Combined with history or reality, give an example of "human harmony"

Combined with history or reality, give an example of "human harmony"

In Mencius Gongsun Chou Xia, it is said that "the time is not as good as the land, and the land is not as good as the harmony of people." in Sun Bin's art of war, the moon war, it is said that "the time, the land and the harmony of people are not equal, although the victory will bring disaster."
Liu Bei, although he had no territory and didn't take the emperor to order the princes, he was chased and beaten many times. However, some people and his subordinates were loyal and united around the military group with Liu Bei as the center, so they won the territory of Xishu

The wonder of Jingpo Lake: the temperature here is very low in winter. What's the reason that the waterfall never freezes and stops flowing?

Jingpo Lake is a high mountain dammed lake formed by lava blocking rivers after five volcanic eruptions. The low temperature and abundant geothermal resources in winter here are the fundamental reasons why the waterfall never freezes and stops flowing