For a few foreign travel notes such as the article, there are feelings Travel notes on foreign tourism,

For a few foreign travel notes such as the article, there are feelings Travel notes on foreign tourism,

Xu Song's book is from America and India. The writing is very funny and easy to read. Chen danyan's coffee is bitter or not, or where to live tonight, or Liang Zi's

Travel experience in Beijing

We can only use the equation of degree one variable
1. From now on, two years later, the mother's age is six times the daughter's age. In another 22 years, the daughter's age is half the mother's age
2. A construction site sends 80 people to excavate and transport soil. If the average person excavates 5 square meters of soil or transports 3 square meters of soil every day

Suppose the age of the daughter is x, then the age of the mother is 6x; 22 years later, the age of the daughter is (22 + x), and the age of the mother also increases to (6x + 22); then we can establish an equation according to the meaning of the question:
So my daughter's age is five and a half

There is a series of numbers, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36... They are arranged according to a certain rule, then the difference between the 200th number and the 201 number?

The third floor is the best

Calculation of determinant of 3x3 matrix if | a | = x, | 2A|
|a b c|
|d e f|
|g h i|
^Its determinant is equal to | a |, if | a | = X. then | 2A|

If | a | = X. then | 2A | = 8x;
For n × n matrix A, | K × a | = k ^ n ×| a |;

1. When a ship sails between two docks, it takes 4 hours to sail downstream and 5 hours to sail upstream. The speed of the current is 1 km / h. what is the speed of the ship sailing downstream and upstream respectively?
2. When a ship sails between a and B, it takes 8 hours to go downstream and 10 hours to go upstream. The known water speed is 2 km / h, so the distance between a and B can be calculated

Question 1: let the ship's still water velocity be XKM / h. equation: 4 * (x + 1) = 5 * (x-1) (because the distance along the water and against the water are equal) solution: x = 9 answer: Question 2: let the ship's still water velocity be XKM / h. equation: 8 * (x + 2) = 10 * (X-2) (because the distance along the water and against the water are equal) solution: X

If even numbers are arranged into five columns according to 2, 4, 6, 8, etc., which column does 200 appear in? See Table 2 4 6 8 16 14 12 10 18 20 22 24
To make a formula, calculate one column from left to right, five columns in total.
2 4 6 8
16 14 12 10
18 20 22 24
32 30 28 26
34 36 38 40

