As shown in the figure, the inner bottom radius of a cylindrical glass container containing water is 10 cm, and the height of water in the original container is 12 cm. After a glass rod with a radius of 2 cm is vertically inserted into the water, how many cm will the water in the container rise? (volume of cylinder = bottom area × height)

As shown in the figure, the inner bottom radius of a cylindrical glass container containing water is 10 cm, and the height of water in the original container is 12 cm. After a glass rod with a radius of 2 cm is vertically inserted into the water, how many cm will the water in the container rise? (volume of cylinder = bottom area × height)

Let the water in the container rise by xcm. According to the meaning of the title: π· 102 × 12 + π· 22 (12 + x) = π· 102 (12 + x), 1200 + 4 (12 + x) = 100 (12 + x), 1200 + 48 + 4x = 1200 + 100X, 96x = 48, x = 0.5. Therefore, the water in the container will rise by 0.5cm

Who can give me the answers to the comparison and calculation of Jiao 4.3.2 and the filling in and multiple choice questions of Jiao 4.3.3 and Jiao 4.3.3

Sorry, I'd better do it by myself. You should know that the problem is for yourself. Don't be lazy. I believe you can do it

Mathematical equation of one variable and one degree
There are 9 tons of fresh milk in a milk processing plant. If they are sold directly in the market, they can make a profit of 500 yuan per ton; if they are made into yoghurt, they can make a profit of 1200 yuan per ton; if they are made into milk flakes, they can make a profit of 2000 yuan per ton. The production capacity of the processing plant is: if they are made into yoghurt, they can process 3 tons per day; if they are made into milk flakes, they can process 1 ton per day, And the milk must be sold or processed within 4 days
(1) As much as possible into milk tablets, the rest of the direct sale of fresh milk
(2) Some of them are made into milk tablets, and the rest support the sale of yoghurt
No matter which plan, it should be completed within 4 days. Which one is better? Why?

(1) 4x2000 + (9-4) X500 = 10500 yuan
(2) If yogurt is processed for X days, then milk slice is processed for (4-x) days
3x +(4-x) =9
The solution is: x = 2.54-2.5 = 1.5 (days)
3x2.5x1200 + 1.5x2000 = 12000 yuan
Because 12000 yuan is more than 10500 yuan
So the second program to obtain more profits

Find the answers to the practical problems and the equation of one variable and one degree 2 in the first volume of Mathematics
50 yuan for reply

Connect DM em, if DM = em, the problem is solved
How can it be equal? Because m is the middle point, there are two vertical relations. Let's see if M is on the hypotenuse of the two vertical right triangles. The middle line of the hypotenuse of the right triangle is equal to half of the hypotenuse, so DM = em
Then we use the congruence of two triangles to prove the perpendicularity

5.7 converse proposition and converse theorem (1),
It is known that in quadrilateral ABCD, the diagonal AC and BD are parallel to point O, ① AB, CD, ② A0 = C0, ③ ad = BC, ④ angle ABC = angle ADC
(1) Please choose two of the above conditions as the conditions of the proposition. The conclusion is that the quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram, and the proposition you constitute is a true proposition. Please prove a true proposition you constitute
(2) Can two of the above conditions be selected as the conditions of the proposition, and the conclusion is that the quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram, and the constructed proposition is a false proposition? If so, please write a false proposition that meets the conditions, and give a counter example,
I've got to forget the title,
If you answer well, I'll add another point

True proposition: ①, ②
It is proved that ∵ ab ∥ CD, ∵ BAC = ∵ ACD, ∵ ABC = ∵ CDA,
A quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram
False proposition: ① ③
Counterexample: isosceles trapezoid
Hehe. There are many kinds of propositions. Think for yourself

Prove: let the radius of circumcircle of triangle be r, then a = 2rsina, B = 2rsinb, C = 2rsinc (find obtuse angle triangle)

In the obtuse triangle ABC, let angle a be the obtuse angle, the center of the circumscribed circle of the triangle be o, pass through point B, make the diameter BD of circle O, and connect CD. Then BD = 2R, angle BDC + angle a = 180 degrees. Because BD is the diameter of circle O, angle BCD is a right angle. In the right triangle BDC, BC / BD = sinbdc, because angle BDC + angle a = 180 degrees, sinbdc = s

