people choose darkness. In fact, some people don't intentionally embark on the wrong journey of life, they are just a small step, Mistakenly led him to the dark! We should walk steadily to every step of life, maybe you think it is not important, but he may become the most important turning point in your life, grasp it!
Thoughts on reading "over the mountain: the first and the last"
This article is the most true. In fact, when you see that some people fall behind in running competitions, it's ridiculous to insist on running to the last in such a situation of losing. But in fact, failure is not terrible. We should dare to be heroes in failure, just as the article says: the winner must be respected, but the competitor who still insists on falling behind, And the spectators who see such athletes but don't laugh are the pillars of China in the future!
Thoughts on reading "over the mountain in awe of life"
The author was surprised and shocked by what he saw in this afternoon, as if this infinite "cloud bank" was desperately trying to create the next generation for himself, hoping that the seeds he sowed could grow as big as himself and benefit the world as well
Looking at the gusts of wind blowing the fiber away, it's like a tree. Mother is sending their children away. Maybe in the process of sending, some "children" fail, but eventually some children will stand at the peak of success and call to their mother!
Thoughts on reading "over the mountain: life between rocks"
What a stubborn and stubborn life it is! It is not only a miracle of nature, but also a miracle of the world. A seed without any care can grow strong in such a bad environment in the tough stone crevice, only by the nurture of the sun, How about people? How many people can withstand every test of his life; how many people can persevere in struggle under difficult circumstances! Even these little flowers and grass have such indomitable spirit, shouldn't we learn from them?
In fact, anyone can resist difficulties, but everyone has a "stone" on his back. The reason why some people can't resist difficulties is that he can't remove this huge stone!

The distance between a and B is 200 kilometers. Car a runs from a to B for 40 kilometers per hour. After car a runs for 20 minutes, car B runs from B to a,
30 kilometers per hour. How long is the distance between B and a 30 km?
Are there two answers? Why is there only one answer?

(200-30-40 × 20 / 60 ÷ (40 + 30) = 47 / 21 (hours) = 2 and 5 / 21 hours)

1 of 2 * 3 + 1 of 3 * 4 +,,, + 1 of 2001 * 2002 + 1 of 2002 * 2003 =?
1 of 2 * 3 + 1 of 3 * 4 + 1 of 4 * 5,, + 1 of 2001 * 2002 + 1 of 2002 * 2003 =?

1 of 2 * 3 + 1 of 3 * 4 + 1 of 4 * 5,, + 1 of 2001 * 2002 + 1 of 2002 * 2003

Car a and car B start from city a and car C start from city B. car a runs 80 kilometers per hour and car B runs 90 kilometers per hour,
Car C runs 100 kilometers per hour. If three cars are facing each other at the same time, car C can only meet car a 5 minutes after meeting car B. find the distance between city a and city B

Let B and C meet (very precious) for X hours
AB = 190x = 285km
If you don't understand, you are welcome to ask,



A and B leave from a and B at the same time and meet at 36km from the midpoint after 3 hours. It is known that the speed ratio of a and B is 3:2. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

A: the distance between a and B is 360 km

What's the number on the 99th place after 5 divided by 13? What's the number on the 199th place

5/13=0.384615384615…… It's a cyclic decimal, 99 / 6 = 16 over 3, so it's 4199 / 6 = 33 over 1, so it's 3

a. B. the distance between the two places is 180 km. A and B vehicles leave from both places at the same time. A vehicle travels 25 km per hour and B vehicle 55 km per hour
Q: when did the two cars meet? How many kilometers did car B travel more than car a when they met?

180 ÷ (25 + 55) = 180 ÷ 80 = 2.25 hours
(55-25) x2.25 = 30x2.25 = 67.5km
When the two cars meet at 2.25, car B travels 67.5 kilometers more than car a