How to write the composition of the second exercise in the sixth grade of primary school

How to write the composition of the second exercise in the sixth grade of primary school

Our school has a convention, every Monday afternoon before school, the teacher will go to the meeting room for a meeting. At this moment, the students are the happiest moment. Because the teacher is not present, the students can be free
The students in my class are smart and lively, and some of them are very naughty. So as long as the teacher is not present, they start to "make havoc in heaven". As a result, the classroom is like a teahouse. There is no quiet time
But this week when the teacher held a meeting, the atmosphere in the classroom was not the same as usual. Why? Because before the meeting, the teacher played a little game with us: be dumb. During the time when the teacher went to the meeting, no one was allowed to speak. If someone spoke, the teacher asked him to learn ten barks. The students accepted the rules of the game happily, and the teacher left safely
As soon as the teacher left, the students were still doing their homework in their positions. If they couldn't, they would communicate with each other in their own notebooks. But for a while, the naughty man got into the teacher's loophole: the teacher said he couldn't speak, but he didn't say he couldn't get off the seat! So he rushed to Cui Yunzhe for a while, and then to * * for a while, Naturally attracted a few mischievous ghosts. They also learn from him, random underground seats. At that time, the class chaos into a pot of porridge
Seeing this scene, the monitor couldn't sit still. He picked up the chalk and wrote down a few big words on the blackboard: no seat. But it's still useless. On the contrary, it generated a lot of plots. You see, as soon as the monitor got to his seat, * had come to the blackboard, picked up the chalk and added a word "no" after "no", The words on the blackboard became "no seat". Seeing this scene, we couldn't help laughing. At this time, another mischievous man came on stage. He also performed on stage. Instead of adding words, he picked up chalk to erase two words. At this time, there were four big words on the blackboard, "no seat". We all looked at them, and they all laughed, After laughing, there was a moment of silence in the classroom. But after a period of time, it was almost time for school to come, but * * couldn't help it any more. He "looked up at the sky and roared:" I can't help it any more, I want to talk. "After that, he stroked his chest with his hand, showing a very comfortable appearance. However, the final punishment was already on him
He waved
Do you think it's particularly interesting when the teacher is not present? This is a good time for those naughty ghosts to show their skills, and also a good time for us bystanders to feast our eyes!

How to write the composition of the third exercise in the sixth grade of Jiangsu Education Press

The old man and the sea
Today, I finally finished reading Hemingway's the old man and the sea. After reading it, I had a lot of thoughts. The article tells a true story: an old man was fishing alone in the sea. He hadn't caught a fish for eighty-four days. Once, he caught a big fish. Because the fish was too big, he had to work hard to catch it, because the fish was much bigger than the boat, So he tied the fish to the boat. On the way home, the smell of blood spread in the sea, so many sharks came to eat the fish. The old man tried his best to fight with the shark. Unfortunately, his hand was injured, and the shark took the opportunity to eat all the fish. The old man had to row a lonely boat and go home with the miserable fish bones, I can't help admiring the old man's persistent spirit. Although the old man didn't take the fish back, his spirit will always live in people's hearts
I like a famous saying in Hemingway's book the old man and the sea: "a person is not born to be defeated. You can destroy him as much as you can, but you can't defeat him." in fact, it is true: a person's body may be knocked down and destroyed, but his spirit will not yield. Therefore, maybe you can destroy a person and let him disappear in the world, But it can't defeat the continuation of his spirit
In the past, I would shrink back and sometimes say a few words of despondency if I didn't succeed in anything. In my study, I didn't have confidence if I didn't do well in the exam several times. In the old man and the sea, the protagonist fights with the shark and the harpoon is taken away by the shark. He ties the knife to the oar handle and pricks it. The knife is broken, He uses a short stick. The short stick is also lost, and he uses the tiller to fight. The truth revealed in this book shows that no matter what happens, people fear most is no confidence. Confidence is just like the motor of a car, which is the driving force for people to move forward. If you have confidence in doing something, you will be half the success. Isn't the spirit of confidence and perseverance that I lack in this book?
"The old man and the sea" tells me a truth: we have to go all out when we encounter anything. When we are frustrated when we encounter difficulties, we must persist and meet the challenges with confidence, because I believe that success always belongs to us!

It is known that the trilateral equation of triangle is ab: 5x-y-12 = 0, BC: x + 3Y + 4 = 0, CA: x-5y + 12 = 0
It is known that the trilateral equation of a triangle is ab: 5x-y-12 = 0, BC: x + 3Y + 4 = 0, CA: x-5y + 12 = 0, (1) the equation for finding the line where the height on the BC side lies, (2) the length of the height on the BC side

(1) firstly, the coordinates of point a are (3,3), and the slope of BC is KBC = - 1 / 3, so the slope of ad is kad = 3
The linear equation of ad is as follows:
That is: 3x-y-6 = 0
(2) height ad is the distance from point a to line BC
So ad = 3 + 3 × 3 + 4 / radical (1 ^ 2 + 3 ^ 2) = 8 radical 10 / 5

Using "dichotomy" to design an algorithm for finding the approximate roots of the equation x & # 178; - 5 = 0 (x > 0) (accuracy 0.005)

float 2fen(int low,int high){    float t,esp = 0.005;    while(high - low > esp)    {&...

Linear Algebra -- solving systems of equations
To find the solution of a system of equations? (all solutions)
Solving by augmented matrix

A = [135 - 40132 - 211 - 1 - 11 - 411 - 1121 - 11] B = [1 - 1331] transpose x = [a b c d e] transpose then: ax = b where... | a | = 0... Then the equation has no solution or infinite solutions

What is the square of X - 4.5X + 4.5 = 0.x

The square of x-4.5x + 4.5 = 0, that is, (x-1.5) (x-3) = 0, the solution is: X1 = 1.5, X2 = 3

When x = - 2, the value of the quadratic trinomial 2x2 + MX + 4 is equal to 18, then when x = 2, the value of the quadratic trinomial is equal to 18______ .

When x = - 2, 2x2 + MX + 4 = 18, then M = - 3, substituting M = - 3, x = 2, we can get: 2x2 + MX + 4 = 6, so the answer is: 6

If 4a2 + 2a is to be a complete square, the constant to be added is ()
A. 2B. -2C. -14D. 14

∵ (2a + 12) 2 = 4a2 + 2A + 14, the constant that needs to be added is 14 to make 4a2 + 2A a complete square

Let f (x) be any function defined on (- ∞, + ∞). It is proved that F 1 (x) = f (x) + F (- x) is an even function and F 2 (x) = f (x) - f (- x) is an odd function

Then F1 (- x) = f (- x) + F (- x) = F1 (x)
So it's an even function
Then F2 (- x) = f (- x) - f (x) = - F2 (x)
So it's an odd function

a. The equation (B-C) xsquare + 2 (a-b) x + B-A = 0 has two equal real roots, and the shape of triangle

It is known from the meaning of the title: △ = 0, △ = [2 (a-b)] & sup2; - 4 (B-C) (B-A)
=4(a-b)² -4(b-c)(b-a)
Ψ B-A = 0 or C-A = 0
‖ B = a or C = a
So the triangle is an isosceles triangle