People's education press sixth grade Chinese exercise book composition

People's education press sixth grade Chinese exercise book composition

The person I admire most is the cleaner. I have only seen her once, but her image and spirit of serving the people are engraved in my heart like a sharp knife, which has left a deep impression on me. In her body, I feel a lot of truth in life
At that time, I saw her for the first time on the way to school. It was raining heavily. All the people on the road were wearing raincoats, holding umbrellas, and went home in a hurry. At this time, I saw a man beside the garbage dump in front of my house. Who was there to clean up the garbage? Such a heavy rain should not be the cleaners? With doubt, I went over and saw an aunt with a dusty face, Wearing a ragged raincoat, (the water flows into the "hole" of the raincoat), she cleans up the garbage very seriously. I'm very surprised. I've never seen a cleaner who can clean up the garbage for us so seriously in such a heavy rain. He has a shovel in his left hand and a broom in his right hand, sweeping the garbage into the shovel with a broom, I couldn't help but ask, "Auntie, are you still cleaning up the garbage in such a heavy rain? It's fine to come back tomorrow." at this time, Auntie wiped the rain on her body (at that time, she couldn't tell whether it was rain or sweat) and gave a "ha Qiu". Ah! She caught a cold because of the rain! She picked up the broom again, While cleaning up the garbage, he said to me in that hoarse voice: "no way! If I don't clean up the garbage quickly today, there will be more bacteria breeding. At that time, the smell will be strong, so that you will be affected and the appearance of the city will be affected!" after listening to her words, I asked again: "but you have a cold! You have to go to treatment!" after listening to my words, She seemed to have just remembered her illness. She said with a smile, "it's OK! My cold is only related to my own health, but cleaning up the garbage is related to everyone's health. Do you say that everyone's health is important or a person's health? Of course, everyone's health is important! So, I have to clean up some garbage before I go to see a doctor!" and then she picked up the broom and shovel and continued to work
At this time, I was stunned. Some people belittled them because of their low occupation and status, and avoided them as soon as they saw them dirty. In fact, how great they became. If there were no cleaners in the world, the streets and alleys would be full of garbage. At that time, the earth would smell like a garbage dump, Is it still beautiful? The earth can be so beautiful. They have contributed a lot to it. Just now, the cleaner was like that. When she caught a cold, she thought about everyone's health, not herself. Some people always looked at them with discriminatory eyes and said that they were useless, but they didn't complain. They still clean up the garbage for us. In this rainy day, in this inconspicuous corner, Few people will find this "city beautician", and few people come here to praise her, but she still makes extraordinary achievements in that ordinary post. Her spirit is very admirable, and it is also very worth learning
I haven't seen her since then, but his spirit inspired me. It told me that people live in the world to contribute to themselves and everyone
I admire her very much!

Development exercises
Imagine writing
Ten years later, Clement came to captain Harvey's grave with a bunch of flowers. What would Clement say and do?

Ten years later, clement, holding a bunch of flowers, came to captain Harvey's grave and said gratefully, "ten years ago, at that night when the disaster suddenly fell, all the people on board could not escape without you, and I would not live today. Many years have passed, and countless days and nights have passed, and I will meet you in my dream. Clement, a former trainee sailor, has grown into a captain, It's the route from Southampton to Guernsey island that we used to take. Whenever I pass here, I will always whistle three times as a greeting to you. "Clement put the flowers in front of the tombstone and got up to go. However, he saw some weeds behind captain Harvey's tombstone. He thought: Captain Harvey is a hero of his generation, How could there be weeds in his tomb? So Clement began to pull the grass. After all, he had no tools to hoe the grass, so he could only pull up the weeds by hand. He didn't remove all the weeds until dusk. Before Clement left, he bowed deeply to captain Harvey's tomb, and then slowly turned away

What is the meaning of the absolute value of formula a + 5 on the number axis

Is the distance from the point to the origin represented by a number 5 greater than a

If the square of F (x) = - x + 2mx and G (x) = m / (x + 1) are decreasing functions in the interval [1,2], find the value range of real number M

Please square that - x to - x ^ 2, otherwise it's easy to be misunderstood
The derivative of F (x) is - 2x + 2m, and the derivative of G (x) is - M / (x + 1) ^ 2
In the interval [1,2], the derivative should be less than 0

A new amusement project has been set up in the Yangtze River Park. It was built with the help of two Englishmen

Two Britons helped build an amusement park project in the Yangtze River Park

Monotone interval of function y = (2 / 3) absolute value 1-x
The monotone decreasing interval of function y = (2 / 3) | 1-x | is________ .

Remove the absolute value first
X can be equal to 1, greater than 1 and less than 1
Remove the absolute value in each case

What is the inverse function of y = 2x-1?

Change the position of X and y to resolve y=(x+1)/2

Xiaogang's mother spent 360 yuan on a sweater, accounting for 20% of the family's monthly expenses. How much did Xiaogang's family spend this month?

360 △ 20% = 1800 yuan a: Xiaogang spent 1800 yuan this month

It is known that f (x) is an even function on R. when x ≥ 0, f (x) = ln (x + 2)
(1) When x

(1) if x0, then f (- x) = ln (- x + 2),
And f (x) is an even function, so f (- x) = f (x), which is obtained by substituting it into the above formula
When x

It is known that f (x) is a function defined on R, and f (x + 2) = (1 + F (x)) / (1-f (x))
Proof: F (x) is a periodic function

Hello, I'm glad to share this problem with you. F (x + 2) = (1 + F (x)) / (1-f (x)). F (x + 4) = (1 + F (x + 2)) / (1-f (x + 2)). This is easy to understand. S = x + 2F (s + 2) = (1 + F (s)) / (1-f (s)). So f (x + 4) = (1 + F (x + 2)) / (1-f (x + 2)). 1 will f (x + 2) = (1 + F (x)) / (1-f (x)). If we bring it into Formula 1, then f (x + 4) = - 1 /