Prototype of verb, past tense, past participle

There are two kinds of verb past tense and past participle: regular change and irregular change
Example order: verb prototype past tense past participle
Pronunciation: ED is pronounced as [t] after the clear consonant, as [D] after the voiced consonant, as [D] after the vowel, and as [ID] after [t] and [D]
1、 Rule change
1. Generally add - ed after the original verb
look looked looked
call called called
open opened opened
Need needed needed
2. Verb ending with - E plus - d move
phone phoned phoned
hope hoped hoped
agree agreed agreed
Move moved moved
3. For verbs ending with a consonant letter and y, change y to I and add - ed
study studied studied
carry carried carried
try tried tried
4. For words ending with the original letter plus y, add - ed directly
play played played
enjoy enjoyed enjoyed
stay stayed stayed
5. For stressed closed syllable words with only one consonant at the end, double the consonant and add - ed
stop stopped stopped
plan planned planned
fit fitted fitted
6. For words ending with - R, double R and add - ed
prefer preferred preferred
refer referred referred
2、 Irregular change: the past tense and past participle of some verbs in English change irregularly, which can be divided into five situations
1. The original form, the past tense and the past participle are all in the same form
Cut cut
Hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit
Cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast cast
Hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt
Put put put
Let let
Shut down shut down
Cost cost
Set set
Rid rid rid
The past tense and the past participle are in the same form
Find found
Pay pay
Leave left
Lent lent
Met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met
Keep keep keep
Lose lost
Sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit
Lead led
Win win
3. The original form of the verb is the same as the past participle
Come come come
Run ran run
Became became
4. The original form of verb, past tense and past participle are completely different
Give, give, give
Fly flow
Drink drink
See see see
Go went gone
Know know know
Speak speak speak
There are two forms of past tense and past participle
Burn burned burn
burned burnt
Learned learning
learned learnt
Smilled smile
smelled smelt
Spell spelled spelt
spelled spelt
Shined shot
shined shone
Leap left
leaped leapt
A. The past tense of be is in the same form as the original
Beat, beat, beat, beat, beat
B. Lie has two kinds: regular change and irregular change
By: lie lied, lied
Lay, lain
C. Hang has two kinds: regular change and irregular change
By: Hang hanged, hanged
Hang, hang
D. Welcome is a regular verb and should not be misused as an irregular verb
Ratio: welcome, welcome, welcome (positive)
Welcome, welcome
E. Don't mistake irregular verbs for regular ones
Ratio: hit, hit, hit
Hitted, hitted
F. The past tense of fix and the past participle X are not double written, but fixed

Page 68 practical questions
Urgent need

The fastest elephant can reach x kilometers per hour, set the area of Oceania as x square kilometers, X * 2-30 = 110 4x + 812 = 44002x + 30 = 110 4x + 812-812 = 4400-812x = 40 4x = 3588x = 8977, set the temperature of girls as X degrees centigrade

The development prospect of genetic engineering

(1) Genetic engineering and medicine and health
1. Production of genetically engineered drugs
(1) Engineering bacteria produced by genetic engineering can produce high quality and low cost drugs efficiently
① Insulin produced by Escherichia coli: a specific drug for diabetes
② Interferon produced by Escherichia coli and yeast: a specific antiviral drug. Its chemical essence is glycoprotein
③ Hepatitis B vaccine: the relevant genes of hepatitis B virus can be isolated and introduced into the cells of bacteria, and then fermented, or introduced into the cells of mammals, and then cultured, so that bacteria or mammalian cells can produce a large number of vaccines
(2) I have produced several genetic engineering drugs: interleukin-2, interferon, hepatitis B vaccine, human growth hormone, etc
2. For gene diagnosis and gene therapy
(1) Genetic diagnosis:
① Concept: use radioisotope (such as 32P), fluorescent molecules and other labeled DNA molecules as probes, and use the principle of DNA hybridization to identify the genetic information of the tested samples, so as to achieve the purpose of disease detection
② DNA probe: it is a single stranded DNA probe. Its function is to accurately extract the target gene from the gene library. Because the nucleotide sequences of double stranded DNA are complementary to each other, when DNA molecules are hybridized, the double stranded DNA is heated or the pH value is raised first to untie the double stranded DNA. According to the required nucleotide sequence, a short complementary nucleotide strand is made and labeled with isotope, The probe is used to look up the denatured DNA fragment in the gene library. If a DNA fragment can be combined with the probe fragment to form a double strand (molecular hybridization), it means that the fragment contains the required gene
③ Principle: DNA molecular hybridization
④ Advantages: fast and simple
⑤ Examples: sickle cell anaemia can be detected with DNA probe of β - globin, phenylketonuria can be detected with gene probe of phenylalanine hydroxylase, and leukemia can be detected with DNA probe prepared with oncogene isolated from leukemia patients
(2) Gene therapy: the healthy exogenous gene is introduced into the cells with gene defects to achieve the purpose of treating diseases. At present, what we have done is to introduce exogenous gene to make it express, so as to supplement the missing or loss of normal function of the enzyme, but not to replace the mutated gene with normal gene
(2) Genetic engineering and agriculture, animal husbandry, food industry
1. Agriculture:
(1) High yield, stable yield and good quality crops were obtained by genetic engineering technology
(2) New crop varieties with various resistance to insect, virus, herbicide, salt, drought and high temperature were bred by genetic engineering
2. Animal husbandry: using genetic engineering technology to cultivate animals with disease resistance, high-yield offspring rate, high-yield milk rate and high-quality fur
3. Food industry: open up new food sources and use microorganisms to produce nutrients needed by human beings
(3) Genetic engineering and environmental protection
1. Environmental detection: DNA probe can be used to detect the content of virus in drinking water, which is characterized by rapidity, sensitivity and accuracy
2. Environmental purification: scientists have cultivated "super bacteria" that can decompose four kinds of hydrocarbons at the same time, bacteria that can "swallow" mercury and degrade DDT in soil, and plants that can purify cadmium pollution by genetic engineering

We are going to have a w_ party for our new teacher.
Please fill in a w word
