The title of Bai Hua Birch takes () as the object of description. It describes her beauty from different angles, and also contains praise for () people

The title of Bai Hua Birch takes () as the object of description. It describes her beauty from different angles, and also contains praise for () people

Snow is kind
I don't know if it's kind

What do you learn from the story of birch and the sun in unit 6 of Volume 1 of grade 6?

The birch tree in the poem not only has the change of color, but also has the dynamic aesthetic feeling. The birch is so noble and upright, it is the symbol of noble personality. Reading this poem, you can not only feel the beauty of the poetic mood, but also feel the poet's love for his hometown and nature
The words of the sun
It expresses the author's ardent pursuit of bright, ideal and beautiful life, and also reflects his confidence in revolution

Answers to Lesson 16 in Chinese exercise book of grade 6 Volume 2

Is it 16 courses of knowledge and ability training? Mine is from pep
Read it
First empty: melancholy and loneliness, lack of things, hard work, food shortage
The second space: brave, strong, optimistic, not afraid of difficulties and dangers, face the reality, self-reliance
1、 Measure words
Seat, ship, array, seat, Zhang, root
2、 One after another, continue
One after another, go on
Hope, wish, despair
3、 Understanding:
In misfortune, to learn to be optimistic, you'd better find out "lucky in misfortune", so that you can find something to comfort yourself

The side of a cylinder is a square 31.4cm long. The bottom area of the cylinder is () square decimeters

The circumference is 31.4 and the height is 31.4
L = Pai * 2R = 31.4, r = 5cm
So the circle area s = Pai * R ^ 2 = 25 * 3.14=
78.5cm2 = 0.785m2

How long does it take for the earth to go round the sun

It's 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 46 seconds

Calculation of physical specific heat capacity
A metal pot with a mass of 0.2kg contains 1.5kg of water. Heating them from 10 ℃ to 100 ℃ requires 5.8 × 10 ^ 5 joules of heat. What is the specific heat capacity of the metal?
I figured it out to be about equal to

5.8 × 10 ^ 5 joules - {1.5kg * 4.2 * 10 to the third power * (100 ° C-10 ° C)} divided by 0.2 * (100 ° C-10 ° C)

The perimeter of the bottom surface of the cylinder is 6.28 decimeters, the height is increased by 2 decimeters, and the rear area is 43.96 square decimeters?

The original height is 5 decimeters, 3.14? W? W 5.7 cubic decimeters. The original volume of the cylinder is 15.7 cubic decimeters

1 / (1 / 10 + 1 / 11 + 1 / 12 +. + 1 / 18 + 1 / 19)


Using cosa to express Sin & sup2; a / 2 = cos & sup2; a / 2 = Tan & sup2; a / 2=
sin²a/2= cos²a/2= tan²a/2=

Using cosa = cos & sup2; a / 2-sin & sup2; a / 2, and COS & sup2; a / 2 + Sin & sup2; a / 2 = 1; sin & sup2; a / 2 = (1-cosa) / 2; Cos & sup2; a / 2 = (1 + COSA) / 2; Tan & sup2; a / 2 = (Sin & sup2; a / 2) / (COS & sup2; a / 2) = [(1-cosa) / 2] / [(1 + COSA) / 2] = (1-cosa) / (1 + Co

Build the same width Road (shadow part in the figure) on the rectangular ground with the width of 20m and the length of 32m, and plant lawn on the remaining part
For 135m2, find the width of the road. (20-x) (32-x) = 135

According to the meaning of the question, the equations listed are correct, but the solution seems to be troublesome