English translation 2013 compulsory education textbooks

English translation 2013 compulsory education textbooks

If it's a new textbook for go for it, it's roughly as follows: - Hey, Jane, is this your new bike? - yes, I ride it to school every day. How do you get to school? - I usually take a bus. - how far is it from your home to school? - I'm not sure About 10 kilometers? It takes about 20 minutes by bus

Grade seven Volume Two English page 59 2B translation speed!

Global birthday food (survey)
What kind of food do people (all over the world) prefer to eat on their birthday? The answer varies greatly with nationality
In most countries, people eat cakes with candles. The number of candles shows the actual age of the birthday giver. The birthday giver will make a wish and blow out the candle himself. If he or she can blow out all the candles in one blow, the wish will come true, People sometimes put a piece of candy in the cake in advance. Children with the "only piece" of candy are lucky
In China, it is more and more popular to eat cakes on birthdays. But there are still many people who insist on eating long-lived noodles on birthdays. People who eat noodles will never bite off noodles, because the longer they eat, the longer they will live, Some Chinese (according to local tradition) eat eggs on their birthday. Eating eggs is also a symbol of longevity and luck
All of the above mentioned birthday food may be different from each other, but the connotation is the same. They all convey the best wishes to the birthday party

Translation of part 2b on page 11 in Volume 2 of junior high school

Hi! My name is Tony. I don't like to get up early. I get up at eight and go to school at eight thirty. I don't have much time for breakfast, so I usually eat fast. For lunch, I usually eat hamburger. After school, I sometimes play basketball for half an hour. When I get home, I always do my homework first. In the evening, I either watch TV

How to find the normal vector when the coordinate of three points is known?
Given that a (x1, Y1, z1), B (X2, Y2, Z2), C (X3, Y3, Z3) are not coplanar, how to find its normal vector, expressed with a formula, I want to write a small paper

First of all, it points out a mistake that any three points must be coplanar~
Your assumption is not collinear, right~
Three known points can form three vectors, such as vector AB, vector AC and vector BC
Then (x2-x1, y2-y1, z2-z1), AC (x3-x1, y3-y1, z3-z1), (x3-x2, y3-y2, z3-z2) are obtained respectively
Let the normal vector coordinates of the plane be (x, y, z)
Get the equations
And (x3-x1) * x + (y3-y1) * y + (z3-z1) * z = 0;
And (x3-x2) * x + (y3-y2) * y + (z3-z2) * z = 0;
X, y, Z are the coordinates of the plane normal vector, and the direction satisfies the right-hand spiral rule

Please write down the formula that the quotient is one digit divided by two digits of three digits of 0, 2, 5, 9 and 7. (two formulas) V

Just five numbers
There are six answers

In a cube abcd-a'b'c'd 'with one edge length, if M is the midpoint of BB', then the distance from D to a'm

Method 1: using space vector
Method 2: ad is perpendicular to the plane where a'm is located at point a, and makes a vertical line ah of a'm through A. using similarity, the length of the vertical line 2 / root 5 can be obtained,
Then, from the right triangle ahd, we find that DH = radical (4 / 5 + 1) = 3 / radical 5

Given x + y + Z = 1 and XY + YZ + ZX = 0, find the value of X & sup2; + Y & sup2; + Z & sup2


If PA equals 7, then the length of Pb is

No matter whether P is on the midpoint of line AB or on the extension of the vertical bisector, the problem of PA = Pb is very simple - if you can't do it, you have a clear understanding of the concept wood

(3x minus 2) plus 1 / 3 x = 8 to solve the equation


If the bottom radius of a cone is 3cm and the height is 4cm, the surface area of the cone is______ .

If the circumference of the bottom surface is 2 × 3 π = 6 π cm, the area of the bottom surface is 32 π = 9 π cm2. If the bus length is 32 + 42 = 5, the side area of the cone is 12 × 6 π × 5 = 15 π cm2, and the surface area of the cone is 9 π + 15 π = 24 π cm2. So the answer is 24 π cm2