1. Given | 2x-y-3 | + (2x + y + 11) square = 0, then x = y= 2. Given that x = 2, y = 1; X = 3, y = 3 are solutions of the equation y = KX + B, then k = B= 3. Solve the linear equation of one variable x / B-1 = x / A + 1 Please make a list of reasons to save one's life

1. Given | 2x-y-3 | + (2x + y + 11) square = 0, then x = y= 2. Given that x = 2, y = 1; X = 3, y = 3 are solutions of the equation y = KX + B, then k = B= 3. Solve the linear equation of one variable x / B-1 = x / A + 1 Please make a list of reasons to save one's life

1, | 2x-y-3 | + (2x + y + 11) square = 0
x=2ab/(a-b) (a≠b)

The annual sales of a company is a yuan, the cost is 60% of the sales, and the total tax and other expenses is p% of the sales
(1) the annual profit of the company is expressed by the algebraic formula of a and P;
(2) if a = 80 million, P = 7, how many million yuan is the company's annual profit?

The process is as follows
(1) Annual profit is equal to a-0.6a-p% a = 0.4a-p% a
(2) Substituting a = 80 million, P = 7 into 0.4a-p% a
The original formula = 0.4 * 8000-0.07 * 8000 = 3200-560 = 26.4 million yuan
A: the annual profit of the company is 26.4 million yuan

Factorization 10a-1-25a & # 178;

Original = - (25a & # - 178; - 10A + 1)

How to calculate 125 * 64 * 55 simply


If the line y = 2x + B and circle x2 + y2 = 4x intersect with two points AB, and OA ⊥ ob, calculate the value of B

Solving equation [x + 2] + [X-2] + [1 / 2x] + [2x] = 45


Let the equation (X & # 178; + Y & # 178; - 25) + a (2x-y-10) = 0, a can take any real value, and prove that the circle represented by this equation always passes two fixed points

Because (X & # 178; + Y & # 178; - 25) + a (2x-y-10) = 0, it represents circle, and the circle represented by a is different, but these circles must pass through the intersection of circle: x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 - 25 = 0 and line: 2x - Y - 10 = 0
So after finding the intersection point, verification is the process of proof

Find the rules and fill in: one half, one half, two half, one half, one third, ()

Two thirds, three thirds, two thirds, one third, one fourth

Given the set P = {x | x ^ 2 = 1}, the set Q = {x | AX = 1}, if q is a subset of P, find the real number a

If P = {- 1; 1}, then for Q, when q is a nonempty set, a = - 1 or a = 1 is obtained;
When q is an empty set, a = 0

Calculation: ① 18.3 × 0.25 + 5.3 △ 0.4-7.13=______ ;  ②120043−2003×(20042+2005)=______ .

① 18.3 × 0.25 + 5.3 △ 0.4-7.13 = 4.575 + 13.25-7.13 = 17.825-7.13 = 10.695; ② 120043 − 2003 × (20042 + 2005) = 120042 × 2004 − 2003 × 20042 − 2003 = 120042 × (2004 − 2003) − 2003 × 2005 = 120042 − 2003 × 2005 = 120042 − 2003 × (2004 + 1) = 120042 − 2003 × 2004 − 2003 = 12004 × (2004 − 2003) − 2003 = 12004 − 2003 = 1