The circumference of a semicircle is 30.84 cm. How many square centimeters is its area?

The circumference of a semicircle is 30.84 cm. How many square centimeters is its area?

2r+1/2*2πr=30.84 r=6 s=36π

A circle has a circumference of 9.42 cm and an area of () square cm

The circumference of a circle is 9.42 cm and the area is (7.065) square cm

The circumference of a semicircle is 10.28dm, its radius is () DM, and its area is () DM

The circumference of a semicircle is 10.28dm, its radius is (2) DM, and its area is (6.28dm)
Radius: 10.28 ÷ (3.14 + 2) = 2 decimeters
Area 3.14 × 2 × 2 / 2 = 6.28 square decimeters