How I learned to learn English, if you have a reference book, please send it to me

How I learned to learn English, if you have a reference book, please send it to me

How can I learn to learn English
Last year, I didn't like English class. Every English class was like a nightmare. The teacher spoke too fast. But I was afraid to ask questions because my English pronunciation was poor. So I had to hide my face behind the textbook and never speak
Then one day, I watched the English Movie Toy Story. I fell in love with this exciting and fun movie! So I watched other English movies later. Although not all of them could understand what the characters said, their body language and facial expressions could help me understand. I also realized that, I found that listening to something you are interested in is the secret of language learning. I also learned useful sentences like "it's a piece of cake" and "you deserve it." I didn't understand these sentences at first. But because I wanted to know the story, I used a dictionary to look up the words
Now I really like my English class. I want to learn new words and more grammar. In this way, I can have a better understanding of English movies

A problem of filling in the blanks in Mathematics
Using () and () can get a lot of beautiful patterns, we are familiar with the Audi car logo, it is by () after () times

Using (translation) and (rotation) can get a lot of beautiful patterns, we are familiar with the Audi car logo, it is by (circle) after (3) times

Square meter formula
I want to do a product, length is 53.24mm, width is 91.75mm, according to this calculation, a square meter can do how many such products, please provide the calculation formula and results, thank you very much, online and so on!

The area of a product: 0.05324m × 0.09175m = 0.00488477m and 178;
Then 1 △ 0.00488477 ≈ 204.7179, that is 204

Draw three line segments in the equilateral triangle ABC and divide it into four parts with equal area. At most, how to draw them?

Take the middle point of each side, two connected, a total of three lines, divided into four equal parts
Make the middle line of an edge and divide it into two triangles A and B of equal area. Then make the middle line of any edge of triangle a and B, and divide a and B into four triangles of equal area
Divide an edge into four equal parts and connect the three points to the diagonal
There are many ways

Among the following figures, the figure which is not necessarily axisymmetric is ()
A. Line segment NMB. Equilateral triangle C. ∠ addd. Right triangle

A. The line segments nm, B, equilateral triangle, C, ∠ ADB are all axisymmetric figures, while D and right triangle are not necessarily axisymmetric figures

To make a square wooden box without a cover, the edge is 0.8 meters long. How many square meters of wood do you need to make this wooden box?

Wood required 0.8x0.8x5 = 3.2 M2

The known vector a = (sin (Wx + P), 2), B = (1, cos (Wx + P))

F (x) = (vector a + vector b) * (vector a-vector b)
(1) The image of y = f (x) passes through the point m (1,7 / 2), and the distance between adjacent symmetry axes is 2, w > 0,0

As shown in the figure: △ ABC, ∠ B = ∠ C, e is the upper point of AC, ed ⊥ BC, DF ⊥ AB, the vertical feet are D and f respectively, if ∠ AED = 140 °, then ∠ C=______ Degree, ∠ a=______ Degree, ∠ BDF=______ Degree

∵ ed ⊥ BC, ∵ AED = 140 °, ∵ C = 140 ° - 90 ° = 50 °, ∵ B = ∵ C, ∵ a = 180 ° - 2 ∵ C = 180 ° - 100 ° = 80 °, ∵ BDF = 180 ° - B - ∵ BFD = 180 ° - 90 ° - 50 ° = 40 °. So the answer is 50 °; 80 °; 40 °

How to draw a function image
Y = Xe ^ x (e ^ x refers to the x power of E, which can't be typed by computer). This is the image. The problem will be meaningless tomorrow
Use the drawing board to draw at will, cross coordinates

Y & # 39; = e ^ x + Xe ^ x ≥ 0 & nbsp; & lt; = & gt; & nbsp; X ≥ - 1 & nbsp; so y = Xe ^ X has a minimum point x = - 1y & # 39; &# 39; = 2E ^ x + Xe ^ x ≥ 0 & nbsp; & lt; = & gt; & nbsp; X ≥ - 2 & nbsp; so y = Xe ^ x is concave in X ≥ - 2 and convex in X & lt; - 2

Space vector math problem!
The cube abcd-a'b'c'd ', grows to 3, and points e ` e'gh f are the three equal points of the edge
(1) Find the distance from point B to EGH
(2) Calculate the distance between EF and CD
(3) Find the distance from AB to plane a 'B' C 'D
(4) Finding: plane EFG and plane e'b'h
E. E'g.h.f is the trisection of the edge!
This is from our math teacher!

Building system with D as origin
Let n = (x, y, z) be the normal vector of plane EGH
Let n = (1,0,3)
Boss, did you copy the wrong question?