Answers to the first lesson of the Chinese exercise book of the people's Education Press

Answers to the first lesson of the Chinese exercise book of the people's Education Press

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People's education press eighth grade volume 1 Chinese Lesson 1 matching exercise book answers
The second question in Lesson 1, the first reading question. The second question. (1) (2) (3)

The circumference of a rectangle is 36cm. If the length is reduced by 4cm and the width is increased by 2cm, the rectangle becomes a square. If the length of the original rectangle is xcm, the equation is______ .

∵ the circumference of the rectangle is 36cm, the length of the rectangle is xcm, the width is (18-x) cm, and the equation is: x-4 = 18-x + 2

It is known that hyperbola y = K / X and parabola y = ax + BX + C intersect at a (2.3), B (m.2) and C (- 3. N)
(1) Find the analytic formula of parabola and hyperbola (2) draw the point ABC in rectangular coordinate system and find the area of triangle ABC

1. Substituting a into the hyperbola y = K / x 3 = K / 2 K = 6, the analytic formula of hyperbola is: y = 6 / X substituting two points of BC into the hyperbola, we can get the coordinates of two points. 2 = 6 / m m m = 3B (3,2) n = 6 / (- 3) n = - 3C (- 3, -2) ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, AB: y = KX + B 3 = 2K + B 2 = 3K + B + C 2 = 9A + 3B + c-3b + C-2 = 9a-3b + 9a, ab: ab: ab: ab: y = - x + 5, let the intersection point of the line AB and the intersection of AB and y = - 2 is D, then the point D coordinate is D, then the point D coordinate is (7, - 2) s (7 - (2) s △ ABC = 7 - (2) s △ ABC = 7 - (2) s (7 - (2) s △ ABC = ABC = s △ ABC = s △ ABC = = 25-20 = 5

How much is 0.5 cubic meters of soil? Or how large is 1 ton of soil?

Generally in 1.3-1.7 tons / cubic earth
Depending on the soil, humidity and loose degree, the weight of earthwork varies greatly

The addition and subtraction of integers can be summed up as_______ And_______ .

The addition and subtraction operations of integers can be summarized as (finding similar terms) and (merging similar terms)

Surface integral and double integral of area
What is the difference between the definition of surface integral of area and that of double integral? How to explain the concept of surface integral of area?

The explanation upstairs is only half right
Surface integration refers to the value of integrand on the surface, that is to say, it is carried out on the surface
No matter how we do it, it's multiple integrals. Some can be transformed into double integrals, some into triple integrals
For example, Gauss theorem in electrostatic field is applied to spherical symmetry, cylindrical symmetry or plane symmetry
The results of multiple integrals are not valid

Advance rate of volume unit

For example: 1 cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeter, 1 cubic decimeter = 1000 cubic centimeter, 1 cubic centimeter = 1000 cubic millimeter, 1 cubic meter = 1000000 cubic centimeter

The square of (a + b) - 2C (a + b) + C


If the straight line X-my + M = 0 passing through the focus of the parabola y ^ 2 = 2px (P > 0) intersects with the parabola at two points a and B, and the area of the (triangle) OAB (o is the coordinate origin) is 2 root sign 2, then m ^ 6 + m ^ 4=_________________ .
This step (Ya Yb) ^ = (Ya + Yb) ^ 2-4yayb = 4 P ^ 2 m ^ 2-8mp
1 / 2 * 1 * | Ya Yb | = 2 radical 2, and then (pm-4) (PM + 2) = 0

12. By connecting the linear equation with the parabolic equation, the solution is y ^ 2-2pmy + 2MP = 0 (Ya Yb) ^ = (Ya + Yb) ^ 2-4yayb = 4P ^ 2 m ^ 2-8mp. 1 / 2 * 1 * | Ya Yb | = 2 root sign 2, and then the solution (pm-4) (PM + 2) = 0 (from P greater than 0, m greater than 0) is m = 4 / P, because the original line passing through the intersection point is 2P / 4 = m, P = 2m