What is the volume per unit weight

What is the volume per unit weight

Specific volume, commonly used in gas,

11 and 56 share the same factor

The common factor of 11 and 56, the common factor, is 1

If f (2x + 1) = - 4x + 2x-5, then what is the analytic expression of F (x)
If f (2x + 1) = - 4x + 2x-5, then what is the analytic expression of F (x)

Let t = 2x + 1, then x = (t-1) / 2, and f (2x + 1) = - 4x + 2x-5 = - 2x-5, namely f (T) = - 2 ((t-1) / 2) - 5 = 1-t-5 = - T-4, so f (x) = - x-4

Conversion between oxygen and liquid oxygen
I want to know how much kg liquid oxygen can be converted from 1 cubic meter of oxygen and how to convert it?

It depends on the pressure, the oxygen at the temperature, according to the Clapeyron equation: PV = NRT
P: Pressure (PA) V: Volume (cubic meter) n: amount of gas (mol) r = 8.314 (is a constant) t: temperature (k) are international units
The quantity n of matter, the mass: 36N (the unit is gram)

Given x ^ a = 3, x ^ B = 5, find x ^ (3a-2b)


Find the tangent and normal plane equation of the intersection of surface XYZ = 1 and surface x = y ^ 2 at point (1,1,1)

Intersection y = t
The tangent equation is (x-1) / 2 = (Y-1) / 1 = (Z-1) / (- 3)
Normal plane equation (x-1) * 2 + (Y-1) * 1 + (Z-1) * - 3) = 0

Who knows how many feet or meters a yard is in a unit of length
How are they converted?

Yard is a unit of length, mainly used in Britain, its former colonies and Commonwealth countries. It is also used in the United States and other countries
A yard as a unit of length is three feet, or 0.9144 meters
But now in our spoken language, "code" is often used as a speed unit, usually used in the speed of vehicles, especially in the speed of cars
As a unit of speed, one yard is equal to one kilometer per hour
For example, when we say that the average speed of the car is over 80 yards, we mean that the average speed of the car is over 80 kilometers per hour
For another example, the speed limit sign of expressway is generally 110 or 120 yards. That is to say, on the expressway, the speed of a car should not exceed 110 km or 120 km per hour
One yard equals three feet, and one foot equals 0.3048 meters
One yard equals 0.9 meters

It is known that ABC is a positive number, and X2 + 2aX + B2 = 0 has the same root as x2 + 2cx-b2 = 0. It is proved that a triangle with three sides of A.B and C is a right triangle
2 is the square

Because a, B and C are three sides of a triangle, a, B and C are positive numbers,
Solve the equation x ^ 2 + 2aX + B ^ 2 = 0
X = [- 2A + radical (4a * a-4b * b)] / 2 = - A + radical (a * A-B * b)
X = [- 2A radical (4a * a-4b * b)] / 2 = - [a + radical (a * A-B * b)]
Similarly, by solving the equation x ^ 2 + 2cx-b ^ 2 = 0, we obtain
X = [- 2C + radical (4C * C + 4B * b)] / 2 = - C + radical (c * C + b * b)
X = [- 2C radical (4C * C + 4B * b)] / 2 = - [C + radical (c * C + b * b)]
Because the equation x ^ 2 + 2aX + B ^ 2 = 0 and x ^ 2 + 2cx-b ^ 2 = 0 have the same root, only
-A + radical (a * A-B * b) = - C + radical (c * C + b * b)
The result of upward movement
C-A = radical (c * C + b * b) - radical (a * A-B * b)
Two sides squared
C * C + A * a-2a * C = C * C + b * B + A * A-B * B-2 radical [(c * C + b * b) - (a * A-B * b)]
A * C = radical (c * C + b * b) * (a * A-B * b)
If the two sides are further squared and simplified, we can get
According to Pythagorean theorem, this triangle is a right triangle
The results are the same as above

Calculate the volume of the solid surrounded by the surface z = x ^ 2 + 2Y ^ 2 and z = 6-2x ^ 2-y ^ 2

The projection curve of the intersection of two surfaces on the XY coordinate plane is x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 2, so the projection area of the whole solid on the XY plane is D: x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 ≤ 2
Volume v = ∫∫ (d) [(6-2x ^ 2-y ^ 2) - (x ^ 2 + 2Y ^ 2)] DXDY in polar coordinates
=3∫(0~2π)dθ∫(0~√2) (2-ρ^2)ρdρ=6π

Factorization of x4-x3 + 6x2-x + 15
