Specific usage of punctuation in sentences

Specific usage of punctuation in sentences

Punctuation marks can be divided into three types: punctuation mark, punctuation mark and symbol. Punctuation marks include: (1) the end of a sentence; (2) the end of a question; (3) the end of a exclamation sentence; (4) the pause in a sentence; (5) the pause between coordinate words; (6) the pause between coordinate clauses in a complex sentence; (7) the pause between address forms

How to use punctuation after "Xiang"

Li congqiang, yangbei school, sangyuan Town, Li County, Hebei Province
The characteristics of description are detailed and vivid. The description of the inner activities of the characters is called the description of psychological activities, which makes them "reappear" in front of the readers, and makes them feel as if they are at the scene
There are usually three kinds of words after "Xiang", and the punctuation after "Xiang" is also different
When the words after "Xiang" belong to the description of psychological activities, colons and quotation marks are usually used after "Xiang"
At this time, my friend found the sound of "Ta Ta" again, as if he was blaming me severely. I also left in a rage, thinking: "I still have many good friends, it doesn't matter if you are missing one." (my new friend telephone)
In front of the description of psychological activities, there are often such words as "thinking in mind", which is equivalent to "estimating in mind" or "murmuring in mind". For example, "thinking in mind" in example 1 is equivalent to "estimating in mind", and "thinking in mind" in example 2 is equivalent to "murmuring in mind"
The word "Xiang" in this usage can sometimes be used as "Xiang Dao"
However, I was still unconvinced and agreed, but I thought to myself, "I drew the picture well; as for the actual situation, I naturally remember it in my heart." (in Sendai)
2. When the words after the word "Xiang" do not belong to the description of specific psychological activities, but only express the content of thinking, generally only use colons and no quotation marks after "Xiang"
I think: hope is nothing, nothing. It's just like the road on the ground. In fact, there is no road on the ground, and when more people walk, it becomes the road. (Lu Xun's hometown)
I think: the computer may make mistakes
The words after the word "Xiang" in example (4) and (5) all express the content of thinking, not the description of psychological activities. In fact, the content after the word "Xiang" in example (4) is a philosophical discussion of the author
The word "Xiang" in this usage can not be replaced by "Xiang Dao"
The words after the word "Xiang" are relatively short, which only represents a relatively simple idea and does not belong to the description of psychological activities. The reason why the comma is not used after the word "Xiang" in example 8 is that it is a narrative language. There is no need to pause after the word "Xiang", and the comma separates the coherent tone
The word "Xiang" in this usage can not be replaced by "Xiang Dao"
However, the use of punctuation after the word "Xiang" is not absolute. Due to different writers' preferences and habits of using punctuation, there are often differences in the use of punctuation in the above three situations, especially in the second and third situations. It is difficult to use colon pairs, comma pairs or no punctuation pairs after the word "Xiang", As long as the general distinction between these three situations can be, do not insist that only what punctuation is right
In addition, when "x-xiang" is used as an insertion, it means to attract people's attention, followed by a comma. For example, "do you think it's not easy to run into a wall if it's dark around?" (my uncle Mr. Lu Xun) is not in the above three cases

If f (x) is an odd function with period π, then f (x) can be ()
A. sinxB. cosxC. sin2xD. cos2x

A. F (x) = SiNx, ∵ ω = 1, ∵ t = 2 π, which is odd function, which is not suitable for the problem; B, f (x) = cosx, ∵ ω = 1, ∵ t = 2 π, which is even function, which is not suitable for the problem; C, f (x) = sin2x,