What's the difference between the expression of "only" in the following sentences? 1. The wind and rain in my heart comes, / I only hide in your arms. 2. The flower of success, / people only admire her bright now! 3. I always hope that one can only flow to the place I want it to go

What's the difference between the expression of "only" in the following sentences? 1. The wind and rain in my heart comes, / I only hide in your arms. 2. The flower of success, / people only admire her bright now! 3. I always hope that one can only flow to the place I want it to go

Just "as long as" means "to hide in your arms" is enough. Just "just" means that people don't care about others. Here is the general meaning of "Zhi", right? It should be the quantifier of river
Remember to adopt it

The expression function of words in sentences
I pumped the medicine into the needle, disinfected the patient's skin with iodine and alcohol, and stabbed the bright skin in front of me
I announced my defeat, half tucked away my embarrassed needle, and tears crackled down

First explain the meaning of words. If there is rhetoric, first say what rhetoric is, then analyze the function
Metaphor: it can visualize the language, describe the dream of people or things as a specific image; it can make the profound truth simple and easy to understand; it can reveal the essence of things; it can clearly express the author's feelings and position
Metonymy: using various relations between objective things to skillfully form the art of language can highlight the characteristics of things, arouse people's Association, enhance the art of language, and make the language lively and full of changes
Analogy: vivid color, vivid image and rich expression
Exaggeration: it can express feelings, reveal the characteristics and essence of things, inspire readers' imagination and enhance the vividness of language
Parallelism: the content is concentrated, the momentum is enhanced, the rhythm is distinct, which is conducive to lyric, clear and persuasive
Set questions: draw attention, make people think, have pertinence and inspiration
Rhetorical question: strengthen the tone, express strong feelings, enhance the persuasiveness and appeal of the article
Repetition: in argumentative articles (including argumentative essays and argumentative essays), it plays an important role; in lyrical and scenery writing articles, it enhances the appeal
Irony: the use of hidden forms, implicit twists and turns to express emotional excitement, especially suitable for ridicule and irony
Contrast: make the characteristics of things more prominent and distinct, play an important role
In a specific article, we need to make a specific analysis, combining with the theme of the context of the article, some functions can not be fully answered
Boss, I typed it word by word. What's the spirit~

The expression function of the following sentence words
When you visit Suzhou gardens, you will notice that the flower wall and the porch are inevitable
It seems that what designers and craftsmen pursue is: no matter which point they stand on, there is always a perfect picture in front of their eyes
The roof tile and eaves leak are all light gray

When you visit Suzhou gardens, you will notice the flower walls and porches
The word "inevitability" highlights the attention of flower wall and porch, and embodies the ingenious design of flower wall and porch
The word "must" emphasizes the originality of the designer
The roof tile and eaves leak are all light gray. The word "Yi Yi" shows the fresh, elegant and harmonious unity of garden color

How to calculate 73 * 37 + 77 * 33 simply

Split before merge:

An object or animal or a word used to describe a cold exterior and a fragile heart

Tough on the outside and tough on the inside

Primary school fifth grade mathematics summer homework in the next semester, the problem in the following
1. Write prime numbers
①11 22 33 44 55 66 77
②35 30 25 20 15 10 5
③9 19 29 39 49 59 69
④17 27 37 47 57 67 77
2. Among the four numbers of 35008, the number composed is even: (), which can be composed of () in total. There are () numbers composed of multiples of five
3. Factor of 40
Multiple of 7 within 50:
Multiple of 6 within 40

1. Prime numbers (1) 11, 33, 55, 77 (2) 5 (3) 19 29 39 59 69 (4) 17, 37, 47, 57, 67, 77
Even numbers: 30, 38, 50, 58, 80. There are three multiples of 5
Factors of 40: 5 and 8, 4 and 10, 2 and 20, 1 and 40,
Multiple of 7 within 50: 7, 14, 21, 285, 42, 49
Multiple of 6 within 40: 6,12,18,24,30,36

Equation 9: 8-x = 6: 5: 17: 3 + x = 17: 5: x-39: 4 = 13: 5: 4-x = 7: 2
The sum of two numbers is 7 / 8, the addend of one number is 7 / 9, what is the other addend? What is the sum of 1 / 2 and 1 / 3 less than 1 / 6 of a number?

8/9 - x = 5/6
x = 8/9 - 5/6
x = 16/18 - 15/18
x = 1/18
3/17 + x = 5/17
x = 5/17 - 3/17
x = 2/17
x - 4/39 = 5/13
x = 5/13 + 4/39
x = 15/39 + 4/39
x = 19/39
4 - x = 2/7
x = 3+ 7/7 - 2/7
x = 3+ 5/7
X = 3 and 5 / 7
7/8 - 7/9
= 63/72 - 56/72
= 7/72
1/2 + 1/3 + 1/6
= 3/6 + 2/6 + 1/6
= 6/6
= 1

47 * 98 + 94 simple operation


Parabola y = AX2 + BX + C (a is not equal to 0) image has the highest point, the image function value is 4, the image through the point a (3,0), B (0,3) to find the analytical formula
If possible, there is another question:
In the quadratic function y = - x2 + (2m + 2) x - (M2 + 4m-3) of X, M is a natural number. Its image and X-axis intersect at two points AB, and two points AB intersect with Y-axis at point C on both sides of the origin to calculate the area of triangle ABC
Thanks for zuochlong's answer
2. From the meaning of the title, we can get the solution that a and B are - X & sup2; + (2m + 2) x - (M & sup2; + 4m-3) = 0
[so a + B = 2m + 2, ab = M & sup2; + 4m-3] why
Because a and B are on both sides of the origin
So AB = M & sup2; + 4m-3

So a = - 1, B = 2, C = 3
Let a (a, 0), B (B, 0), and C (0, - (M & sup2; + 4m-3))
From the meaning of the title, we can get the solution that a and B are - X & sup2; + (2m + 2) x - (M & sup2; + 4m-3) = 0
So a + B = 2m + 2, ab = M & sup2; + 4m-3
Because a and B are on both sides of the origin
So AB = M & sup2; + 4m-3

The original price of a drug is a yuan, and the unit price after 30% reduction is a yuan
A. A-30% yuan
B. A (1-30%) yuan
C. A (1 + 30%) yuan
D. 30% * a yuan

It should be a (1-30%)