Today's scholars read ancient books Punctuation, translation?

Today's scholars read ancient books Punctuation, translation?

People who are studying now often criticize the mistakes of the ancients when they read the books of the ancients. When they get along with the present people, they also like to talk about the mistakes of others. People can't be without mistakes, but try to exchange positions with each other to get along with each other and estimate calmly. Do they really have any mistakes? They can recognize the mistakes of others, but they can't see their own mistakes, I can point out other people's small mistakes, but I can't see my big mistakes. I don't have time to check my mistakes. Where can I talk about others!

Are there no punctuation marks on ancient books?

The history of Chinese punctuation can be traced back to the lines and spaces used in oracle bone inscriptions as the means of word segmentation. Lin believes that the narrow sense of punctuation refers to the written form of punctuation, and the broad sense of punctuation should also include non written form of punctuation, such as space, capital, segmentation, and so on

The sum of numerator and denominator is 86. If 9 is subtracted from both numerator and denominator, the result is 8 / 9,
So, how much is the simplest fraction? There must be a formula

This problem should be the sixth grade after the proportional distribution of knowledge
86-9 × 2 = 68 -- sum of numerator and denominator minus 9
68 ÷ (9 + 8) × 9 = 36 -- the new denominator is 36
68 △ (9 + 8) × 8 = 32 -- the new fractional molecule is 32
The original score was 41 / 45

Each lists 20 open syllable words and 20 closed syllable words

Open syllables: bike, Mike, side, wife, pile mile while kite, tie, cake, make, wake, game, bake, rock, drop, rock, nose, rose, rock, theme, these,
Closed syllable: kid lip it milk sit bit bet pet get wet set Web job boss lot pot got sob cat pat sat pat cut sun gun


Vector OA + vector Ao = 0
Vector AD + vector DC = vector AC
(OA + AO) + AD + DC = vector AC

How to express it in English? How to describe it in words (. Phrases) or sentences, especially in sentences

he gives us an impression that he's been through interchange of sea and land

As shown in the figure, in the parallelogram ABCD, make a straight line EF through B, AE is perpendicular to EF, CF is perpendicular to EF, DG is perpendicular to ef. Verification: DG = AE + CF

Add me Q, I'll tell you the auxiliary line and solution, otherwise I don't often go online, I'm afraid I can't solve anything I don't understand. 452665739 let me tell you, see if you have some ideas. Intercept GH = FC on DG, even he. A = because B = so a DG vertical EF CF vertical EFB DG parallel FCA Hg = FCB ghcf is rectangular B angle GHC

When does a word ending with F become ves, and when does it directly add s
For example, does leaf become leaves or leaves

Leaf leaves scarf scarves / scarfs handkerchief handkerchiefs / handkerchiefs knife thiefs life lives self lives

Ad is the height of acute triangle ABC, AC = 20, BC = 24, ad = 16. Prove that △ ABC is isosceles triangle

In RT triangle ACD, AC = 20, ad = 16
According to Pythagorean theorem, CD = 12
So ad is also the center line of triangle ABC
According to the triangle three lines in one,
ABC is an isosceles triangle

Excuse me: eat some vegetables and fruit every day?
When you see the plural in other places, you add s

It's uncountable