English translation Very few

English translation Very few

I'm hungry
I'm really shy and can't go to the party,
I just don't know how to say and do it
i don't know what to say or do
I get nervous before big parties
And then I get pimple. They look
Terrible! What should I do?
I can't sleep the night before I take
A big exam. Then I'm too tired to do well
What should I do?
Then the following is the answer, not in English
A the food you eat can help you solve this problem. You should
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water
If I were you, I would take a long walk before I go to bed
It helps you relax
If I were you, I would talk to people who look friendly
So you don't feel very shy

English translation
Please translate it for me quickly,

It's page 19, isn't it? Dear jack, I had another extraordinary experience on Sunday. At about 10 o'clock in the morning, when a UFO landed right in front of me, I was walking along a street. You can imagine how strange it was! An alien came out and walked along central street. I followed it to see if he was going to

Simple calculation of 1.08 × 0.8 divided by 0.27

1.08 × 0.8 divided by 0.27
=0.27/0.27* 4*0.8

When x approaches 0, why is the limit of e ^ X-1 X and the limit of Ln (1 + x) x?

There's something wrong with your statement. If x tends to zero, the limit can't have X
What you mean is why their values are equal when they tend to zero?
This is an equivalent infinitesimal problem

15 / 17 - (10 / 17-1 / 2) =?


Factorization a ^ 2b-2ab ^ 2 thank you
Factorization a ^ 2b-2ab ^ 2
thank you

=ab (a-2b)

How to use the second equation to calculate?


In circle O, P is a point on chord AB, AP = 3, Pb = 5, Op = 2. Find the degree of angle OPB and the radius of circle o
How to calculate?

First of all, we can see from the question: ab = 8, oh is perpendicular to AB, AB is perpendicular to h, Ao and Bo are connected
Natural h is also the midpoint of AB, ah = 4, pH = 1
According to Pythagorean Law:
Oh = the second power of the square difference of OP and pH
Oh = radical 3
Also by Pythagorean theorem
Radius r = Ao = sum of squares of OH and ah = root 19
Oh is also perpendicular to PF
So sin angle OPB = sin angle OPH = root 3 / 2
So the angle OPB is 60 degrees

Solving equation 2 {3 [4 (5x-1) - 8] - 20} - 7 = 1


If M = {y | y = X2, X ∈ r}, n = {y | y = x + 2, X ∈ r}, then m ∩ n is equal to ()
A. [0,+∞)B. (-∞,+∞)C. ∅D. {(2,4),(-1,1)}

From the function y = x2 ≥ 0 in the set M, the set M = [0, + ∞) is obtained; from the function y = x + 2 in the set n, from X ∈ R, the set Y ∈ R is obtained, so the set B = R, then m ∩ n = [0, + ∞)