All the stories of Zhuge Liang in the romance of the Three Kingdoms

All the stories of Zhuge Liang in the romance of the Three Kingdoms

to call on sb. repeatedly
Longzhong right
By the east wind
borrow arrows with thatched boats
Seven capture Meng Huo
Three Qi Zhou Yu
Scold Wang Lang to death
Eight trigrams clothes
Wooden Ox and Gliding Horse—name for the fleet of wheelbarrows used by Zhuge Liang's army to transport material and food
Empty city plan
Kill Ma Su
Eight array
Bai Di Tuogu
Fire burning Bowang
Burning rattan beetles
up one's sleeve
Six out of Qishan
Dead Zhuge scares alive Zhongda away

What are the stories about Zhuge Liang in the romance of the Three Kingdoms?

Take orders in the face of danger
killing someone with a borrowed knife
The sea embraces all rivers
Longzhong strategy
to call on sb. repeatedly
Burning Xinye
Seven capture Meng Huo
Battle of Chibi
Eight formations of Baidi City

What are the stories about Zhuge Liang in the romance of the Three Kingdoms?

A straw boat borrows an arrow:
One day, Zhou Yu asked Zhuge Liang to discuss military affairs and said, "we're going to fight Cao Jun. what's the best weapon to use when we fight on water?" ZHUGE Liang said, "bow and arrow are the best." Zhou Yu said, "yes, sir, it's the same as I think. Now there is a shortage of arrows in the army. I want to ask him to be responsible for building 100000. This is a business, I hope you don't give up. "ZHUGE Liang said," as entrusted by the governor, of course. I don't know when the 100000 arrows will be used? "Zhou Yu asked," is it good to build them in ten days? "ZHUGE Liang said," since we are going to fight, if we can build them in ten days, we will miss something important. "Zhou Yu asked," how many days do you expect to build them? "ZHUGE Liang said," only three days. "Zhou Yu said," the military situation is urgent, Zhuge Liang said, "how dare you make a joke with the governor? I'm willing to make a military order. If it's not good in three days, I'll be punished." Zhou Yu was very happy. He asked Zhuge Liang to make a military order face to face and set up a banquet for him. Zhuge Liang said, "it's too late today. From tomorrow to the third day, please send 500 soldiers to the riverside to shoot arrows." ZHUGE Liang drank a few glasses of wine and left
Lu Su said to Zhou Yu, "how can one hundred thousand arrows be made in three days? Is Zhuge Liang telling a lie?" Zhou Yu said, "he said it himself, but I didn't force him. I have to tell the military craftsmen to delay deliberately and don't give him all the materials for making arrows. If they can't make it in three days, he will have nothing to say. Go and see what he plans to do, and report back to me."
Lu Su met Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang said, "if you want to build 100000 arrows in three days, please help me." Lu Su said, "you find them all by yourself. How can I help you?" ZHUGE Liang said, "you lend me 20 boats, each of which needs 30 soldiers. The boats are covered with green cloth curtains and more than 1000 straw handles, It's on both sides of the boat. I'm good at it. On the third day, there will be 100000 arrows. But I can't let the governor know. If he knows, my plan will be over. "
Lu Su agreed. He didn't know the use of Zhuge Liang's borrowing the boat. He came back to report to Zhou Yu. He didn't mention the borrowing of the boat. He only said that Zhuge Liang didn't use bamboo, feather and glue paint. Zhou Yu was puzzled and said, "on the third day, let's see what he will do!"
Lu Su privately allocated 20 speedboats, each of which was equipped with 30 soldiers. According to Zhuge Liang, he arranged the green cloth curtain and straw handle for Zhuge Liang's dispatch. On the first day, there was no movement from Zhuge Liang. On the second day, there was still no movement from Zhuge Liang. Until the fourth watch on the third day, he had no movement from Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang secretly invited Lu Su to the boat. Lu Su asked him, "what do you want me to do?" ZHUGE Liang said, "please go and get the arrow together." Lu Su asked, "where can I get it?" ZHUGE Liang said, "don't ask. If you go, you'll know." ZHUGE Liang ordered to connect twenty boats with ropes and sail toward the north bank
Zhuge Liang ordered the stern of the ship to face east and lay it out in a word. He also told the soldiers on the ship to beat drums and shout loudly. Lu Su was surprised and said, "what if Cao soldiers come out?" ZHUGE Liang said with a smile: "the fog is so big, Cao Cao must not dare to send troops out. We just drink for fun, Go back at dawn. '
