If the decimal point of a number is moved two places to the right, the number obtained is 118.8 larger than the original number, and the original number is ()

If the decimal point of a number is moved two places to the right, the number obtained is 118.8 larger than the original number, and the original number is ()

From the meaning of the title:
This number is expanded to 100 times, 118.8 times larger than the original number
Original number = 118.8 ÷ (100-1) = 1.2
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A and B drive from a to B at the same time. A car travels 60 kilometers every hour. B car travels 18 / 1 every hour. When a car meets B, is the distance between a and B 5 / 4?

A and B drive from a to B at the same time. A car travels 60 kilometers per hour, B car travels 1 / 18 of the whole journey per hour. When a and B meet, the distance ratio is 5:4. How many kilometers is ab distance?
=864 km

It is known that the equation x square - (2cosa) x + 1 / 4 = 0 about X has two equal real roots. Try to find the degree of acute angle A,

Because x ^ 2 - (2cosa) x + 1 / 4 = 0 has two equal real roots
So the discriminant ⊿ = (2cosa) & sup2; - 1 = 0
So cosa = ± 1 / 2
So a = 60 & ordm; or a = 120 & ordm;

The distance between a and B is 360 kilometers. The freight cars drive from a to B for 1.5 hours. The passenger cars drive from B to a. the speed of freight cars is 40. The speed of passenger cars is 42. How many hours can the passenger cars drive
Speed 40 km, 42 km

Suppose the bus runs for X hours before the two cars meet

If we enlarge both X and y of X + y by 10 times, then the value of fraction

So the fractional value is the same

Party A and Party B face each other from a and B, and meet at 12 km from the midpoint. The speed of Party A is 45 km, and the speed of Party B is 42 km, the distance between a and B

Let the distance between the two places be x km
The solution is x = 696
A. B the distance between the two places is 696 kilometers

How to calculate square meters? How many centimeters is one meter equal to? How many meters is one centimeter equal to

One meter equals 100 cm, and one centimeter equals 0.01 M

On a map with a scale of 1 / 2000000, the distance between a and B is 8 cm, and on another map with a scale of 1:4000000
How many centimeters are there between a and B?

The distance between a and B is
8x200000 △ 4000000 = 4cm

For any real number x, y, the square of the equation x - 5x + 2013 + y = 0 holds, then the maximum value of X + y is equal to


The difference between a and B is 80. 2 / 1 is equal to 3 / 2 of B. what are the two numbers?
Only a, not b
It's a formula

A 320, B 240