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What is the name of the book you are reading Do not translate like what are you reading now

What's the title of the book you are reading now?

Read all kinds of books

read all kinds of books

】I hope I can read your book next time!
hope next timealso can read your book
I hope next timealso read your book
I hope I will alsoread your book next time
Which is right or wrong, and how to say it!

I hope to read your book again.

This book is as interesting as that one

this book is as interesting as that one.

What is the least common multiple of 24 / 11 and 18 / 15?

The concept of primary school is not very clear
You can verify it again

What's the ratio of X to y

X :Y=21:8

Given the proposition p: a square = b square, Q: is a = B, then p is Q

P: A square = b square, Q: a = b
A ^ 2 = B ^ 2 = = > | a | = | B | cannot push a = b
That is, P cannot deduce Q
a=b==> a^2=b^2
That is p = > Q
A necessary and not sufficient condition for P to be q

Divide the arithmetic sequence by the arithmetic sequence and multiply the arithmetic sequence by the arithmetic sequence
1, equal ratio divided by equal difference
2. Equal difference divided by equal ratio
3. Equal ratio by equal difference
What are the formulas of these three series

The sum of equal ratio multiplied by equal difference is subtracted by dislocation

It is known that f (x) = (x-a) (X-B) &# 178;, a and B are constants
Given the function f (x) = (x-a) (X-B) 2, a and B are constants
(1) If a ≠ B, we prove that the function f (x) has a maximum and a minimum;
(2) Let f (x) in (1) obtain the maximum and minimum values of the independent variables X1 and X2 respectively, let a (x1, f (x1)), B (X2, f (x2)). If the slope of the line AB is - 1 / 2, find the length of the common decreasing interval of the functions f (x) and f '(x);
(3) If f (x) ≥ MXF ′ (x) holds for all x ∈ R, find the conditions of real numbers m, a, B
Just ask for one step in the process of answering question 3:
In the third question, I turn to the point where (X-B) {(1-3m) x2 + [M (2a + b) - (a + b)] x + AB} ≥ 0,

1. A & sup2; + B & sup2; - 4A + 8b + 20 = 0 find the value of a + B
2. A = 2005, B = 2006, C = 2007. Find the value of a & sup2; + B & sup2; + C & sup2; - AB BC ca