When Cao Cao heard the drums and shouts, he ordered: "it's very foggy on the river. The enemy suddenly attacked. We can't see the real situation clearly. Don't send out easily. Just ask the archers to shoot at them. Don't let them come near." he sent people to Hanzhai to send 6000 archers to the riverside to support the water army. More than 10000 archers shot their arrows into the river together. It was like rain, Bow to the East, stern to the west, still beating drums and shouting, approaching CaoJun water village to receive arrows
As the day began to dawn, the fog was still not clear. At this time, the grass handles on both sides of the boat were full of arrows. Zhuge Liang told the soldiers to shout in unison: "thank you for the arrow of Prime Minister Cao!" and then he called twenty boats to sail back to the south bank. Cao Cao knew that he had been fooled, but the boats on this side had already sailed more than 20 miles with the wind and water, and it was too late to catch up
When the twenty ships landed, the five hundred soldiers sent by Zhou Yu just came to the river to carry arrows. Each ship had about five or six thousand arrows, and there were more than one hundred thousand in the twenty ships. Lu Su met Zhou Yu and told him how he had borrowed the arrows. Zhou Yu sighed and said, "ZHUGE Liang is so clever that I can't match him!"
2. Clever calculation
This There are many stories
3. Play hard to get
Zhuge Liang, the Prime Minister of Shu, was ordered by Liu Bei, the emperor of zhaolie, to launch a northern expedition to revive the Han Dynasty. At that time, the southern barbarians of Shu invaded Shu again. Zhuge Liang immediately ordered his troops to March south. When they arrived at the southern barbarians, Zhuge Liang won the first battle and captured Meng Huo, the leader of the southern barbarians. However, Meng Huo was unconvinced and said that the victory and defeat were the common affairs of the soldiers, Kong Ming called his deputy general and deliberately said that Meng Huo had blamed him for the rebellion. The deputy general was very angry and cried out for injustice, so Kong Ming put him back. After returning to the camp, the deputy general was indignant. One day, he invited Meng Huo into his account, tied him up and sent him to Hanying. Kong Ming captured Meng Huo twice with Ji, but Meng Huo still refused, Zhuge Liang let him go again. This time, the generals of the Han camp didn't understand. They thought it was a joke to let the enemy go so easily. However, Kongming had his own truth: only by virtue can people really be convinced; by strength, there will be future trouble. Meng Huo went back to the cave again, and his younger brother Meng you offered him a plan, Meng you and his men came to Hanying to cheat surrender. Kongming saw through him at a glance, so he ordered a lot of good wine to be given to the Nanman soldiers, which made Meng you's men drunk. At this time, Meng Huo came to rob the camp as planned, but he was caught again. This time, Meng Huo was still unwilling, so Kongming let the tiger go for the third time, Meng Huo was overjoyed and immediately took people to catch Zhuge Liang. Unexpectedly, this time he was trapped by Zhuge Liang again and became a turtle in a jar for the fourth time. Knowing that he would not be convinced this time, Kong let him go again. Meng Huo led his troops back to the camp. A senior general of his camp brought the cave master Yang Feng, In order to repay his kindness, he and his wife drunk Meng Huo and sent him to Hanying. Meng Huo was arrested five times but still refused to accept his arrest. Kong Ming let him go for the fifth time and ordered him to fight again, When the two men came down with their heads, the danger of Yongchang was solved. The prince Wang and his wife welcomed Kong Ming into the city, and the general LV presented the picture of pingman's fingertips. Kong Ming was very happy. He took LV Kai as the guide officer and went deep into Manjing. When he was about to send troops, he suddenly reported that the emperor had sent an envoy to reward the army, and it was ma su
Kong Ming asked Ma Su how to pacify the rebellion of the southern barbarians. Ma Su said that the barbarians are capricious and must be convinced. Kong Ming thought this was very reasonable
After Kongming defeated the three hole marshal of Nanman, he laid an ambush for Wang Ping and Guansuo to lure the enemy. They pretended to be defeated and led Menghuo, the king of Nanman, into the canyon. Then Zhang Yi and Zhang Yi chased him. Wang Ping and Guansuo attacked each other. Menghuo could not resist and was captured by Wei Yansheng
Meng Huo refused and wanted to fight with Kong Ming again. If he was captured again, he would be taken back
