Mothers all over the world give everything to others. Let's be moved by their selfless spirit Please write down the correct answer

Mothers all over the world give everything to others. Let's be moved by their selfless spirit Please write down the correct answer

Mothers all over the world give all their life to their children. Let's cheer for the selfless spirit of maternal love! Are you writing? It's totally unreasonable

We were deeply moved by his patriotic enthusiasm

We were deeply moved by his patriotism

The film is very moving

I very like fruit and vegetables.
What's wrong with this sentence?

I like fruit and vegetables very much.
Very can't be used to describe like

It is known that the bottom of a right triangle is 12.5m, and the height is 1.8m. Please write down the process in detail. Thank you for your speed`````

Since the bottom is not beveled, then the bottom and height are right angles
So, to find the hypotenuse, we use the Pythagorean theorem,
Hypotenuse = √ (12.5 ^ 2 + 1.8 ^ 2)
About 12.6 (m)
Find the angle between the bottom edge and the hypotenuse (set as a)
TGA = height / bottom edge = 1.8 / 12.5
A = arctg0.144 =? (you must look up the inverse trigonometric function table to get the degree)

Find English antonyms and adjectives
There are points! Not in an hour!


The application of sine and cosine theorem
In the triangle ABC, tanb = 1, Tanc = 2, B = 100, find a

So Sina = 3 / √ 10 (√ 10 means root 10)
A = 60 √ 5 can be calculated from sine theorem

Under what circumstances or sentence patterns are English verbs in the form of ing?
For example: what about is followed by the ing form, and the present continuous tense is in the ing form All of them come out one by one

The formation of - ing participle
-The "ing" participle is made up of the original form of the verb and the ending of the word - ing
Active form
Passive form
General form
being done
Perfect form
having done
having been done
-The negative form of ing participle is composed of not and - ing participle
Not knowing his address, I could do nothing but stay at home and wait
His not coming made all of us angry
2. The general form and the perfect form of - ing participle:
-The general form of the "ing" participle indicates an action that takes place at the same time as the action indicated by the predicate verb; the perfect form indicates an action that takes place before the action indicated by the predicate verb
Being a student, he was interested in books
Not having studied his lessons very hard, he failed the examinations
3. The passive form of - ing participle:
-According to the time when the action of the - ing participle occurs, the passive forms of the - ing participle include the general passive form (being done) and the complete passive form (having been done)
The question being discussed is very important
He never talked about his having been interviewed by the reporter
Having been criticized by the teacher, he gave up smoking
Note: after the verbs (phrases) such as need, want, require, be worth, etc., the - ing participle as the object often uses the active form to express the passive meaning
Your shoes need to be cleaned
This book is well worth reading
4. The grammatical function of - ing participle
-On the one hand, ing participle has the nature of verb, on the other hand, it is also equivalent to a noun, adjective or adverb. It can be used as subject, predicative, object, attribute, adverbial and complement in a sentence
1) - ing participle (phrase) as subject:
Laying eggs is the ant queen's full-time job
Saying is easier than doing
In the following two constructions, the - ing participle also acts as the subject
① In order to keep the balance of a sentence, it is usually used as a formal subject and the real subject is placed at the end of the sentence
It is no use crying over spilt milk
It's a waste of time arguing about it
② In the structure there is no, - ing is usually used
There is no joking about such matters
There is no holding back the wheel of history
2) - ing participle (phrase) as predicative:
His hobby is collecting stamps
The problem is quite confusing
3) - ing participle as object:
① I suggest doing it in a different way
We enjoy attending Miss Li's class
② The - ing participle can also be used as the real object in a compound object, while it can be used as the formal object
I don't think it possible to live in such a cold place
Do you consider it any good trying again?
③ The - ing participle is often used after some phrases
I'm against inviting him to dinner
They don't feel like walking that much
He went to London in the hope of being a famous painter
There are many other phrases like: look forward to, be proud of Be responsible for In charge, resist on, think of, dream of, object to, hear of, prevent From (prevent, stop), keep From (prevent, stop), stop From (prevent, prevent), be engaged in, depend on, thank For Thank you For I'm sorry for that To, set about, be / get used to, be fond of, be afraid of, be tired of Succeed in , be interested in Be interested in Shame) and so on
Note: in some sentences, prepositions can be omitted
I have no difficulty (in) communicating with foreigners
He used to spend a lot of time (in) playing games
What can prevent us (from) getting married?
In addition, the - ing participle can form phrases with prepositions such as in, on, after, against, before, by, for, without, and others, and act as adverbials in sentences
He left ahead of time without saying a word
Besides cooking and sewing, she had to take care of four children
On hearing the news, all the pupils jumped with joy
4) - ing participle as attributive:
① A single participle is usually placed in front of the modifier
Reading room swimming pool dining car sleeping car singing competition singing competition waiting room waiting car a waiting car flying fish the exciting news boring performance
② - ing participle phrase as attributive should be placed after the modified word, which is also equivalent to an attributive clause
Who is the comrade standing by the door?
They live in a house facing south
③ The – ing participle can also be used as an unrestricted attributive clause, which is often separated from other parts of the sentence by commas
The words, usually dealing with current work, were mostly written by himself
When she appeared, John, wearing a dirty and worn-out overcoat, ran to her with joy
5) - ing participle as adverbial:
-The adverbial "ing" can be used to express time, cause, result, condition, concession, manner or accompanying situation
① The - ing participle phrase is used as a time adverbial clause, which can sometimes be derived from the conjunctions when and while
While reading the book, he nodded from time to time
Seeing those pictures, she remembered her childhood
② A - ing participle is used as an adverbial of cause, which is equivalent to an adverbial clause of cause
Not knowing his address, I can't send this book to him
Many of us, being so excited, could't go to sleep that night
③ - ing participle phrase as adverbial of result
His father died, leaving him a lot of money
She was so angry that she threw the toy on the ground, breaking it into pieces
④ The - ing participle can be placed in the front, back or middle of a sentence to indicate another, less important action of the subject
They stood there for half an hour watching the stars in the sky
Following the old man, the young people started walking slowly
⑤ The - ing participle can also be used as a conditional adverbial or a concession adverbial, which is equivalent to an adverbial clause
A person standing at the foot of a high mountain will find himself very small
Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage
Note: when - ing participle is used as adverbial, its logical subject is the subject of the whole sentence
⑥ With / without + noun case or pronoun case + - ing participle