Column 4

Integral multiple of 3 within 100

Note: 0 is not

Application of percentages and fractions in Volume 1 of grade 6

1、 The application of scores
1. One half and five barrels of water are used, and 30% is left. How many barrels of water are there?
2. A steel pipe is 10 meters long. The first time we cut off 7 / 10 of it, and the second time we cut off the remaining 1 / 3. How many meters are left?
3. After two thirds of the total length of a highway is completed, it is 16.5km away from the midpoint. How many kilometers is the total length of this highway?
4. The apprentice made 2 / 7 of the total parts, 21 less than the master. How many parts are there in this batch?
5. There is a batch of chemical fertilizer in the warehouse. Two fifths of the total amount are taken out in the first time, and one third of the total amount is taken out in the second time. There are 12 bags less. At this time, there are 24 bags left in the warehouse. How many bags are taken out in two times?
6. The distance between a and B is 1152km. A passenger train and a freight train run from the two places at the same time. The freight train runs 72km per hour, 2 / 7 faster than the passenger train. How many hours do the two cars meet?
7. A coat is 160 yuan more expensive than a pair of trousers. The price of trousers is 3 / 5 of that of a coat. How much is a pair of trousers?
8. There were 60 black rabbits in the feeding group, 1 / 5 more white rabbits than black rabbits. How many white rabbits were there?
9. The school has to dig an 80 meter long sewer. On the first day, it dug 1 / 4 of the total length, and on the second day, it dug 1 / 2 of the total length. How many meters did it dig in two days? How many meters are left?
2、 The practical problems of comparison
1. The perimeter of a rectangle is 24 cm, and the ratio of length to width is 2:1. How many square centimeters is the area of the rectangle?
2. The total edge length of a cuboid is 96cm, and the ratio of length, width and height is 3 ∶ 2 ∶ 1. What is the volume of the cuboid?
3. The total length of a cuboid is 96cm, the height is 4cm, and the ratio of length to width is 3:2. What is the volume of the cuboid?
4. There are 42 students in the computer interest group in a certain school. The ratio of male to female is 4:3. How many boys are there?
5. There are two baskets of fruit. Basket a weighs 32 kg. When 20% of the fruit is taken from basket B, the weight ratio of basket a and basket B is 4:3. How many kg are there in the two baskets?
6. To make a 600g bean paste bun, the ratio of flour, red beans and sugar is 3:2:1. How many grams of flour, red beans and sugar do you need?
7. Xiao Ming read a story book. On the first day, he read 1 / 9 of the whole book. On the second day, he read 24 pages. The ratio of the number of pages read in the two days to the number of remaining pages is 1:4. How many pages are there in this book?
8. The ratio of the three internal angles of a triangle is 2:3:4. What are the degrees of the three internal angles?
3、 Application of percentage
1. The output value of a chemical fertilizer plant this year has increased by 20% compared with that of last year, and it has increased by 5 million yuan compared with that of last year?
2. The fruit company stores a batch of apples. After 30% of the apples are sold, another 160 boxes are delivered. At this time, there are 1 / 10 more apples than the original ones. How many boxes of apples are there?
3. The original price of a commodity is 20% less than the current price. The current price is 1028 yuan. How much is the original price?
4. My father saved Xiaoxiao's educational savings fund for three years with an annual interest rate of 5.40%. After maturity, he received a total of 22646 yuan of principal and interest. How much is the principal of Xiaoxiao's educational savings fund?
5. The clothing store bought two pieces of clothes at the same time, each of which cost 120 yuan. But one of them earned 20% and the other accompanied 20%. I asked whether the two clothes sold by the clothing store made money or lost money?
6. My father is 43 years old and my daughter is 11 years old. A few years ago, my daughter was 20% of my father's age?
7. 20% less than 2 / 5 tons is () tons, 30% less than () tons is 60 tons
8. In a 200 page book, 20% has been read, and there are () pages left. 40% of the number a is equal to 50% of the number B, the number a is 120, and the number B is ()
9. A factory used 5400 tons of water in the second half of April, 20% less than the first half. How many tons of water in the first half?
10. Xiao Li's mother deposits 5000 yuan in the bank for one year with an annual interest rate of 2.25%. When she withdraws money, the bank will deduct 20% of the interest tax. When it matures, how much is the interest tax?
11. A wheat flour yield of 85%, to grind 13.6 tons of flour, how many tons of such wheat?
4、 Application of circle
1. Draw a circle with a circumference of 12.56 cm, mark the center and a radius with letters, and then calculate the area of the circle
2. There is a round lawn in the school. Its diameter is 30 meters. How many square meters is the area of this lawn? How many pots of chrysanthemums should be prepared if a basin of chrysanthemums is placed every 1.57 meters around the lawn?
