Who is reading some books

Who is reading some books

The translation and notes are as follows:
Who is doing some reading?
1. "Zai" is a tense auxiliary word in Chinese, which means the action in progress
2. The word "read some books" here does not refer to reading specific books, but refers to reading activities

I have been reading these books?

I've always been reading these books.

Xiao Ming and Xiao Fang play the game of "stone, scissors and paper", and the chances of winning are & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;) (& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;)

According to the analysis, each person's possible situations each time are: win, tie and lose, so the probability of both sides winning is 1 / 3 = 13. So the answer is: 13

A long 50 cm, wide 40 cm, deep 30 cm cuboid water tank, water depth 20 cm, in which put a 10 cm long cube edge, water tank rise more


Simple calculation of 2.22 × 18 + 6.66 × 4


What is the area of daily life about 1 square centimeter? 1 square decimeter? 1 square meter?

Too much. The area of nails and buttons is about 1 square centimeter;
The area of the mouth of the eating bowl and tea cup is about 1 square decimeter;
Dining table, shop floor tile area above the bottom is about 1 square meter

It costs 24.6 yuan to buy 3 science and technology books and 5 story books, and 5.8 yuan to buy 1 science and technology book and 1 story book


A container with a square bottom is filled with water. The side length is 13 cm and the height of water is 6 cm. Put a 15 cm iron solid cone upright in the container and the height of water rises to 10 cm. Then the volume of the cone is 10 cm______ Cubic centimeter

The water part is a small cone, the height is 13 times of the big cone, and the radius is 13 times of the big cone, so the volume is (13) 3 = 127 of the big cone, then the volume of the big cone is: 13 × 13 × (10-6) △ 1-127, = 169 × 4 △ 2627, = 676 × 2726, = 702 (cubic centimeter); answer: the volume of the cone is 702 cubic centimeter, so the answer is: 702

What is the unit of measure of length smaller than silk
I don't know if this silk character is right. I can't understand it all the time. What does the third digit after the decimal point read on the machine tool? I hope there is an accurate answer
It's a machining center. Mm

The measurement unit of length is as follows: 1 light year = 9.46 × 10 ^ 15m (light year) 1pm = 1 × 10 ^ 15m (beat meter) 1mm = 1 × 10 ^ 6m (megameter) 1km = 1 × 10 ^ 3M (kilometer) 1dm = 1 × 10 ^ (- 1) M (decimeter) 1cm = 1 × 10 ^ (- 2) m (centimeter) 1mm = 1 × 10 ^ (- 3) m (millimeter) 1dmm = 1 × 10 ^ (- 4) m (silk meter)

Lesson 18 beautiful festival across a century
If you answer well, you can give more points!

Madame Curie made a report on radium at the French Academy of Sciences. 3. Madame Curie succeeded in extracting 0.1 gram of radium with her dedication to science. 4. Madame Curie persisted in her research work despite her heavy pressure. 5. Madame Curie's nobility of indifference to fame and wealth