English translation The literal meaning is "fairy's magic" and "fairy's magic". I want to ask if there are better expressions that can be translated,

English translation The literal meaning is "fairy's magic" and "fairy's magic". I want to ask if there are better expressions that can be translated,

English translation
Where on earth did you see Tom?
_____________ you saw Tom?
After a while, the naughty boy disappeared
After a while,the naughty boy was____________ .
There is no limit to the number of words in the horizontal line

Where on earth did you see Tom____ Where _ indeed/on the earth____ did___ After a while, the naughty boy was gone___ disappeared_________ . there is no limit to the number of words in the line

I am good at running

i am good at running.
i do well in running.
Be good at = do well in

Let u = {}, a {2.3.4}, B = {2.5}, then B ∪ (CUA) =?

CuA = {1.5} BU(CuA)={1.2.5}

As shown in the figure, there are two points c and D on the line AB, AC: CB = 2:5, ad: DB = 5:6, CD = 13. Find the length of ab
That is, CD is on the left side of the line segment, AB is the two endpoints of the line segment, a is the left endpoint, a is the left endpoint

Then AC: ab = 2: (2 + 5) = 2:7
That is, AC = 2 / 7ab
Similarly, ad = 5 / 11ab

How to prove that a matrix of order n can be expressed as a sum of upper triangular and symmetric matrices

It is proved that e Λ x-x & #178; - 2x-2 > 0

If there is a problem with the title, it is a false proposition
Then f (0) = - 1

Indefinite integral of sin ^ 3x / SiNx + cosx

Multiply any two numbers in the number - 5,1, - 3,5, - 2, where the largest product is? And the smallest product is?

The largest product is 15 and the smallest is - 25

A mathematical problem of formula method in the third grade of junior high school
This is about the first semester of junior high school mathematics calculation problem, formula calculation problem: x square - 4x + 6 = 0, b square - 4ac = ()

The square of B - 4ac = (- 4) square - 4 * 1 * 6