What is the function of the word "Qiu" in "night rain to the north"?

What is the function of the word "Qiu" in "night rain to the north"?

To express one's feelings through the scenery, one should not talk about Acacia directly, but show the depth of Acacia even more

What's the role of Chengtian temple's leisure words in the full text

The meaning of idle person is: ① reflecting the reality of the author as an idle official; ② expressing the author's state of mind at ease; ③ lamenting that the world is busy with fame and wealth but has no leisure to take care of the beautiful scenery

The area of a piece of paper is 6 square decimeters. How many square decimeters is the area of 4 / 5 pieces of paper?


What is the English word for the unit of measurement of length "silk"

Decimilimetre DMM

Primary school Chinese synchronous sixth grade volume II Lesson 18 "across a hundred years of beauty" in the problem
(1) Write the antonyms of the following words
Childish - () enthusiastic - () cautious - ()
(2) Fill in the brackets with the appropriate connectives
Radium () has "beautiful color", it () automatically GLOWS!
(3) Which sentence is better than the following one? Why?
① The faces of both turned to the radium!
② The faces of both men turned to the dim light, to the mysterious source of the rays, to radium, to their radium!
( )

1. Childish - mature, enthusiastic - cold, cautious - careless
Not only... But also
The second sentence is good
Shimmering reflects the scarcity and mystery of radium. It also shows that they don't know radium very well. The repeated technique highlights the excitement of discovering radium. Their radium describes the owner and discoverer of radium and their hard work. It's much better than the first sentence in terms of tone and rhetoric

Find out the greatest common factors of the following groups: 26 and 39, 25 and 75
Find out the greatest common factor of the following groups:
26 and 39 25 and 75 14 and 56

26 and 39 13
25 and 75 25
14 and 56 14
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Help each other, wish common progress!

If three-quarters of x equals two-thirds of Y, then x is equal to ()

From the meaning of the title
3/4 x = 2/3 y
It can be reduced to 9 x = 8 y
Then x: y = 8: 9

In the following proposition, what is the condition that P is q? The square of P: A is greater than the square of B, and Q: A is greater than B. write the judgment process

If a = - 2, B = 1
If a = 1, B = - 2
So p is neither sufficient nor necessary for Q

The solution of the sum of the first n terms of the arithmetic sequence divided by the arithmetic sequence
Let the arithmetic sequence an = 2-N, the proportional sequence BN = 2 ^ (n-1), find the sum of the first n terms of the sequence an / BN!

Sn=1*(1/2)^0+0*(1/2)^1 +(-1)*(1/2)^2+(-2)*(1/2)^3 +…… +(2-n)(1/2)^(n-1).①
(1/2)Sn= 1*(1/2)^1 +0*(1/2)^2 +(-1)*(1/2)^3 +(-2)*(1/2)^4+…… +(2-n)(1/2)^n.②
(1/2)Sn=1*(1/2)^0+(-1)*(1/2)^1 +(-1)*(1/2)^2+(-1)*(1/2)^3 +…… +(-1)(1/2)^(n-1)+(n-2)(1/2)^n
=1-[ (1/2)^1 +(1/2)^2+(1/2)^3 +…… +(1/2)^(n-1) ] + (n-2)(1/2)^n
=1-[1-2^(1-n)] + (n-2)/2^n
=1/2^(n-1) +(n/2 -1)/2^(n-1)
Sn = 2n / 2 ^ n = n / 2 ^ (n-1), that is: SN = n / 2 ^ (n-1)

Function f (x) = x & # 178; + A / x, (, constant a ∈ R) f ((x) in [1, + ∞) is an increasing function to find the range of A

f '(x)=2x-a/x²=(2x³-a)/x²
Because f (x) is an increasing function in [1, + ∞)
So when x ≥ 1
f '(x)≥0
That is, 2x & # 179; - a ≥ 0
A ≤ 2x & # 179; ≤ 2 × 1 & # 179;
So a ≤ 2
Answer: a ≤ 2