3. The radius of a circle and a sector is equal, the area of the circle is 30 square centimeters, and the central angle of the sector is 36 degrees
4. If the circumference of the rear wheel is 2 meters, calculate the circumference of the front wheel
5. The diameter of a round flower bed is 10 cm, and a 2-meter-wide path is paved around it. How many square meters is the area of this path?
6. The school has a circular open space with a diameter of 40m. A circular flower bed is planned to be built in the center of the school. The remaining part is paved with a 6m wide cement pavement. How many square meters is the area of the cement pavement?
7. There is a ring. The circumference of the inner circle is 31.4 cm, and the circumference of the outer circle is 62.8 cm. What is the width of the ring?
8. The minute hand of a wall clock is 20 cm long. After 45 minutes, how many cm does the tip of the minute hand travel?
9. The length of a big clock is 0.3 meters. How many meters does the tip of the clock walk in one day? How many square meters does it sweep?
5、 Comprehensive application (1)
1. There are 56 lifeguards and tourists, one lifeguard and seven tourists on each rubber boat. How many tourists are there? How many lifeguards are there?
2. Uncle Wang's family has a vegetable plot of 800 square meters, ready to grow tomatoes. The rest is planted with cucumber and eggplant according to the area ratio of 2:1. How many square meters are the three vegetables?
3. Use 28 meters long wire to form a rectangle. The ratio of length to width of the rectangle is 5:2. What's the length and width of the rectangle?
4. Use 84 cm long wire to form a triangle. The length ratio of the three sides of the triangle is 3 ∶ 4 ∶ 5. How many cm are the three sides of the triangle?
5. The ratio of the degrees of the three internal angles of a triangle is 1 ∶ 2 ∶ 3. What is the largest angle in the triangle? What is the triangle?
6. The road repair team is going to build a 432 meter long road. The full length of the road has been completed. The remaining tasks are assigned to the two road repair teams a and B according to the ratio of 5:4. How many meters do the two teams need to build?
7. In the "learning from Lei Feng" activity, the average number of good deeds done by students in Grade 5 and grade 6 is 80, and the ratio of good deeds done by students in Grade 5 and grade 6 is 3 ∶ 5?
8. The distance between the two cities is 225 km. A bus and a truck leave the two cities at the same time and meet 2.5 hours later. It is known that the speed ratio of the truck to the bus is 4:5. How many kilometers do the bus and the truck travel per hour?
9. Use a 282.6cm long iron bar to weld a circular iron ring. What's its radius?
10. A boiler with a round bottom has a circumference of 1.57 meters. How many square meters is the bottom area
11. Xiaodong has a bicycle with a diameter of about 66 cm. If the average speed is 100 cycles per minute, the distance from home to school is 4144.8 meters. How many minutes does it take?
12. The minute hand of a wall clock is 20 cm long. After 30 minutes, how many cm does the tip of the minute hand travel?
13. The radius of a round bullpen is 15cm. How long thick wire does it take to encircle the bullpen for three circles? (the joint is ignored.) if a wooden pile is installed every 2m, how many wooden piles will be installed?
14. The range of an automatic rotary sprinkler irrigation device on the park grassland is 10 meters. How much range can it spray irrigation?
15. The diameter of a circular circular island is 50 meters. In the middle is a circular flower bed with a diameter of 10 meters. Other places are lawns. What is the area of lawns?
16. Street garden to build a circular flower bed, perimeter is 31.4 meters, in the flower bed around the construction of a 1 meter wide circular path. How much area of this path?
17. Xiao Ming bought 16 stamps of 50 cents and 80 cents, which cost 10.7 yuan. How many stamps did Xiao Ming buy?
18. In 2002, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of engineering had 1263 academicians, including 1185 male academicians. What percentage of academicians were female academicians?
19. Team a and team B excavate a canal. It takes 8 days for team a to excavate alone, and 12 days for team B to excavate alone. Now after a few days of simultaneous excavation, team B is transferred away, and the rest of team a is finished within 3 days. How many days has team B dug?
6、 Comprehensive application (2)
1. A rope is 4 / 5 meters long. How many meters will it take to use it first and then 1 / 4 meters?
2. There are 50 goats, 3 more sheep than 4 / 5 of goats. How many sheep are there?
3. If you read a 120 page book, you have read one third of the whole book. How many more pages are exactly five sixth of the whole book?
4. A bottle of oil is 4 / 5 kg, 3 / 10 kg has been used, and how many kg is exactly 1 / 2 of the barrel?
5. A bag of rice 120 kg, the first day to eat 1 / 4, the next day to eat the remaining 1 / 3, the next day to eat how many kg?
6. For a batch of goods, a car can transport 1 / 8 of it at a time, and how many parts of it can be transported four times? If this batch of goods weighs 11