Meng Huo was in Lushui and asked marshal Liangdong to help him. He was afraid of zhongkongming's stratagem, so he had to wait until it was hot and let the Shu army retreat
Kong Ming ordered his soldiers to build a village in the woods to avoid the heat of summer. He also ordered Ma Dai to lead 3000 soldiers to cross the river from Shahekou to the rear of the barbarians, cut off the food and grass of the barbarians, and recruited marshal Liangdong as his internal agent
Meng Huo held fast to the natural danger of Lujiang River and thought he was safe. He drank wine every day for fun. General Ma Dai of Shu crossed the Lushui River in the middle of the night, took the food from Marshal Dong Tana and cut off the grain road of Jiashan. Meng Huo was so angry that he ordered the warriors to beat Dong Tana's 100 sticks again to avoid his death
With resentment in her heart, Dong Da gathered her men to tie Meng Huo to see Kong Ming while Meng Huo was drunk. Meng Huo was still not satisfied. After Kong Ming told Meng Huo to see the refined troops of Shu camp, Meng Huo was still not satisfied and released him
Meng Huo said to his younger brother Meng you, we know the military situation of Shu army. You led more than 100 elite soldiers to offer treasure to Kong Ming and killed him by chance
Kong Ming asks Ma Su if he knows about Meng Huo's plot. Ma Su writes Meng Huo's plot on a piece of paper with a smile. Kong Ming laughs at it and orders someone to put medicine in the wine to let Meng you and other barbarians eat and drink
That night, Meng Huo rushed into the army with 30000 soldiers to catch Kong Ming. Only when he got into the army did he know that he was cheated. Meng you and other barbarians were all drunk. Wei Yan, Wang Ping and Zhao Yun divided their forces to kill them. The barbarians were defeated, and Meng Huo fled to Lushui alone
Meng Huo was intercepted in Lushui by a soldier disguised as a barbarian by Ma Dai. He was escorted to see Kong Ming. Meng Huo said that this time his younger brother Meng you was drinking and was still unconvinced. So Kong Ming let him go for the third time
In order to get revenge, Meng Huo borrowed 100000 brand swords to fight Shu soldiers. Meng Huo wore rhinoceros armor and rode red hair cattle. The brand Ding soldiers were naked, covered with grimaces and disheveled. They rushed to Shu camp like savages. However, Kong Ming ordered to close the gate and wait for the opportunity
When the brute's power has been reduced, Kong Ming attacks Meng Huo by surprise. Meng Huo is defeated and escapes to a tree. Seeing Kong Ming sitting in a car, he rushes to capture him. Unexpectedly, he falls into a pit and is captured. Meng Huo still refuses, and Kong Ming puts him back again
Meng Huo hides in Tulong cave and asks for help. Yang Feng, the owner of Yinye cave, is grateful to Kongming for not killing his people. He catches Meng Huo in Tulong cave and gives him to Kongming. Of course, Meng Huo is not satisfied. He wants to fight against Kongming in Yinkeng cave again, and Kongming releases him
Meng Huo gathered more than 1000 people in Yinkeng cave, and asked his wife and brother to invite King mulu, who can drive away poisonous snakes and beasts, to fight. When he was arranging a decisive battle with the Shu army, the Shu army had arrived in front of the cave. Meng Huo was shocked, and his wife Zhu Rong led the battle
Zhu Rong injured Shu General Zhang Yi with a flying knife, captured him alive, and then tripped Ma Zhong with a stumbling rope. The next day, Kong Ming also caught Zhu Rong with a trick, and exchanged her for Zhang Yi and Ma Zhong
Meng Huo asked King mulu to fight. Riding on a white elephant, mulu recited a mantra and waved a bell in his hand, driving a group of poisonous snakes and beasts to the Shu army
Kongming took out the prepared wooden giant beast, with fire in his mouth and smoke in his nose
The next day, Kongming was about to divide his troops to capture Menghuo. Suddenly, he got a report. He said that Menghuo's wife and brother would take Menghuo to Kongming village to surrender. Kongming knew it was a fake surrender, so he gave an order to take all the weapons and found everyone's weapons. Menghuo refused and said that if he could be captured seven times, he would be convinced. So Kongming let him go again
Meng Huo invited the rattan beetle army of Wuge state to fight against Kong Ming. Kong Ming burned countless barbarians with oil truck gunpowder. Meng Huo was captured for the seventh time before he really surrendered
Kongming saw that the barbarian land had been leveled off, and his head teacher returned home. When he arrived at Lushui, there was a strong storm, and soldiers and horses could not cross the river. The local people said it was made by ghosts and ghosts