Translation from English to Chinese (Book 9, 36) I'm really anxious,because I can't find my backpack .I really need it because I have a math test tomorrow.It That I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam!

Translation from English to Chinese (Book 9, 36) I'm really anxious,because I can't find my backpack .I really need it because I have a math test tomorrow.It That I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam!

That has no practical meaning, just the form and idiom in the clause
For - for
For it and because it have the same meaning - math test
It is very important for me to study for this exam, because it accounts for 30% of the final exam

English translation
I was used to eating with chopsticks and a spoon, but I had to eat with a knife, a fork and a fork spoon.And I had not just one set to use, but two or three of each!

First: the competition between families began in my youth. Second: I have been used to eating with chopsticks and a spoon, but I have to eat with a knife and fork and spoon. I have not only used one set, but two or three large portions

English translation
The wind blew the kite high into the air .Ben began to float across the water.Soon he was on the other side and he had not worked at Boy shouted, "his kite tool him to the other side without any work!"!

The wind blew the kite into the sky, and Ben's raft began to drift slowly across the river. Soon he was on the other side of the river, but he didn't row at all. A boy yelled, "his kite has pulled him to the other side of the river, without any effort."
The first word "worked" is a verb, which can be translated into "rowing". The second word "work" is a noun, which can be translated into "Kung Fu", "strength" and so on

Apple, pear and orange are 100 kg in total. The weight of apple is three times that of pear. The weight of orange is 8 kg less than half of pear. How many kg are there?

If x kg for pear, 3 kg for apple and 1 / 2x - 8 kg for orange
1 / 2x-8 = 24 / 2-8 = 4kg

Look at the following data: negative one, half, negative one-third, quarter, negative one-fifth
What is the 2007 item in this column?
Can you find the law in this series and express it?

2007 is minus one in 2007
The nth item is (- 1) ^ n (nth)

How many kilometers per second is 1000 meters per hour?

1 km / h = 1 / 3600 km / s ≈ 0.000278 km / S

"Wangjia" fruit supermarket brought in a batch of pears, sold 1 / 6 of the total pears on the first day, sold the remaining 2 / 5 on the second day, and sold 1 / 4 of the total pears on the third day, leaving 140 kg. How many pears are there?

(1-1 / 6) × 2 / 5 = 1 / 3 140 ÷ (1-1 / 6-1 / 3-1 / 4) = 560 (kg) hope to adopt!

1 / 2 * 2 / 3 * 3 / 4 * 4 / 5 * · * 98 / 99 * 99 / 100=

1 / 2 times 2 / 3 can cross out denominator 2 and numerator 2, so it becomes 1 / 3. 1 / 3 can cross out 3 / 4 and become 1 / 4. In the same way, if you go on, all the scores can be removed in this way, and finally it becomes 1 / 100

The relationship between voltage and current in sine AC circuit

Proportional, meet Ohm's law, change in phase

If there are 50 students in class 6 (2), how many do you think teachers should choose

Know the total number and probability, you can use the total number x probability = three good students
The formula is: 50 × 10% = 50 × 0.1 = 5 (person)