Arc length, chord length and arch height are two of them. How to calculate radius? I just want to ask which formula is used. The answer is detailed and easy to understand. By the way, it's a question about the height. It's better to list the three one by one, such as how to calculate the arc length and chord length? How to calculate the arc length and arch height? Or how to calculate the chord length and arch height

Arc length, chord length and arch height are two of them. How to calculate radius? I just want to ask which formula is used. The answer is detailed and easy to understand. By the way, it's a question about the height. It's better to list the three one by one, such as how to calculate the arc length and chord length? How to calculate the arc length and arch height? Or how to calculate the chord length and arch height

Given chord length L and arch height h, find radius r? R = H / 2 + L ^ 2 / (8 * h) given arc length C and chord length L, find radius r? RN + 1 = (1 + (L-2 * RN * sin (C / (2 * RN))) / (L-C * cos (C / (2 * RN)))) * RN, give a suitable initial value R0, find R. given arc length C and arch height h, find radius r? RN + 1 = (1 - (RN * cos (C / (2 * RN)) - RN + h) /

The difference between arc length and chord length in mathematics?
What is the difference between arc length and chord length in mathematics

In the arc length formula: arc length = θ * r, θ is radian, R is radius, l = n π r / 180 or L = n / 180 · π R or L = center angle × r in the circle with radius r, because the arc length of 360 ° center angle is equal to the circle length C = 2 π R, the arc length of n ° center angle is L = n π r / 180, and the chord length is the linear distance between two points on the circle

Is there a formula t = 2 π / R in uniform circular motion?
If so, how to explain

There is no 2 π divided by T (period) = angular velocity
Not the radius
I hope my answer will be useful to you

Why is the critical velocity bar of the highest point of circular motion in the vertical plane v = 0 and the rope GR under v = root?

The rod is hard, it can support, from the point of view of energy, the conservation of mechanical energy, to make the ball reach the highest point, at least the following conditions
Lowest point: gravitational potential energy is 0, kinetic energy is 1 / 2 MV ^ 2,
Highest point: gravitational potential energy is mg2r, kinetic energy is 0 (i.e. velocity is 0)
The rope is soft. To make it straight, at least it is just right when it reaches the highest point. The pull is 0. At this time, the force of the object pointing to the center of the circle is just its own gravity mg, that is mg = MV ^ 2 / R, so v = GR under the root sign

When 0 < V ≤ GR under the root sign,
The supporting force of the rod or track to the ball FN = mg-m (V & # / R), and the supporting force FN decreases with the increase of V, and its value range is mg > FN ≥ 0
How is gr derived? Why is this data used?

Your question is messy. It should be like this:
When a small ball attached to a string moves in a circular motion in a vertical plane, the minimum velocity at the highest point can be obtained from the following formula: take the point to the center of the circle - that is, the vertical downward direction is positive, and the minimum value of Mg + F = MV ^ 2 / R tensile force F is 0. The minimum value of linear velocity is v = √ gr. that is, the ball can move in a circular motion only when its velocity at the highest point is greater than or equal to √ gr
When the velocity of the ball on the pole is small at the highest point, it is supported by the pole. At this time, there is mg FN = MV ^ 2 / R. in order to ensure that the ball is supported and can do circular motion, the linear velocity range is 0

Explain / deduce the reason why the highest point v of vertical circular motion is greater than or equal to the root sign gr

The question is: what is the minimum speed to reach the highest point for a circular motion in a vertical plane tied by thin lines?
The force of the ball at the highest point: the vertical downward gravity mg, the downward relay t of the rope, their resultant force is equal to the centripetal force MV ^ 2 / R
That is Mg + T = MV ^ 2 / R, to minimize the speed, just take t = 0, so the minimum speed at this time v = RG under the root sign

Why in the vertical plane of physical circular motion when 0

If f = g, i.e. MV2 / r = mg, v = √ (GR), then the gravity of the object at the highest point just provides centripetal force, and no other force (supporting force or pressure, etc.) is needed, and the other force is 0

The velocity of an object moving uniformly around the earth near the ground is called the first cosmic velocity. Its formula is v = root sign gr (km / s),
Where g = 0.0098 km / s Square, r = 6370 km, calculate the first cosmic velocity (the result retains 2 significant digits)

The first cosmic velocity: v = (RG) ^ 1 / 2 = (6370 * 10 ^ 3 * 9.8) ^ 1 / 2 = 7901m / S = 7.9 * 10 ^ 3m / S = 7.9km/s

How much is x + (x + 10) + 60 + 90 = 360 + + + + + + X?


X + 5 / 5 x = 360

X + 5 / 5 x = 360
I wish you progress in your study!
If you have any questions, please ask. If you understand, please adopt them in time! (*^__ ^*)