If AB = 4cm, BC = 3cm, then the distance between a and C is () A. 1cmb. 7cmc. 1cm or 7cmd. Cannot be determined

If AB = 4cm, BC = 3cm, then the distance between a and C is () A. 1cmb. 7cmc. 1cm or 7cmd. Cannot be determined

(1) When a, B and C are on a straight line, we discuss two cases: point B is between a and C, and point C is between a and B. ① when point B is between a and C, AC = AB + BC = 4 + 3 = 7cm; ② when point C is between a and B, AC = ab-bc = 4-3 = 1cm. So the distance between a and C is 7cm or 1cm. (2) when a, B and C are not on a straight line, there are many possibilities for the distance between a and C Choose D

If the points a, B and C are on a straight line, the line AB = 5cm and the line BC = 4cm, then what is the distance between two points a and C?
C. 1cm or 9cm
D. None of the above answers is correct

There are two cases
The first type: a-b-c
The second type: A-C-B
Choose C

If a, B and C are on the same line, ab = 6cm, BC = 2cm, then the distance between a and C is ()
A. 8cmb. 4cmc. 8cm or 4cmd. Cannot be determined

(1) When point B is between a and C, AC = AB + BC = 6 + 2 = 8cm; (2) when point C is between a and B, AC = ab-bc = 6-2 = 4cm

The chord ab of circle o = AC, the distance from O to chord BC is 3, the radius of circle O is 7, and the length of AB is calculated

Let od be perpendicular to AB and D
So in right triangle OBD
Pythagorean theorem

It is known that in ⊙ o, the length of the string AB is 8 cm, and the distance from the center O to AB is 3 cm, then the radius of ⊙ o is ()
A. 3cm B. 4cm C. 5cm D. 8cm

According to the vertical diameter theorem, the half chord length is 4cm. According to the Pythagorean theorem, the radius is 5cm

As shown in the figure, the chord ab of the bow is cm long, and the height CD of the bow is 10 cm
Please be kind
AB is 8 cm

How long is ab
Because AB is a chord and CD is high, CD bisects AB vertically
Let the radius be r. according to the Pythagorean theorem, r = (AB / 2) + (r-10)

If the radius of arc AB is 10 cm and the height of bow is 5 cm, then the length of chord AB is 10 cm

have to

If the radius of the circle is 10cm and the chord AB = 10cm, then the distance from the midpoint of the chord AB to the midpoint of the arc AB is cm

Radius = 10 cm, ab = 10 cm, so △ ABO is an equilateral triangle
The angle of the center of the circle opposite to the chord AB is 60 degrees
Arc height = radius * (1-cos (60 ° / 2)) = 1.3397cm

Arcuate chord AB is equal to 6cm, arcuate height is equal to 1cm, find its circle radius


If the chord AB is 24 and the height CD is 6, then the radius of the circle where the arch is located is equal to
In the circle O, if the radius OA = 10cm, AB is the chord, C is the midpoint of the chord, and OC: AC = 3:4, then AB?

16cm because OC: AC = 3:4, according to Pythagorean theorem, OC: AC: OA = 3:4:5, ab = 2Ac = 2x8 = 16