Seventh grade volume II great tragedy read write write phonetic explanation thank you~~~

Seventh grade volume II great tragedy read write write phonetic explanation thank you~~~

Lesson 21: the great tragedy Zweig
Pull: pull
Infinity (Y í n): boundless
Insanity (Ku á ng): abnormal speech or action caused by mental illness
Chilling (L ǐ NLI è): piercing cold
Swallowing: swallowing
Pin erosion (SH í): wear corrosion
Leanness: emaciation
Step (b) step (L): step
Q ì ng: refers to the use up of property
After someone dies, his wife is called someone's widow
Firm (ji਑n) hold (CH í) not (B ú) lax (Xi è): resolutely carry out, not lax
A thousand (Qi ā n) pains (x ī n) ten thousand (w à n) hardships (K ǔ): describe very hard
Wind (f) meal (c) dew (L) sleep (s): describes the hardships of travel or outdoor life
Night (Y è) not (B ù) into (CH é ng) sleep (MI á n): describes anxiety, worry about the situation
Jing (P í) Li (L ì) exhaust (Ji é): describe very tired
Stuffy (m è n) stuffy (m è n) not (B ú) happy (L è): describe the mind can not put down, the heart is not happy
M á o bone (g ǔ) s ǒ ng (R á n): it describes the appearance of fear
Yao (Y à o) Wu (w à) Yang (Y á ng) Wei (w à I): show off one's strength and prestige
Yang (Y á ng) Yang (Y á ng) de (D é E) meaning (Y ì): describe the full air posture when proud
Yang (Y à ng) Yang (Y à ng) not (B à) happy (L è): describes an expression of dissatisfaction or unhappiness. Depressed in the heart, very unhappy
Shan (SH ā n) Shan (SH ā n) came (L á I) late (CH í): it's very late
Worry (Y ō U) heart (x ī n) heavy (CH ō ng) heavy (CH ō ng): describe heavy, very sad
Tired (P í) tired (B è I) not (B ù) can (K ā n): describe very tired
Lu (L ǔ) mang (m ǎ ng) DA (D à n): speak and do things without consideration, very rash
Read (Ni à n) read (Ni à n) have (Y à U) word (C í): refers to people's constant self talk
Language (Y ǔ) Wu (w ú) Lun (L ú n) times (C ì): the speech is very disordered and disorganized
Fine (J ī ng) beat (D ǎ n) fine (x ì n): careful calculation
Fear (w è I) shrink (Su ō) do not (B ù) before (Qi á n) means to retreat from fear, shock or disgust
The conjunction with (Y ǔ) Qi (Q í)  Wu Ning (w ú) (n ì ng) indicates the side of abandoning or disapproving when comparing the gains and losses of two things
It's not easy to fight by hand,

The Pinyin of all the words "read, write and write" in the second volume of junior high school

