What kind of story does Sangu tell and what kind of thoughts and feelings does he express

What kind of story does Sangu tell and what kind of thoughts and feelings does he express

Liu Bei visited Zhuge Liang three times, hoping that Zhuge Liang could help him with his story. It expresses the author's praise for Liu Bei's spiritual quality of thirsty for talents and sincere recruitment of talents

Thoughts and feelings expressed in the first three sentences of linjiangxian, the volume poem of the romance of the Three Kingdoms

The first two sentences use Du Fu's "climbing high" poem "endless Yangtze River rolling", Su Shi's "niannujiao"

The romance of the Three Kingdoms gives two examples of Liu Guanzhang's deep feelings

Guan Yu rode alone for thousands of miles and Liu Bei attacked Wu

Connect the following four natural numbers with four operational symbols to form a comprehensive formula, so that the result is 24 (exchangeable position, add brackets, one time for one number) 2.3.5
7. Formulation formulation

1: 2 + 3 × 5 + 72: (2 + 3 × 5) + 73: (2 + (3 × 5)) + 74: 2 + (3 × 5) + 75: 2 + (3 × 5 + 7)6: 2 + ((3 × 5) + 7)7: 2 + 5 × 3 + 78: (2 + 5 × 3) + 79: (2 + (5 × 3)) + 710: 2 + (5 × 3) ...

The dynamic friction coefficients between two objects and between M and horizontal plane are μ
The horizontal tension f is applied to M,
If two bodies move to the right with acceleration a, the friction force on M is equal to μ (M + m) G + ma

First of all, it should be clear that M is subject to two frictional forces, one given by M and one given by a horizontal plane
1. Friction force given by M: because the acceleration of M is a, M is subject to the friction force given by m to the right, F1 = ma
So m is forced to the left by m, F1 = ma
2. Friction from the ground: at this time, m and m should be regarded as a whole, and their total mass is m + M
So the friction to the left given by the ground is F2 = μ (M + m) g
To sum up, the friction force on M is F 1 + F 2 = μ (M + m) G + ma

The sum of the first n terms of the arithmetic sequence {an} is SN. If A2 + A4 = A6 = 12, what is the value of S7

When an object moves in a straight line with uniform speed change, the timing starts from a certain moment, i.e. t = 0, and the displacement of the object passing through in two consecutive 2S is 8m and 16m respectively. Find out: (1) the acceleration of the object; (2) the velocity of the object when t = 0

(1) According to △ x = at2, a = △ XT2 = x2 − x1t2 = 84m / S2 = 2m / S2. (2) from X1 = v0t + 12at2, 8 = 2v0 + 12 × 2 × 4, V0 = 2m / s

Dad works for three days and takes a day off. Mom works for four days and takes a day off. They both take a day off on September 1, and the next time they take a day off at the same time

21 September
Dad has three days and one day off, which means dad has the fourth day off
Mother 4 days, a day off, mother is the fifth day off
The rest day for parents should be the least common multiple of 4 and 5, 4 * 5 = 20
That is, every 20 days, we have a rest together, that is 1 + 20 = 21, September 21

For a two digit number, the number on the ten digit number is 2 larger than the number on the individual digit number. If the number on the ten digit number is exchanged with the individual digit number and is 18 smaller than the original number, calculate the two digit number

Suppose the original two digit number is x, then the ten digit number is (x + 2), according to the meaning of the question: 10x + (x + 2) = 10 (x + 2) + x-18, we get 11x + 2 = 11x + 2, that is, the equation is always true, when x = 1, x + 2 = 3, then the original two digit number is 32, the new two digit number is 23, 32-23 = 9, which is not in line with the topic, and it is rounded off; when x = 2, x + 2 = 4, then the original two digit number is 42, the new two digit number is 24, 42-24 = 18 When x = 3, x + 2 = 5, the original two digit number is 52, and the new two digit number is 25, 52-25 = 27, which is not the meaning of the question, and it is not the meaning of the question; similarly, when x = 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, which is not the meaning of the question. To sum up, the two digit number is 42

We know the equation x & # 178; - (K + 1) x + 4 / 4 K & # 178; + 1 = 0 about X. if the product of two equations is 5, then the value of K is?
(2) If the two real roots X1 and X2 of the equation satisfy X1 = X2, then the value of K is?

K = 4 or K = - 4