There are two bookshelves. If the first bookshelf gives x books to the second bookshelf, there are as many books in the two bookshelves. How many more books are there in the first bookshelf than in the second bookshelf

There are two bookshelves. If the first bookshelf gives x books to the second bookshelf, there are as many books in the two bookshelves. How many more books are there in the first bookshelf than in the second bookshelf


The number of books in the first bookshelf of two bookshelves is three thirds of that in the second bookshelf, and the number of books in the first bookshelf is 176 less than that in the second bookshelf. How many books are there in each bookshelf?
Fang Chengjie

The title is missing!
(1) If the first bookshelf has n books, the second bookshelf has 3N books
N = 88
A: the first shelf has 88 books. The second shelf has 88 × 3 = 264 books
(2) Let the first bookshelf be two thirds of the second bookshelf
A: there are 352 books on the first shelf and 352 × 1.5 = 528 books on the second shelf
Checking: (1) 264-88 = 176; (2) 528-352 = 176
Both are correct. Good luck and goodbye

There are two bookcases. The number of books in the second bookcase is 62.5% of that in the first bookcase. If 15 books are taken out of the first bookcase and put into the second bookcase,
The number of books in the two bookcases is equal. How many are in the first bookcase?
(solved by equation)

There were x books in the first bookcase
X = 80 (30 divided by 0.375 = 80; 37.5% is 0.375)
Answer: originally the first bookcase put 80 books

My favorite extracurricular books are how steel is made, the secret of the sea and composition

Change "yes" to "yes". It's like adding a dun number between the title and number of the book. "

As shown in the figure, BD and CE are the two heights of triangle ABC, and m and N are the midpoint of BC and de respectively

Connecting DM, EM, ∵ m is the midpoint of BC, BD and CE are the two heights of △ ABC, ∵ EM = 12bc, DM = 12bc, ∵ EM = DM, ∵ n is the midpoint of De, ∵ Mn divides de vertically

Is he French

is he a frenchmen ?
does he come france?

In the triangle ABC, the points D and F are on AB, the points E and G are on AC, and the lines de and FG parallel to BC divide the area of the triangle into three equal parts,
BC = 15, find the length of De and FG
There should be a complete process

Because De is parallel to BC, triangle ade is similar to triangle ABC, so the square of the ratio BC of De is equal to the area ratio 1:3 of triangle ade and triangle ABC, so the square of the ratio BC of De is equal to 1:3, so De is equal to 5 times root 3,
Similarly, the square ratio of FG to BC is equal to the area ratio of triangle AFG to triangle ABC 2:3, so BC = 5 times root 6

I very like fruit and vegetables
very ------------------B
fruit and vegetables---d
( )_______________

As an adverb, very can't be used to interpret the verb directly. It should be in the form of adverb plus adjective. Very much, etc
Normal order: a + C + D + B + much

If the hypotenuse of a right triangle is larger than that of the right triangle and the other right triangle is 6, then the hypotenuse is 2
If AB = 10, AC: BC = 3:4, then the area of the right triangle is
There are two trees in the campus, 12 meters apart. One tree is 13 meters high, and the other is 8 meters high. A bird flies from one tree to the top of another tree, and the bird at least flies
The length of the isosceles triangle is 10, the length of the base is 12, and the height of the optional ground edge is 10

1. Let the right angle side be x, then the hypotenuse is (x + 2), Pythagorean theorem, hypotenuse square = sum of square of right angle side, then hypotenuse is 10
2. It is the same as the triangle in the previous question. For a 3:4:5 right triangle, the right sides are 6 and 8 respectively, and the area is 24
3. If the bird flies in a straight line, if the top of the tree that is too low makes a straight line perpendicular to the tree that is too high, then the right sides of the upper right triangle are 5 and 12 respectively. According to the Pythagorean theorem, the third side is 13, which is the distance that the bird flies
4. When crossing the vertex, the intersection of the vertex and the bottom bisects the bottom, that is, the hypotenuse of half of the right triangle is 10, one right side is 6, and the other side is 8, that is, the height of the isosceles triangle

Write the antonyms of the following adjectives
correct( )possible( )
kind( )happy( )
same( ) pleasant( )
polite( )honest( )
easy( )cheap( )