Lesson 1 Mr. Fujino
Crimson: crimson
Peugeot: beautiful. Here is irony, used to satirize
Failed in the imperial examination. Failed in the examination
Impolite: rude. Humble. Modest. (disrespectful, impolite; arrogant.)
To question and reprove
Excuse: to make an excuse
You Guang Ke Jian y ó ugu à NGK à Ji à n in the article, it is said that the head is smeared with oil, combed very bright, like a mirror, you can see people. Jian, Zhao
Cadence y ì y á ng-d ù ncuॸ: ups and downs, pauses and turns. It is used to describe music that is pleasant to the ear, articles or poems that are readable, catchy and sonorous
Abhorrence: extreme disgust and hatred. Also known as "abhorrence"
Lesson 2 my mother
Yiyi: refers to the external eye disease that causes the opacity or collapse of the black eye (cornea) and the scar left on the black eye after the disease is healed. All the symptoms caused by the internal and external eye diseases that block the vision and affect the vision can be called Yiyi
To punish; punish
Quantity: mind, measure
To question on the basis of facts; question
Vast expanse: vast expanse
To restrain free action or speech; restrain from deviance
Forgiveness: forgiveness
W é nzh ō UZH ō U: to describe a person's elegant manner
Lesson 3 my first book
Humor: humorous and meaningful
Miserable Q ī C ǎ n: miserable
A profound secret; a mystery; a secret
Turn over and over F ā NL á I-F ù Q ù: refers to turning over and over again when you can't sleep
Lesson 4 Leo Tolstoy
Dark y ǒ uh ē I: the cyan black color of skin exposed to sunlight
Stay: stay still
Dull: dull; dull
The spirit and manner of a person
To confine, confine, or restrict
Xuanang Xu ā n á ng: full of spirit and extraordinary bearing
Sharp x ī L ì: strong and sharp. It also describes the sharpness of language, diction, feeling, eyes, etc
Dwarf: a person of unusually short stature; a dwarf
Restaurant: hotel
Embarrassed: in a dilemma, unable to get rid of. Abnormal behavior, attitude. Furtive, not decent
Rough manufacturing C ūì - L à NZ à o: poor quality and excessive manufacturing
C á NGW ū - n à g ò UW ū means to contain bad people and bad things
C á NGG ò u-nࣃw ū: it refers to containing dirty and ugly people and things
Melancholy: refers to unhappy, heart suffocation
Stand out from the crowd h è L ì - J ī Q ú n: it refers to a person's talent or appearance standing out in a group of people
Sitting in a serious and solemn manner
He looked humble and submissive with his head down
Panic ch é nghu á ng ch é NGK ǒ ng: originally used by feudal ministers when they played a memorial to the emperor, now it is often used to describe the appearance of caution and panic
No doubt w ú K ě - zh ì y í: there's no need to be skeptical
Pale, pale, pale with fear
In ancient times, the length from east to West was "wide", and the length from north to South was "vast"
Lesson 5 reshaping life
Rolling Cu ō Ni ǎ n
Hope: hope; hope
Reproduction f á NY ǎ n: reproduction derived; gradual increase
To migrate periodically from one region or climatic region to another for foraging or breeding. To be conscripted and serve long distances
Foraging m ì sh í: refers to birds and animals searching for food everywhere
Naturally, y ó ur á n é RSH ē ng: describes the natural production of thoughts and feelings
Hu ā Tu á n-j ǐ NC ù: it is used to describe the colorful and gorgeous scenery. It also refers to the colorful and gorgeous scenery
There are too many beautiful things to see; art is too beautiful to see
Flowers are in full bloom; all kinds of flowers are bright and beautiful
F ē ngy ú N-t ū Bi à n: a metaphor for a sudden great change in the situation
Indescribable B ù K ě - M í ngzhu à ng: it can't be described by words
Falling flowers are various and disordered
Meditation (Fantasy) transcends reality and makes a lofty imagination
In the Han Dynasty, Zhou Chang stuttered. He once again argued with Han Gaozu, saying: "I can't speak, but I know I can't." in the Wei Dynasty, Deng AI also stuttered. When he talked about himself, he even said "Ai Ai"
Lesson 6 snow
Erudite B ó sh í: knowledgeable and knowledgeable
Beautiful and gorgeous
To eliminate, deal with, and release
Fade away: fade away
It's biting cold
To ascend into the sky; ascend
A box of rouge and perfume
Lesson 7 Ode to thunder and lightning
Look down: squint at your eyes to describe arrogance
Filthy: dirty; unclean; unclean
Sharp x ī L ì: strong and sharp. It also describes the sharpness of language, diction, feeling, eyes, etc
Burst B è ngsh è: scattered spray
To tease or manipulate; dominate
Abuse n ü è D à I: to treat people with cruelty
Thunder refers to a person's anger or great prestige
Hesitation: hesitation
To flog; drive
Pray to God
Sin Zu ì Ni è: Buddhist term. It refers to evil deeds and sufferings that deserve retribution
Tu ō n í - D à ishu ǐ: it describes the appearance of walking on the muddy road. It refers to procrastination or not concise
Lesson 8 two essays, sun and moon
Lesson 9 Petrels
Vast C ā NGM á ng: open and far away
Timid D ǎ nqi è: timid; timid; afraid
Jadeite f ě ICU ì: a monoclinic mineral composed of sodium aluminosilicate. After processing, it becomes valuable jade. Animal name, also known as red jadeite. It belongs to vertebrate subfamily, avifauna, Buddhism and monks
Genie: Ghost; spirit. Clever; clever
Meandering w ā NY á n: the way snakes crawl. Meandering extension
Lesson 10 group songs (excerpts), song of waves, song of rain
Obstinate: insist on one's own opinion, obstinate and willful
Gaunt Qi á OCU ì: yellow thin; thin loss. Wither; wither. Sleepy. Worry
Gift: gift, also refers to the gift
Truth: the true theory and essence; the secret
Bright Cu ǐ C à n: to describe the dazzling
Inlay: inlay with objects as decoration
Very similar
Vows of eternal love between men and women
Sighing and groaning
Numerous mountains and ravines. The road is long and dangerous
Domineering sh è ngq ì - L í NgR é n: to oppress with arrogance
Lesson 11 reverence for nature
P é ng h ā o: chrysanthemum, Erigeron and Artemisia, referring to weeds
It's very close
Disheveled L á NGJ í: disorderly; scattered and scattered
A loud cry, especially of soldiers in battle or pursuit
Beyond our capacity
Measure: measure, estimate. Don't measure one's own ability. It is used to describe overestimating one's own ability
Compared with each other, one side is inferior
Exquisite: exquisite and ingenious, nothing can be compared with
Delicious food m ě IW è i-ji ā y á o: first class food. Exquisite food. Delicious food
Lesson 12 Lop Nur, the disappearing Fairy Lake
Bleak Xi ā OS è: the sound of plants being attacked by autumn wind. Lonely and desolate
Warm: warm
A dry river, pond, etc. without water
To swallow; swallow. Swallow whole. Engulf
To be exposed; have nothing to cover
Gobi Desert: it is called desert in Mongolian, which is different from ordinary desert. This area is full of sand and stones, lacking water and plants
C ā NGH ǎ I-S ā ngTi á n: the sea has become a field for mulberry trees, and the field for mulberry trees has become the sea. It refers to the changeable world and the impermanence of life, or the huge and rapid changes of the world
Lesson 13 mystery of Lemmings
Comparable to the degree of beauty; comparable to beauty
Provocation: the act or process of deliberately provoking an incident or attempting to cause a conflict
Short sighted sh ǔ m ù - C ù NGU ā ng: short sighted, short sighted
Complement each other