Who has the words to describe the action of playing basketball? I need them now

Who has the words to describe the action of playing basketball? I need them now

Quiet as a virgin, moving as a rabbit, relaxing the arms of the ape, walking through a hundred steps, dazzled, fast as lightning, solid as gold, and so on

A composition describing the students playing basketball

Perhaps, I have a subtle feeling for basketball
Not as fanatical as the boys, because I can no longer run madly with the boys on the court, stand under the same basket and grab the ball with them, and score goals as expected. Therefore, today's love for basketball, although it still exists, has never really played
It's not as "fanatical" as some girls. They like basketball as well as chasing stars. They like it fast and don't like it fast. When they like it, they hold NBA magazines all day to mend common sense and ask all day: do you want to play? When they don't like it, they don't care about basketball any more
I think, my love of basketball, maybe a little "mean", a little "obscure", maybe, it is not like
My first fantasy about basketball was when I watched the cartoon dunk master. I once imagined that I could have the savvy of Sakuragi flower road, the natural and unrestrained style of Liuchuan Maple when playing, and the shooting posture of Mitsui Shou. Although it turns out that I can't dribble twice and thank God, I don't have the strength to hold the ball above my head, So what I can do is to put a shooting posture in the air and throw out the air with my regret
At that time, I just thought that playing basketball was very natural and unrestrained
Later, neighbors and friends began to play basketball in the open space of the new village. There was no basketball court. The 5-meter-wide road was used as the length of the court, but the width was about 6 meters. A hollow hole in the wall was used as the basket frame. Volleyball and ball were often used to replace "Basketball". Such a "mini" Court played the second dribbling and walking "mini basketball"
At that time, I was still young and could only shoot the ball
When I grow up, I can skillfully shoot the ball, and I also joined their team. The older boys already know "walking", so I naturally know "walking". So, I would rather hold the ball with all my life, but I dare not take one more step. So I often "second luck", when I don't know, I am happy to play our own basketball with them
Later, everyone began to be bothered by their studies. One after another, they stood in line and dropped out of such a basketball game full of children's interest. Until that year, I was promoted to junior high school, and I said goodbye to this kind of life. I once asked my playmates if there would be no successor here. I said, "you see, there are no new members now." a boy pointed to the youngest of us: "here, Yi Yi's sister. "I shook my head:" girls can't count on it. "He said:" you're also a girl? "" have you ever seen the second girl who is crazy like me and plays basketball with boys? "He shook his head and then said:" right. "
I think that subtle feeling may come from this!
Junior high school physical education can play basketball. At the beginning, some girls and I had the same hobby, but more girls were afraid to pass the ball to her. They never dare to catch the ball directly. They would wait until the ball landed and bounced up. Occasionally they were hit by the ball, and they would never dare to play basketball again. If they fell down, it would make everyone go to the clinic with fear, A good basketball game, completely disappointed. And later, everyone simply said not to touch that guy
Only occasionally, I borrowed the boy's basketball to shoot a few times. When I passed the school court, I cast a few glances, but I don't know whether I was envied or lost. The unforgettable "mini basketball" really disappeared a year later because there was no successor
In fact, I know I don't know much about basketball, but I still like it. The boys in my class often go to play outside school. That day, I was in a huge "team". A boy asked me with a smile, "do you want to play together?" I said, "forget it, I'll go and add a burden to you." they always like to talk about basketball and stars. I think they can listen to them and watch them play, It's enough to satisfy my childhood fantasy
I firmly believe that basketball is the game of the brave. I'm not brave enough, and my physique doesn't meet the requirements of a basketball player. Therefore, I can only like it, not love it

My hobby is playing basketball

I have many hobbies, playing games, skateboarding, playing football, but my favorite is playing basketball. Basketball is my partner, it can enhance people's physical fitness
One night, when I saw a basketball game on TV, I sat down. It seemed that the game was so fierce, and there was Yao Ming in it! He played so spectacular, such as spiking, three-point shot. I was very excited
Another game started, our Chinese team and the British team. At the beginning of the game, Yao Ming began to grab the ball, but he couldn't catch it. I was so anxious that I yelled "come on! Come on!
Although the ball was not snatched by the British, but then Yao Ming one by one three-point shot of the British coach yelled. The game is over, our Chinese team won again
In the morning, I asked my mother to buy me a basketball. My mother readily agreed. At noon, I saw a big and beautiful basketball. I like it very much!
Now I don't feel well when I don't play basketball
This is my hobby - playing basketball

400 word composition for playing basketball

On Sunday morning, my father took me to play basketball. We came to the basketball court of the experimental primary school. My father taught me how to throw the ball to hit the goal. I learned from my father to throw a ball, but I didn't score. I was unconvinced and threw another one, but I still didn't score. Then I repeatedly learned from my father to throw a few, This time I put in. I jumped up happily and said to my father loudly, "I finally put in!"
When I got home, my mother and I said, "I'm very happy today." my mother said, "what's so happy?" I said, "I've scored a few goals today." my mother said happily, "I'm so proud of you." I said to my father, "shall I go to the competition with my brother in the afternoon?" my father said, "OK!"
In the afternoon, the three of us came to the basketball court of the experimental primary school. My brother and I practiced first. I hit five and my brother hit six. I was very unconvinced, Then I said to my brother, "brother, how are we going to PK?" my brother said, "who's going to be afraid of who!" my father ordered me to start PK with my brother. I thought to myself, "this time I must win! I won't lose!" this time I hit 10, my brother hit 8, and I really won! I cried up and said, "I won! I won!" my father also said I'm good, I'm very happy. My brother whispered, "I let you do this, or you'll cry if you lose." I said, "thank you then." my brother said, "no thanks! No thanks! Brother, don't mention it!" I laughed happily
From then on, I fell in love with playing basketball